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Y&R: Week of October 13, 2008

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But the non-Tim Burton Batman films were so horrible and non-entertaining. They have only improved with the last two, since they have gone back to the dark character Batman really is.

On a side note, if they do a Spice Girls movie, Elizabeth H could totally play Posh.

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I liked Batman Forever. A lot actually. It was my favorite until The Dark Knight. I've never seen Batman as comically as Tim made it out to be but I suspect it was because of the generation I grew up in.

I was introduced by Batman through The Animated Series (in all honesty, that is my favorite Batman version to date) and whenever I saw clips of the "BAM" "KAPOW" version of the 60s, I always cringed. Batman Forever had a good balance of the serious and the goofy, which is why I enjoyed it the most out of any 90s Batman films released.

But yeah, The Dark Knight is a veritable classic. At this point, it is one of the best films ever made in American cinema.

And I must say, no one talks about Gary Oldman because the entire cast is incredible but his role as Gordon is spot on. LOVE HIM!!

Also, I really hope Angelina does Catwoman. I'd just about pee in my pants.

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Hmmmm, guys, it's taking a huge turn to off topic now....

I loved the flashbacks Nikki had with Victor; and even the third run of "Loveline" was great. I haven't watched Wednesday's ep yet, but Tuesday was quite good.

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I think so too. I also think it's the long term goal for the characters. Really, anything to have them in scenes together cause it's HOT!

Dude, now that Colleen has been pretty much rejected by every dude what are they going to do with her? Vow of silence at a convent?

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What kind of delusional character is Colleen, acting like she had no clue Daniel was still in love with Amber? Was it not obvious from the beginning that she was being used to forget the one he is really in love with. This character was once written as smart and confident, not pathetic and desperate.

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I know. Like how she could not, like, know that like, Daniel was so in, like, love with Amber. Holleen. Get a grip, girl. You're just a rebound. That's it.

One thing I noticed today. I actually saw a spark between Chloe/Cane. I still want Chloe with Billy, but I definitely got a sense of something between them today.

Lilly again today was faced with another "break up" from Cane. She just heard that he thought they should "cool it" because he couldn't stand how much it hurt her and she responds "That's it???". No tears. No angst. I'm just not feelin' it on her part. Then in the next scene she's all smiles at Indigo? WTF? If there's a weak link in this story, it's Lilly. JMHO.

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Well, Y&R again today proved it is building strength.

The show was mostly young 'uns and newbies...Amber, Daniel, Lily, Cane, Devon, Chloe. The much maligned Ana and Tyra were back. Amanda Beall wrote.

The show SHOULD have been awful. But it was quite good. The Ana/Tyra thing is clearly laying future story for Neil. The young group was buoyed mostly by Chloe and Daniel (remarkable, remarkable comic chemistry...Graz clearly loves working with Hendrickson)...and with a PAYOFF in terms of Daniel and Amber. Even if they are "off again" tomorrow, for a brief shining moment we saw "young love" on soaps the way it is done best...fulfilled yearning.

But, of course, the breathtaking scenes were Kay and Jill. Kudos to Walton for playing every reactive beat, with moist eyes, and mostly love. And kudos to Jeanne for playing what I felt was REAL truth about aging. I am genuinely worried, because they are writing Kay's situation with a measure of authenticity. The episodic nature of what she is playing smacks of either multi-infarct dementa or TIAs (that's what they said after "Out of the Ashes")...and if she is not getting treated for the underlying cardiovascular issues (she already had a major stroke!) there could be real and permanent damage. I am not ready to let Jeanne go...I want her to play till she drops...so I hope this is not where we are headed.

I am not one to notice music (I'm hearing impaired) or fashion (I'm just fashion impaired). But Kay's blue number today was as breathtaking as her last outfit. Did Y&R change dressers, or is this an EP influence? And the music...from the dramatic orchestral stuff with Jill/Kay, the appropriate jazzy piano tinkle at Indigo, to the love ballad for Daniel and Amber...each piece perfectly suited to context and character. In each case, the music definitely underscored the emotion of the scenes just right.

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