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Y&R: Billy Miller...

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I am delighted with the news! :) I'd love to see Billy Abbott as a womanizer/bad boy, similar to early Jack Abbott. Please don't turn him into a boring Thorne Forrester-type. And please keep him away from Lily. However he and Chloe could be very interesting.. or perhaps Victoria... or even Amber... but please NO Lily!!!

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Britany as in Lauren Woodland's Brittany? I do believe when Lauren was written out it was when she was paired up with Bobby and not JT. And I think AB school schedule kept interferring with the shooting schedule which is why they let her go.

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I _watched_ every Mac there was to watch. The early streetwise Mac was an enjoyable character, especially since she was introduced in that homeless shelter, taking care of her grandma. I also liked early Mac-Billy and Mac-JT. JT then was an enjoyable bad boy, and Mac was the only one who helped him show some more interesting, softer colors.

Eventually, they sacrificed Mac-JT for JT-Colleen and (with Lyndsy Fonseca) that was a breathtakingly beautiful story. After Fonseca left, Luckinbill has NEVER AGAIN hit his stride. Not for a millisecond. Not even with Heinle. JT had to become "perfect boyfriend" with Colleen (solidified when he carried her out of the fire)...and he lost his edge.

That whole youth group was destroyed by Raul and Brittany. David Lagos is an engaging fella...but he should be playing A LOT more subversive than Raul. He was bored by Raul, and it showed. He was ESPECIALLY bored in his scenes with Lauren Woodland.

And then we come to Lauren' Woodland's Brittany. In the annals of over three decades of watching, no character has (IMO) been worse, and no actress less appealing. Woodland's Brittany was selfish and narcissistic...but she wasn't engaging or exciting or sexy. She sucked all the energy out of every scene, and I never understood why Jack Smith so relentlessly supported her.

(A stripper in evening gowns singing torch songs. The only woman on the canvas who could neuter Bobby Marsino and render him...DULL).

Mac and Billy were interesting, but never as interesting as JT and first-Colleen. They didn't convey that 'star crossed' thing quite as well, despite the obstacles that Brittany threw in their way. By the time nu-Mac and nu-Billy were put together and married, it really wasn't very interesting. Indeed, the ONLY interesting thing I can remember is Jess Walton running across the mansion lawns of Genoa City, trying to stop the wedding before the "cousins" got married.

Bashioum was fine, but very green. She was 'natural', and not really an actress. Tom was fine, a little bland. He shined the most in scenes with Luckinbill, and I found his friendship with Lagos to be believable. Mac and Billy could have blossomed into something like Danny and Cricket...but when the original actors left, the tale just petered out.

When Bashioum was reintroduced, either the actress or the writing failed her. Lackluster. Boring. Replacement with Rachel Kimsey was another unfortunate choice. I thought that actress was great...BUT SHE WASN'T MAC. No streetwise left. This was a sophisticated young woman, older than she was playing, wasted in a chemistry-free romance with Luckinbill.

Yes, that was the excuse given for AB's second dismissal.

Yes, Brittany had married Bobby...fearful of the mob...he went in hiding...died off camera (yeah, right)...she went to New York (?) to be with her family.

Hers was the MOST BLESSED departure I have EVER BEEN PRIVILEGED to witness in the history of my Y&R viewing. No actress more distressed me on a daily basis. I never celebrated a write-out more.

I really do understand his bitterness. They totally squandered all his potential. But he also didn't seem to me like the kind of engaging fella I'd WANT to keep on my staff.

But, then, why not recast instead of constantly killing this show's families with historical ties?

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Lauren Woodland was fabulous as Brittany Hodges. I enjoyed her with Raul and with JT. She was even good with Kevin. She only got boring when she was paired with Bobby and that pairing killed both their characters. I still remember vividly when Brittany confronted Nikki over kissing Bobby. Woodland rocked those scenes. I miss her. I loved the way JT always referred to her as "Princess".

But anyway, Billy Miller should be great as Billy.

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