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Y&R: Week of November 10, 2008

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A lot of that was the wrong kind of work because only the affair has had long lasting consequences.

The Phillis/Sheila story was a joke from the very beginning and totally threw away the Sheila character. I wish to see Kimberlin once again playing on my screen. Now it can only happen in the role of Sugar, the lesbian security guard Sheila convinced to get plastic surgery to look like her and be her decoy.

Dru and Phyllis were also a joke, they were too over the top and went out of their way to aggravate and meddle in each others affairs. Their scenes made these grown women look stupid and turned them into petty teenagers, both on screen and off from what I've read.

Now the Nick memory loss storyline could have been very good. Nick could have been torn between both his wives for an entire year, except LML couldn't plan long term, rushed to her climaxes, and Nick fell back in love with Phyllis in a week. I think LML also suffered memory loss because Nick seemed to bounce back and forth between being an amnesiac one day and remembering the next.

I think that Phyllis is going to have more to do, and it is smart of LML and Hogan S to keep her low key until she's ready to blow a gasket

Imfan, you are right on with the dominating thing. It was Gloria and Phyllis non stop. The main reason why the Y&R has been so enjoyable lately is that they are using almost the entire cast to tell the stories.

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Just filling in a few gaps in the Amber saga from B&B:

Amber assumed that the stillborn baby was Rick's because it was white. Of course, in the real world, that's nonsense, because the child of one white parent and one non-white parent can be white, but don't bother Amber with a fact like that.

Becky first came to L.A. about 2-3 months after little Eric was born. She decided that the reason she gave her baby up for adoption was so that she could have a life, so she decided to come to L.A. to visit her cousin. Tawny tried to dissuade her, but Becky ran off to L.A. anyway. Both Amber and Tawny realized Becky would realize that little Eric was her baby once she saw the birthmark, so Amber hatched a plot to get Becky a job at Forrester International. Becky failed the first interview, so Amber had Lauren and Gladys the hairdresser give Becky a makeover. Becky got the job, but then she saw the birthmark and ran off with the baby instead.

Of course, Rick still had no idea the baby wasn't his son at that time.

Becky befriended a woman named Suzanne at International. Suzanne was also a mother, so Becky eventually confided in her about her son's whereabouts. When Forrester scheduled a photo shoot in Venice and Rick and Amber went along, Suzanne bought Becky a train ticket so she could go to Venice. Tawny tried to stop Becky, but Becky evaded her and reclaimed her son.

Rick was the one who brought Deacon to L.A. Rick had decided he wanted Amber and little Eric back, but Amber had agreed to marry her roommate C.J., who married Becky just before she died. Desperate to find a way to stop Amber and C.J.'s wedding, Rick went to Furnace Creek where he found out about Deacon from Becky's dad. Rick's plan worked, since the wedding was called off while Deacon launched a bidding war over his son. Amber moved in with Deacon for a short time to try to convince him to let her keep the baby. Deacon wound up falling for her and gave her the baby, but she then reconciled with Rick and accepted his proposal to marry him a second time. Deacon tried one last time to get Amber to change her mind about marrying Rick on her wedding day. When she didn't, Deacon married Bridget. Bridget did not know that Deacon was using her as a bargaining chip. When Amber stayed with Rick, Deacon remained with Bridget.

And as you said, Deacon eventually took custody of his son when he was married to Macy. Amber refused to accept that and tried to kidnap the boy, which ended her marriage Rick. Amber eventually tried to seduce Thomas Forrester, but that eventually fell apart and she fell out of the Forresters' orbit. She stayed in L.A. for a while as recounted in the CBS online series L.A. DIARIES until she came over to Y&R in late 2006.

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Phick fan, Nick fan, Phyllis fan, AND Sharon fan here. I love the whole triangle. (Jack, on the other hand...).

You got the whole POINT of the scene, yet you still complain about it :).

Nick and Sharon, freed of their cares, burden and history for a brief moment in time (Paris) reverted to form: Young love, formed in adolescence. In that romantic setting, they are idealizing, reliving what they once were, and what (in their hearts) they always will be for each other: Simple, sweet, uncomplicated, passionate.

What you're seeing is an INTENTIONAL return to giddy adolescence. Sharon even SAID this the other day...when she admitted her gushing about Paris was the same as here gushing about the Newman ranch in the early days. She EVEN said something to the effect that she should have gushed less...if she had, Nikki might not have thought of her as such a teenage golddigger.

Everything you're seeing is what we're SUPPOSED to be seeing.

I find Sharon is trying to take the moral high ground (no sex, sorry to be kissing), but we're also brilliantly seeing the exposed wound of this couple. Real-world pain (Cassie's death, followed by the affair) drove them apart...but their fundamental natures and love still remains. In the bright light of the Paris sun, this is all exposed so clearly.

Since Nick and Sharon have tried so hard, in the past year, to be authentic...and since they both want to respect their partners...it will be fascinating to see them struggle with the moral dilemma of their re-exposed emotions.

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Did you actually see the scene? I did, and IMO it didn't suck! (It didn't suck enough that I watched it a second time). But maybe you watched it and you personally thought it sucked?

But for those who are lambasting Sharon Case for "overacting" or "seeming too adolescent", I'm simply pointing out that that seems to be the stage direction and what was written in the script. It makes sense. The writers have been reminding us of Shick's "adolescent beginnings" for a few weeks (as recently as Noah and Eden at the graveside yesterday).

So, I personally don't feel it sucked in either writing or performance. Diff'rent strokes....

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The Ashley/Victor sex gave me the creeps, it was awkward and ED played the scenes like she didn't want to be there.....

The way Eden was going on about how she had no parents available to contact and that her brother is a big time lawyer pretty much everyone has heard of made me roll my eyes......

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IA! Who wants to see Victurd having sex again? I certainly couldn't blame ED for playing the scenes in that manner. She needs to be with someone besides the old man, he is no longer a sex symbol. Leave that to the other hotties in GC: Jack, Brad, Nick, Cane. I think you get my meaning.
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If Phyllis is reverting to form, it follows that she might do some violence to her adversary. We already saw that it took nothing for her to become reckless and vindictive again (the Restless Style editorial).

Is Sharon in danger? Or is that side of Phyllis past? Is Phyllis going to be more SELF-destructive than destructive at this point?

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MS has been quoted in articles saying that the Phyllis of 15 years ago is not coming back as long as she is playing the role...

so little innocent virginal Sharon and her fans need not be looking for a car speeding down the road...even thou I would love to see Sharon Collins Newman Abbott planted 6 feet under...she is a total waste of air time...JMO

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