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So Walk Away Bitch! And For Good This Time!!

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awww.....Kel...I know Pem's your couple, and I think it was a nice change of pace to show those two characters in a more human moment. However, all I could think was how Em had coerced him into marriage and sex which resulted in that "precious angel".

Oy...all of Meggie's wishing for "everything brand new" for her "precious angel" had me praying we don't have to sit through some lame-ass baby shower attended by Lily, Carly, Katie and Janet.

I found myself liking Josie. That won't last long, I'm sure....by the time TIIC get done with her, she'll probably be a psychotic man-chasing whore. :lol:

Bratie?? PROOF INTURN has run it's course.

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Loved Margo going off on Casey about getting a job! Go head, grrl! Casey Guitar Hero-ing was plenty sexy as well.

Luke has some [!@#$%^&*] nerve. "He can't get away with this!" Get away with...campaigning? I guess it's wrong for high schoolers to dole out Tootsie Pops and Crystal Light packets for campaigns as well.

Kim's new hair (I know she's had it for a while, but it's still new to me) looks funny...I like the old 'do.

Squee, Kevin's wearing stripes again, albeit more manly stripes. And I agree with him about Luke's holier-than-thou attitude. Luke thinks he's so freaking virtuous.

Noah is stupid. If he has any sense, he'd realize that his boyfriend is getting epically turned on by this competition with Kevin.

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Once again, Luke's made this about him. Three weeks ago, Luke didn't care who ran the student government, but now the uneducated masses who's votes are being bought support tyranny. :rolleyes: Whatever.

Then you've got Katie, who wants someone to lose their job because she made a pass at her husband.

OY...episodes like today's should come with some kind of "DULL-O-meter" warning.

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True, but to be fair, it was Paul's boneheaded idea to try and win her back and convince her he loved her in the first place lol...instead of, you know, just having the cops follow her to whereever she was holding Dusty.

Like I said, the first scene and a half I loved. But then it became all about you know who.

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I thought Carly's reaction would be of anger. Instead, she tried to get to Jack before Janet did. It made no sense since Carly didnt have anything to do with what the kids did. Although, Carly does want Jack. The one that looks bad in this one is Janet. I don't think Jack would be to happy to find out Janet went to confront Carly and called her a bitch.

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I don't blame Carly for thinking she had to run to Jack with her version of what happened, even though she's the one who outted the plot to Jack. Janet is obviously pissed, and not above spinning the argument to her advantage to get Jack to do whatever she wants. Look at the way she guilted him into backing off on any delay of the wedding.

I was glad Carly called Janet on her sh*t. Janet was a bitch and she's hardly a poster girl for the moral high ground. I only wish she'd have thrown Janet's skanky chasing of Brad back in her face before throwing Janet out of her house.

Every murder in Oakdale gets stupider and stupider. Oy vey....I never thought Brad was a mental giant, but inviting your wife to a crime scene???

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When will this show get good again?


Oh wait.... :angry: I know the answer to that.


Not only is Goutman gutting the show we once knew, but JP is literally pissing in the wind with these bullsh*t stories!! :angry:

The only good story that's got my attention is the Luke election story and it's already starting to grate on my nerves. Luke's becoming moodier than a woman on her period.

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I tuned back in for the Paul and Emily stuff, and I swear, I tried valiantly with the rest of it but...

Janet? Annoyed me.

Liberty? Annoyed me.

Brad? I didn't mind Peck when he first came on but Brad was...not good this week.

The whole Josie thing? Really? I'm just....I don't know what the point of that is, and as much as I enjoy someone (Emily in this instance) calling Dusty on his hero complex, it just seems completely out of the blue to me (NOT that I'm disappointed that Emily and Dusty is kaput because I'm SO not lol)

Bob and Kim were cute. There, that's positive, right?

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