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So Walk Away Bitch! And For Good This Time!!

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Can't help it...I FLOVE Sage for being the fly in the ointment of Janet's "perfect" life. Janet made a huge mistake crossing Carly last week, it gave her the perfect excuse to stop playing nice and paving the way for Janet. :lol:

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I think it's a lot more true to life (well, minus the slapping and last weeks timely visit from an old Ex of Janet's) situation than last year's fawning acceptance of Katie by Carly's children.

Janet's already had her brat push Jack to patch up that relationship...it's only fair Carly's child gets a say too. :P

Boy, I hope they keep this Carly/Janet rivalry going, long after Carjack reunites. Rivalries add so much to the show...I don't know why TIIC refuse to write for them anymore.

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It's nice to know that Carly and Lily's kids are apples and that Carly and Lily are trees.

Carly's daughter...lying, manipulating little bitch who needs her ass kicked pronto.

Lily's son...lying, manipulating, WHINING, little bitch who needs his ass kicked pronto.

I actually sided with Noah, but I didn't like the whole "I can't lie about you, Luke" line. Too schmaltzy. I also didn't like Noah acting as if he was wrong for putting Luke in his place. And Luke..ugh...he bugs. The nerve of him to blame his expulsion on Noah. I hate Luke, the little cuntface. Noah and Kevin should [!@#$%^&*].

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So...what is Josie? Boy, our show could use a heroine...but I don't trust Pissy not to make her a whore/grifter/porn queen/meth head. (and by that, I mean all four plus "amnesiac".)


Why is it the dysfunctional Paul/Meg relationship thrives? Seriously...FTLOG, make it stop.

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I don't like Josie. She just blew in out of nowhere and she's hobknobbing it up with Barbara and notLily? She doesn't even look all that much like my Jen, besides her hair, which is actually spot-on.

Meg and Paul have been dancing around a pile of bullshit for two and a half years now. How long until they both fall in?

Luke continues to be a whiny little bitch. But hey, Van actually seems interested in playing this stuff out! As opposed to the other contrived obstacles that Noah and Luke faced. This storyline actually makes a little sense.

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Carly's no more ridiculous than Jack. Carly came to Jack first with a reasonable request. The problem is---Jack made it a referendum on Janet. His first priority should be Sage. The first thing a therapist would tell him is to keep Sage and Janet apart for a while. It's not the same thing as letting Sage "dictate" his life.

Perhaps Carly wouldn't have been so quick to believe Sage if Janet hadn't just gotten in her face and called her a bitch. Janet wants it both ways...she wants Carly to believe her, but she didn't believe Carly when she felt threatened. Karma.

I really hope Janet's halo falls off her head----soon. Good God...I wanted to puke today between the "wedding dream book" and telling Jack to call off the wedding 'cause she didn't want to be the reason either Jack or Carly "lost" their kids.

Liberty is a little pricktease, isn't she? That apple didn't fall far from the tree. Parker can do so much better.

Bratie....mind numbingly boring. Who dresses TC in those horrendous prints? They hurt my eyes.

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Jack is just a clueless, oblivious mess and that's what makes Carly ridiculous. He was a clueless, oblivious mess when he got mesmerized by Katie and now it's the same thing with Janet. If Carly respected herself, she'd realize that Jack is making her hair gray (okay, not really, but yeah...) and that she needs to stop wasting her time with him. Concentrate on her kids, on business, on finding someone who isn't going through a premature mid-life crisis. But nope. Instead, she's constantly cooking up schemes and little plots to get him back in her bed.

She knows that her daughter has inherited the schemer gene, yet she just goes right on along with what Sage says. She's pissed that Janet might have hit Sage, but she knows that there is a huge possibility that Sage is lying. She's consciously overlooking that because whether Sage is lying or not, she now has a foolproof excuse for wanting to rip Janet to shreds. Sage could have told her that Janet sicked a team of giant disco-dancing elephants on her, and Carly would "believe" it. The scene where Carly sat Sage down and asked her if she was telling the truth sealed the deal for me. That was basically Carly telling Sage that it was okay for her to lie. Sage knows that Carly knows she's lying, but she also knows that she'll get away with it because it helps mommy get with the fuckin G-Man again.

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