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Y&R: Week of October 13, 2008

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Thanks for the photos! Fun stuff! ;)

As for Tuesday's eppy... the highlight for me was Kay storyline obviously. It is building up so nicely. I can't wait to see what happens next. And I have no idea where they are taking this story. And that final scene with Kay drinking...

Okay, someone clarify this for me... Does Billy know that he's chatting with Lily? I'm assuming yes, but I would hate it if he didn't. It would be like Billy/Mac storyline all over... What was it back in the day? Mac was CleanQueen or something like that and Billy was....... Well I don't remember anymore... lol I guess Billy really loves to seduce his women via internet.. :D While I love Miller, I don't see much chemistry between him and Khalil. And I have to reapet... "Billy & Lilly" sounds kinda ridiculous when spoken together... lol

The whole Amber/Daniel/Phyllis radio drama was lame. But it's classic Amber, I guess. And I guess it can be said it's somewhat Phyllis. Phyllis has been known to be somewhat childish... But, yeah.. the whole radio thing was lame. I wish Amber and Daniel would become history. I did like Phyllis evicting Amber! That was fun! :D

I'm glad the River drama is over. Hopefully he is freed somehow and he leaves town.

Nikki's memories were nice. And J.T. showed up! Wow! If I didn't know any better, I would think he was let go from the show. But the less JT for me the better... :D

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HAHAHA :D A friend of mine who does drag has those same glasses. Hate them.

Though in all fairness these parties are usually held at the end of a filming day--people who have been there all day prob just change into their rehearsal clothes or whatever else they have there. I remember the pics for the OLTL one in the Summer, most of the women looked like they had put some thought as to what they'd wear but the men were largely in sweats, etc

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I mean, if you want to tell the world you have no taste whatsoever, you wear those glasses. Seriously.

Probably true. I didn't expect Valentino Garavani opulent high fashion (and I often hate Valentino! :lol:), but this is all just so bland. :D Look at French people, they look gorgeous every day. It's nothing expensive and extravagant, yet looks simple and elegant. Even Maria Arena, who was the best dressed on those photos, destroyed it all with that white watch. Yeah, I know, fashion is subjective.

And don't get me started on hair!

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Hey, Greg! B)

Yeah, I LOOOVE the chemistry between Liz H. and Billy M.!! They are amazing together! I want Billy with Chloe so much! But I wouldn't mind if they build up to it nice and slow! So if Lily is just a roadblock, to make Chloe jealous, then by all means do it. I will somehow manage to get through it! :D But just as long as Billy/Chloe is the end pairing! :)

Oh, thank God Billy knows it's Lily. I totally forgot that he overheard Lily and Cane in that elevator. Or maybe I just wasn't even paying attention to those scenes lol

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If someone can legally name their kid Peanut, why not Little Booger? I really am liking the chemistry between Chloe and Cane. Hopefully he'll fall for her and leave LameAssGirl sulking as always.

I didn't mind the loveline stuff. It is kinda funny. Although it would make more sense if instead of always tuning on the radio at the right moment, these mini-celebs had people that called to say "tune in, Amber's on again".

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The 9000 episode party pictures are just terrific!

It appears that MAB has had some fashion influence on Jeanne Cooper's wardrobe, she's never been dressed this well, ever. And excuse me, but on the right person (like Jeanne Cooper) those Chanel glasses are awesome. They communicate a look that is so specific: Rich Bitch. You have to know one to get it haha. Half my waiting room is wearing those very glasses at this moment...

MAB is a snazzy dresser. The glasses suck as does the hair.

Love that Paul Rauch, he always has his fun with the girls...good to see. I'm also glad to see Brad Bell there. Love him or loathe him I'm happy to have as many Bells around as humanly possible.

The show has just been rocking this week. I'm enjoying all of it. Judith Chapman is a dish best served rarely. She's so much more tolerable when she doesn't consume the show!

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Jeanne Cooper was wearing the same Chanelesque suit at the 4000th anniversary party as in yesterday's US episode. Love those pics, by the way. Liz Hendricksen is teeny-weeny!

Just adding my voice to the "I love Y&R" choir? I've never been so invested in the show as I am at the moment. Yesterday's really impressed me -- especially Michael Gross who was understated and touching in his few minutes of screentime. I connected with his character for the first time there.

OMG! Classic Nikki/Victor overacting flashbacks! Loved the one from the 80s when Nikki was addicted to alcohol and pills and was so obviously jonesing for some when Victor tried to talk her out of it. Or when she was hacking up a lung on her "deathbed."

Loveline was funny -- and weird. Worth it to see Fauxlleen's face fall.

Billy and Chloe are going to join forces to destroy Lane, aren't they? I wonder if they are going to fall for each other in the process.

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Just saw Wednesday...

Well... I didn't LOVE the episode. Winters stuff was boring. Glad to have Tyra back though. But it was boring.

Daniel and Amber kissing in the end... barf... Just when I was starting to stand Amber...

I liked Chloe and Cane's little moment about naming the baby. That was cute.

Kay telling Jill about her visit to the doctor's office was actually good too. Jeanne and Jess were both wonderful in that scene! Katherine looked so sad..

Other than that, not much happened...

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E.g. MTS sure did her best to proof my point about her once again.

Speaking of social climbers: Maybe Adrienne Frantz will hook up with Rauch who seems to be quite interested in his leading ladies, to follow big footsteps; being married to the EP sure hasn't hindered someone else's career on Y&R... Thinking of it, it's common policy before and behind camera. :lol:

Plus, it would another young & restless union would mean another party bash. LOL

As for the Jeanne Cooper and the Chanel glasses. Usually it screams newly-rich Russian b*tch but at Jeanne's age it is just lush and understating...

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