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I think the show is well worth continuing. The Lechowick's I thought were fantastic on the show. They were given the option to go to any of the Lorimar soaps and picked Knots. After David Paulsen's very masculine season, the show needed a reset and I thought they did a good job of doing that while keeping it Knots. They experimented a lot with style, but I thought it mostly worked. I also thought they did a good job of introducing new characters. The biggest issue for them was the writing for Val which you'll either love or hate. Joan hated them because she felt like they turned her into the village idiot.

The big writer swap is season 7. David Paulsen went to Knots and Peter Dunne went to Dallas. I feel like Paulsen was more successful than Dunne was at Dallas, but I still don't think it would've worked long term. Paulsen's Knots was very masculine and I felt like he came on at a time when the show had become so big and tried to continue that with more outlandish storylines, but without the heart. It's a very watchable season, but one is enough.

Now Peter Dunne at Dallas? I like a lot of that season, but the show changed so much that it's completely understand tha many didn't like the show. It was nice to see the female characters showcased in the way Bobby and JR was, but it could get a little too sentimental at times.

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I think what made Laura stand out is she felt real without viewers being told how "real" she was (as we so often heard about Karen, especially as the years passed). When I started watching the Knots reruns, around season 3 and 4, Laura was the main person I identified with - her fears, isolation, and her knowing she was in a world that didn't understand her. Yet what keeps Laura such a compelling character is even though we are with her through so many crises, we don't ever fully know her - no one in her life does. That distance, all the way to her final moments, means she never becomes tedious the way the other longrunning characters do.

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Which may be why I've often seen praise of them utilizing her again posthumously in a story in the final season - though opinions may vary on that story. I imagine there's a lot you could unearth about Laura's very curious family life (which she's alluded to in a variety of ways over the years, I believe alone with her widower father or something) via stories with her children. I don't think she's completely unknowable, I think I understand a lot about her. But certain parts of Laura, like her past or her one night stands during the dog days with Richard back around Season 1, she keeps to herself or controls access to rigidly, not unlike Sumner this season and with his incredible, manic monologue to Laura as he reveals Galveston is his father in the ep I just watched (and will discuss shortly) - and then, to control the situation after he's exposed so much of himself, grabs her and pulls her into a kiss and rough sex. One of the best scenes on the show.

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Abby, Laura, and Gary are my three favorite characters, especially from seasons 3-7ish.   Laura was such a missing presence when they wrote her out, and as much as I enjoyed Paige, I don’t think Greg is served as well without Laura.

When it comes to the Lechowicks, there were some great moments and stories, and some questionable stories.  I loved the Sumner Group stuff just before they left, and Anne and Paige were great characters. But it does get a bit shallow and glossy compared to the seasons before them.

The thing with Konts is that even a terrible season was still more watchable than other 80’s soaps.

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In honor of the date I am watching Friday the 13th Part VII, starring KL's own Lar Park Lincoln (who I have yet to see on the show). In this movie Lar battles Jason Voorhees onscreen with the powers of her mind while allegedly battling much of the cast offscreen - according to the copious special features and commentary for the wonderful F13 series box set, Lar and onscreen love interest Kevin Spirtas from DAYS couldn't stand each other. Small world!

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