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Y&R: Week of November 3, 2008

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Why is everyone hating on Nicole Kidman? She looks good to me....

There's nothing wrong with wrinkles. However some people don't like them and if they want to use Botox I don't see why anyone else should judge. It's not like Nicole looks strange or anything.

Anyways this is the Y&R thread so I have no idea why we're even talking about NK... :blink:

Adam and Heather marrying....yuck. Please stop that right now.

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Oh and just to say a big WORD to Y&RWorldTurner's comment that Michael Baldwin was ALWAYS a supporting player and that's how he should have stayed. You bet! Making him a 'leading man' was a bad idea.

I don't get this. Why is it so bad that Michael Baldwin was turned into a lead? The man can act, yet must be relegated to supporting when lesser actors are pushed as lead constantly. I don't expect him to be lead all the time like Victor, Jack and Nick but why is it so bad for Michael to have his own story once in awhile. Sure he can be lawyer for everyone but how about focusing on his own family and their issues. And by family, I mean Michael, Lauren and Fen not the whole family.

Michael and Lauren have such complicated pasts and so many issues they should or could have mined about both of them being parents. As it is now they agree on almost everything and the writers have taken away any romance from their lives. There are so few couples on this show that make sense, yet Michael and Lauren do make sense and work well together. You need one happily married couple on the show but even happily married couples will disagree and have to deal with real marital issues. Yet these writers don't focus on their family life. They are nothing but problem solvers or they are dumped on when other characters have problems. No doubt when Phyllis is "betrayed" she will run to Michael and Lauren to cry on their shoulders.

Michael and Lauren did evolve as characters. There is nothing worse than watching supposed intelligent characters make the same mistakes over and over again and never learn from their mistakes yet they have gone too far with Michael and Lauren. They have taken away their snarky, sexy and fun sides in order to make them the rock for their family and friends.

I respect that the Newmans and Abbotts have their loyal fans, but some of us prefer the Baldwin clan. I used to love the Newmans but all the betrayals and backbiting got to be too much. There is enough story for everyone. The Newmans do not have to be frontburner 12 months of the year. And I don't see why Michael can't have his own story once in awhile in between supporting other characters' stories. I know some like to make the emmy's out to be a joke but Christian has earned two lead actor emmy's for his work and been nominated many times. He obviously is respected by the industry. I just don't see that he gets all that much respect from his own show. They use him because he is good, but they have made Gloria, a three year veteran, the center of the family and I think that was a big mistake LML made and Marina and Hoagn continue to make.

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I agree that Christian Leblanc can act. Michael was arguably my favorite character on Y&R back in the early part of this decade. I was thrilled that he got given more frontburner material and a family on the show. I do think that Michael Baldwin has lost his edge though (and so has Lauren. These two characters should always have a hint of the sexy alley cat in their DNA :lol:).

(I do love when CLB giggles and cuddles with the young actor who plays Fenmore, though).

CLB also to chew scenery in a lot of the Baldwin family scenes in order to be noticed against the overpowering acting presence of Judith Chapman. Don't get me wrong, JC is perfect as Gloria but the character is innately theatrical and at this point has been written into a corner.

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I didn't really notice how weird she looks until I saw Invasion.

As for Y&R, I think the Baldwins are necessary but Micheal and Lauren, not Gloria. Gloria is fine in moderation but she has dominated to the point where the audience feels like they have Overdosed. I think it would be great if she went to jail for a small stint and then they brought her back as a supporting player. One storyline I wouldn't mind seeing resumed is Lauren's anxiety disorder, which if done correctly and well researched could be very good and educational.

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I agree with everything you said. Lauren and Michael and to some extent Kevin have been sacrificed at the altar of Gloria. I like Judith Chapman, but not every Baldwin family story needs to revolve around her and they do and have for years now. She wan't involved in Michael's search for his father. It was basically a Michael and Lauren story on and off for two years. Then when they finally ramp it up, it takes about a month before it becomes a Gloria story.

What was fun about Michael and Lauren is that they both were smart, sexy and fun who were bad in the past and still had that trace of bad and sexy in them. But now it is all family drama. The writers put little effort into their relationship. The chemistry and naturalness they have between them is created by the actors not the writing.

I agree with everything you said. Lauren and Michael and to some extent Kevin have been sacrificed at the altar of Gloria. I like Judith Chapman, but not every Baldwin family story needs to revolve around her and they do and have for years now. She wan't involved in Michael's search for his father. It was basically a Michael and Lauren story on and off for two years. Then when they finally ramp it up, it takes about a month before it becomes a Gloria story.

What was fun about Michael and Lauren is that they both were smart, sexy and fun who were bad in the past and still had that trace of bad and sexy in them. But now it is all family drama. The writers put little effort into their relationship. The chemistry and naturalness they have between them is created by the actors not the writing.

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I agree, today was the first day that I've actually enjoyed this storyline. CLB and JC were both great in their scenes together. Then River/Lowell with Gloria, I felt it! They were working it!!

I love the Katherine/Marge storyline. Jeanne Cooper does an amazing job at differentiating the two characters. Some actors have a hard time with that, but not the 80 year old Cooper.

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Very good acting. I so wish this would be the final push for Michael to say enough is enough with Gloria. Tell her to stay away from him and his family and for Lauren to stop excusing her behavior. For Lauren to say, this is no good for my husband and family so even though I care about you, I can't have you part of my family. But you see then Michael and Lauren would not have a story since all of their stories revolve around Gloria. It would be so nice to see them in their own stories with other characters, especially Lauren, but I don't think the writers will allow it because of their obsession with the character of Gloria.

But one can wish. I want to see Michael build a relationship with his father and learn to allow himself to be happy once in awhile and move on from old pains and enjoy the family he has made with Lauren. We see small moments off happiness for Michael when he is alone with Lauren and Fen, but for the most part he is unhappy. I know his past shapes who he is, but he also needs to start letting it go.

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