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Y&R: Week of November 10, 2008

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MAB, HS, SH and PR are doing a fabulous job. Y&R's ratings are likely never going to go back to where they were and I don't care anymore. If the show got canceled tomorrow at least I could look back with some pride and say that it ended on a high note. I think the Paris remote has been a creative success.

Everything with Kay, Nikki and Jill has been rocking. Jess Walton and Melody Thomas Scott are really letting go and giving their performances their all. It's clear that SOMEBODY behind the scenes gets how good Jess Walton is and how idiotic it was of Jack Smith to backburn her.

I think Michelle Stafford is going to be getting some great stuff. It isn't going to be Phyllis 15 years ago...but it ain't gonna be Phyllis right now either! And thank dear sweet MAB for realizing that a happy Phyllis is a DULL Phyllis.

I am LOVING Y&R right now. It hasn't been this satisfying in YEARS.

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I got the biggest laugh from today's show! Just as it was revealed to Nick that Eden was Michael's sister - cut to Michael and Lauren enjoying hot chocolate and a snuggle on the couch...the phone rings. I almost died laughing. I love it when soaps can do ironic comedy without making it so obvious.

The writing team is just on fire. If I were a soap exec I would steal Y&R's lowest writer and fire my HW and install him/her in the position (and I'm looking at you David K and all the rest of GL's "Eight isn't enough" headwriting team!

Guess John really isn't a ghost? He is Jack's conscience? Cause wouldn't he have at least inferred that things ("Kay's" death) may not be as they seem? Or did he? I dunno..But I actually like this John way better than the last. The advice he's giving makes sense! He's not saying let Gloria have everything. He's saying what we're all saying about Jack - you idiot!

And Phyllis should go completely pyscho again. If Nicvk and Sharon get back together I want scheming, plotting, and Phyllis to be the Newman's biggest foe. Oh, and I'm glad that Adam and Phyllis had this little flirty thing when he cam to town (was annoyed by it at first). Cause when Heather finally sees what Adam's really been up to she's gonna kick him to the curb and Phyllis and Adam are going to hit the sheets (prediction). She's too old for him but i could see them teaming up. And if they battle over Summer, I'd love to see Phyllis deal with memories of losing Daniel and her past pyscho self as opposed to her current spicy but benign self. But of course they can't actually use the flashbacks cause it was Sandra Nelson but..yeah it would be nice to see the internal conflict of Good Phyllis vs. Bad Phyllis.

And I think it's safe to say that the Y&R women are going to get crazy Emmy noms! After seeing previews for tomorrow with Phyllis doing-you-know-what there's a part me that's saying: Stafford, don't be TOO good, please cause I really want MTS to win next year!

As i peruse other threads of soapers pulling their hair out (have you seen the OLTL thread?) I feel almost guilty cause my soap is so damn good!

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Well, I remember MS saying in 2005 she never wanted to be one of these happilly blissful married couples baking pies at home. She said this when Michael and Lauren were big and was complimenting Tracey and Christian, who liked playing a happy couple with edge, as being very convincing as a married couple but said she was happy not getting the big wedding and being in a long term committed marriage. Then after Phick got popular she said she liked playing happily married. She is selling a job and the actors really don't know what the writers will do to their characters.

I don't think we will be seeing crazy Phyllis from the Danny days, but I think we will be seeing the Phyllis of the pre Nick days who could be quite manipulative and had ways to get even and play dirty that were not to the extreme of her crazy days. I don't think that's a bad thing for the character or Michelle.

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Jess Walton proved how [!@#$%^&*] amazing she is in today's episode. It's a shame she was neglected for years. She's so subtle, yet she knows when she has to be emotionally powerful.

I also loved Chole and Esther's conversation over the "cups of tea" Esther made for Katherine, and how Chole admitted in her own way that she was jealous of Esther's devotion to Katherine over the years.

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I'm really enjoying Y&R right now. I thought Jess Walton was great today. I also think Jess Walton is a beautiful woman.

I totally disagree with the criticisms of Sharon Case as an actress. I thought she is excellent and I also think Michelle Stafford is an excellent actress. Personally, I am looking forward to the Sharon/Jack/Phyllis triangle. I hope it is not a one-day thing, and instead explores the feelings Nick and Sharon still have for one another.

I also agree with those who enjoyed Phyllis a lot more years ago. I think this Phyllis is a big snooze. Jack was more interesting earlier too. Phyllis and Nick never worked for me because Phyllis just is not the happy homemaker type.

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