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AMC SOD Spoilers

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Credit goes to Betty at Soapcentral for posting these:

Vincent Irizarry is excited to be back as David.

Heather Kenzie makes the first of two appearances as Di Henry on 11/14.

Malachy McCourt's Father Clarence appears on 10/31 to comfort Zach.

Rebecca Budig is rumored to be leaving when the first year of her contract expires. Carolyn Hinsey questions the wisdom of AMC firing Sabine Singh, a viable recast who was being paid a fifth of what Budig was, only to have Budig leave w/o tiic ever having known what to do w/ Greens.

Bianca reunites w/ partner Reese, who meets baby Gabrielle. Reese has plans for their new house, which she had built for them in France, & tops that surprise w/ an engagement ring.

Annie & Ryan are on Emma's kidnapper's trail, but all is not as it seems...Jesse is floored by news about Natalia & Rebecca...JR warns David to keep away from little A...Jake clashes w/ Zach over Taylor & Kendall...Annie needs Greenlee's help...

Zach donating sperm to Bianca, behind Kendall's back, while sulking over Kendall's secret-keeping, damages the character. Bianca turning to her rapist's brother for a sperm donation, rather than using an anonymous donor, defies Bianca's sensibility.

A pro-Ailee letter that notes that having Aidan bug Greens' earring is nothing compared to what RYAN'S done to Greenlee, & that Aidan doing so will not make viewers root for Rylee instead.

A viewer doesn't buy the sudden Erica/Adam love anymore than the sudden Carmen/Jack love.

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Oh My Gosh! I can't believe that they recasted Di Henry! I was the biggest Kelli Giddish supporter and I am so bummed. In fact this was the only pairing that I ever liked Aidan with. I wonder if they are going to try and go that route again. From this picture of the actress I can kinda see a Kelli resemblance.


All of it sounds great. I just wish that they wouldn't have put Zach & Jake against each other. I worry that Jake's character might take a hit in all this. Zach fans are not forgiving.

Thanks for posting.

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I think that they are going to kill Di off. I read an audition script that mentions that Di is going to be shot, and I believe that she is also going to die. This is going to tie in with the kidnapping plot with Annie and Emma. I think that Annie stages the kidnapping and let Emma go stay with Di for a little while, and then everything gets out of hand.

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Well I love that they'd bring Di back into the fold...I reallllly hope they asked Kelli Giddish to come back and she just declined. I could see an actor saying no if all they were going to do is kill off the character in 2 episodes.

But I do like how they incorporated her into the storyline.

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Oh I would be beyond pissed if they killed off Di Henry. First JR loses his mother, than Babe, and then his Aunt Di? Do they just hate JR? I can't even imagine that they are going to kill her off. It's just so wrong. I loved Kelli Giddish as Di, so for her fans sake I hope she was asked first also.

I haven't hear anything about Emma staying with Di, but if this is the case I am shocked. Why would Di go along with this? Annie is freaking crazy. It would be a interesting story though. Aidan is searching for Emma and it recoonects him with Di, if only for a brief moment. I wonder if he would even remember that Di was his girlfriend before he married Greenlee?

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I just hope they asked Kelli and she said no or couldn't do it..... if they didn't even bother to do that, then I am severely pissed off about this. She should have never been let go in the first place. Oh well, I knew Annie had something to do with the kidnapping. Good job, way to prove you should have custody.... poor Annie.

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Sabine being recast as Greenlee would be absolutely terrible. Even if she is a better actress, her recast was so poralizing the last time. It would be like brining Melody Anderson on to play Janet. Bad, Bad, Bad move. Hinsey is delusional to think rehiring or even having kept Sabine on payroll was a good idea.

I am excited to hear Di is coming back, but add me to the team that hopes Kelli Giddish was even approached to return. What an unsung talent. After they worked her to the bone in 2005, she was so unceremoniously pushed aside. I would love a revisit of the Di/Tad romance.

If they are going the direction you all suggest with Di keeping Emma, at least Pratt has done his research to know Annie and Di were old friends. That is a -pro. I don't really see her with long term possibilities because the cast is so "woman" heavy.

Amanda/David....hmmm, I think I would like that.

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