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Y&R: Week of November 10, 2008

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OK, what's the deal with Amber not talking about her son at all. That really bugged me on Friday when she was all concerned about Kay and not once mentioned her son on the show. When they talked about her history with the Forresters (very briefly, mind you), she just said there were issues but never mentioned little Eric. What is UP wit that?

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Maybe the plan on exploring more of Amber's past later. You know, I couldn't stand Amber for a good year and a half on Y&R, but I'm used to her now and I've accepted her. She adds a certain spark to her scenes that just works. Also, I like her bond with Katherine (which makes sense, as Kay's always had a soft spot for women like Amber), and she's really good with Daniel and Kevin.

Let's just hope they don't plan to SOARS little Eric and brining him to town just yet. LOL!

Oh, and Tuesday's show was marvelous, and beautifully directed by Mike Denny (the GC stuff that is). Also, Chole showed a really humane side too, and for the first time, I could see that she really cared for Esther.

I kind of feel sorry for Ashley already, because you know Victor and Nikki will eventually get back together and Ashley will always be the "outsider" looking into that relationship. The conversation that Victor and Ashley had in bed together was really nice.

Oh and they RESCORED "Cassie's Death Theme" twice. First when Eden and Noah were talking about Cassie in the centenary, and then a circus-like version when Nick and Sharon were looking at the electrical horse merry-go-round.

Also, I thought the Paris location stuff really "popped" today.

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^^^ IA. For really the first time, I enjoyed the location shots today. And even though I knew what was going to happen with Katherine, it still got to me when the news broke to those in the Chancellor mansion and at the accident scene.

IMO, Amber added a lot to those scenes in the house.

I've enjoyed the show immensely the last two days. The only complaint I have is pacing. We haven't seen anything of the Winter's clan lately or the Baldwins. Not that I'm a huge fan of either storyline right now, but if they were to weave them into the "hot" stories then it wouldn't come across (to me at least) as if they're on "all of a sudden".

Other than that, brava.

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B&B fans, can you help me out here? At some point, after driving carelessly with "Little Eric/Little D" in the back seat, didn't Amber lose custody of the child? Back to Deacon?

My point is that, as I remember it, she lost the kid. So it would make some sense to put him out of her mind, because she is not allowed to see him. The child is biologically her nephew anyway.

Here is an excerpt from this link:

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There was another new opening reel today: Victor, Nikki, Kevin, Jack, Victoria, JT. (Not new footage - just old shots spliced together.)

Admittedly, Tammin Sursok has been disappointing me a bit lately. She keeps smiling at inappropriate moments (like when Daniel dumped her). I get that she's trying to do the "fighting tears" thing, but it doesn't always work. Her performances were much better in the OOTA storyline and the Cadrian break-up. Still, it's nothing a director can't fix.

Christel Khalil, on the other hand, has always put in good performances IMO, and I still fail to understand why she gets so much flack.

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No offense, but do you only watch for Nick/Phyllis/Sharon? :huh:

Case's performance has been over the top in Paris, but I don't think Sharon's been written that way per se.

I have yet to see what any woman sees in a boring fratboy wannabe like Nick. It would do both Phyllis and Sharon good to ditch him. It also does him no favours as they made it out to be that Nick wanted more than just a kiss from Sharon, after she backed away and told him she doesn't want to be "the other woman."

I think it's kind of sad that Y&R used to never have these fanbase problems until Latham came in there. Now it always seems that if Nick and Sharon are sharing scenes together, it pisses the Phick fans off, and if Nick and Phyllis are together, it pisses Shick fans off.

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LOL! No, but it sure feels like I do. I have watched this show for a very long time and have tolerated more bad storylines and plots than I would care to mention but Nick and Sharon have always bugged the [!@#$%^&*] out of me. I was so glad when they broke them up, really, I was joyous. I cannot stand Sharon at all.

I want them to stay apart. Even if Phyllis and Nick break up, I would rather not have to watch the horror of another "back on track" Shick storyline.

I didn't get that Nick wanted anything "more" but another kiss. I am not sure how Sharon could have guessed he wanted an affair by the tepid kiss he gave her unless he tried to slide his hand up her shirt grab her boob and we just didn't see it. It was Sharon who "went there" on her own.

Victor and Ashley were all I had hoped they would be.

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I was just thinking about that. It is so annoying when Y&R has the incessant bitchery of fanbases, and those non-stop "Do you like Phyllis or Sharon?" polls. I mean, why do I have to choose one or the other? Why does it have to be only one? :rolleyes: Nick and Sharon never really bothered me; I didn't find them great, but they didn't bother me either. But all the Sharon hate is preposterous. If anything, she has gotten way better recently than she once was. It's very telling that a sufficient amount of Sharon haters are people who hear "Phick" (God, I hate those abbreviations, they're part of the whole supercouple mentality) and have an orgasm (and vice-versa).

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