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OLTL Discussion: Week of December 1-5

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No John didnt blackmail her as she didnt tell him anything. All he did was rattle her. Which begs the question, what was the point of making her Lee Halpren or whatever her name was? It made no sense. Unless they try and do something with her and Viki (since they also established a connection around the time we found out she was Lee), this was just another useless plot point

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Who knows if Janet is really gone for good? She'll probably pop up again when she can cause the most problems. Maybe she's hiding out with Dallas at the Palace.

I hate when Viki is lecturing her relatives as if she isn't stuck having her holiday dinner at a diner with the hoi polloi because no one in polite society wants anything to do with her because of all her lurid misadventures.

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Whoops. Well I think the main point was so she would have a reason to not reveal Marty to John after she found out Todd raped her, because Todd did blackmail her. But I get what you are saying.

Edit: Now Dallas seemed useless to me...is she gone too? We haven't seen her since she left the Buchanan Mansion and I never got the point of her returning.

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This show is so well written lately I am so happy. Viki and Todd- fantastic. Even Jess and the doctor.

The change in tone the last month seems jarring compared to the summer.

Oops I spoke to soon, Marty and JOHN just came on my screen.

Hey its all good. I would like to see Marty and BRODY. May/December. I want John to leave town as soon as humanly possible. maybe he and Antonio can fall in love and decide to get married. Bingo. Topical storyline and the end of two pieces of deadweight!

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One other thing, I constantly rave about OLTL's production values compared to other ABC shows -especially, but MY GOD if Michael and Marcie's apartment isn't the ugliest set on daytime. Brown walls, green curtains from Urban Outfitters that belong in a dormroom- tacky and ugly! Michael is a doctor for christ sake!

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Enjoyed today's episode. The Todd scenes are fantastic, every day. It's fun to watch every character tell him how crazy and delusional he is. They are hitting every beat of this, and exploring all the dynamics.

I think Viki said it best today. Something like, "Constructing your own reality and lying about it to everyone is not what I call love." WELL SAID!

I hope Todd has a mental break. And I'm glad his scar is back, but I wish it looked EXACTLY like the old scar, the long, kinda crescent-shaped one. But I guess it would be too hard to explain it. But I knew from the bandage on his cheek that that scar was coming back. GREAT STUFF! This story has completely made Trevor St. John the real Todd, to me. The scar is back, the despicable actions are back, and he's a twisted mess. He's finally, really, truly Todd now.

Glad the opening is updated! Only wish it had happened sooner, and had included Tina! Fun to see Shane in the opening! Love his shot! And they really should put Eddie Alderson on contract and get Matthew, Shane, and Jack Manning into some storylines. They're the next generation.

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I am really enjoying this soap again. It was barely holding my interest there for a while, but the last couple of weeks it is the first one I watch on my DVR when I get home. Very few stories that I don't care for.

Think the stuff dealing Starr's baby and what Bess did is setting up for a big climax when all the truth comes out. It is one story that is bringing in several characters and all are affected by it.

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This show is SOO furstrating to me--how can a show so consistantly swing between increidble to laughably bad--in the same episode??

All I have to say is Bess grabbing any random glasses to "come out" is just about the funniest soap thing I've seen in ages. One day she'll come out and all she'll be able to find are those Groucho Marx nose and mustache glasses I swear and she'll put them on. Or maybe some Tom Cruise shades? Even though she's lacking a definable prop ;) I did remember how much mroe I liek Tess than Bess when she came out today.

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I confess I was totally immersed in the Jowars. It's humiliating. Perhaps the most humiliating thing I've ever allowed myself to participate in (well . . . there is that dancing on the table incident. But I blame THAT on my alter and of course alcohol was involved). But I completely agree, the show is better now than I can ever remember it being. And I say that in spite of the fact that I don't care about any of the characters that are front and center at the moment, which IMO is a true testimonial to how good it really is. I don't care about the parts of the show that YOU find so compelling. I don't like Viki, I don't like Marty, I don't like Todd or John, or Starr, or Cole. But I can watch it and see how well constructed the stories are, and I see the development for stories that I think are going to be front and center further down the road, so I am biding my time until the show starts focusing on characters and stories that I will find more interesting. And purely based on the way Carlivati is delivering these stories I am NOT interested in, I can't wait to see what he does next.

BTW! Speaking of extraordinary acting? I thought the actress who portrays Dr. Joplin stole the show today. She was amazing. And anytime I say that about somebody who shares scenes with Robin Strasser (who is the BEST -- don't argue with me, grrrrrrrrr) they must be dayum good!

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That was a hoot! And Bess actually pulled out her inner snark today. I can't remember what the line was, but I do remember thinking -- where'd that come from? I didn't think Bess had a sense of humor or even understood what sarcasm was.

BTW: What'd everybody think of Natalie's line "Everytime I look at Chloe, I see hope." Heavy handed foreshadowing? Or a red-herring?

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