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Which actors lie about their ages?

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I'm not aware anyone of the -40 crowd does -- yet. They don't need to. Once a soap character hits 21 and can be written to attend bars and receptions and be whorish, they become ageless.

Even though I haven't heard her lie about her real life age, I do know Susan Lucci has fudged with Erica's age quite a bit as well as Bianca's in interviews. I mean, from 1997 to 2000 (when Eden was recast in the role), Bianca was always Erica's "12 year old daughter" who was battling anorexia.

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LOL, don't they all do? The women at least must be under ENORMOUS pressure to stay young and look young. The men? Not so much. I doubt Maurice Benard or Michael E. Knight, to pick two random examples, have ever lied about their age or visit their plastic surgeon every five years.

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The Internet pretty much has put the kibosh on an actor's ability to fudge their age. There's always someone whose cousin or sibling went to high school with them and has the yearbook to prove the date. Wasn't there just some debunking of OLTL's Renee Goldsberry's true age recently?

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I agree with the above poster about the internet age making it more and more difficult for actors to fudge their d.o.b.

I also agree that it's the younger stars who are trying to stay eternally 29. I remember Tanisha Lynn and Marcus Patrick either fudging or being evasive about their ages. I don't blame them, it's the industry's fault, not theirs.

There was a bit of mystery about Susan Lucci's age with conflicting d.o.b. given, but she later "confirmed" her true age on Jane Pauley's show. Only other actor I can think of is Joan Van Ark, but there's a lot of stuff going on there...

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Someone who I've wondered about for a while is Melody Thomas Scott. Not her age because I don't beleive she lies about that, but it is age related. Now I'm not implying anything or trying to start rumors, so fans, don't get offened, but I was looking at an old soap magazine and there was a photo of Melody and her stepdaughter Jennifer. She looks exactly like Melody. Much more so than her two biological children. It makes me wonder if Jennifer is actually Melody's bio daughter that she passes off as a step-child because Melody would have had to have been in her teens to have had her? I know it sounds stupid, but I know that at least in that photo, the resemblance is so uncanny. Same eyes, mouth, both blonde. If I knew which magazine the photo was in I'd scan it, but I have stacks I'd have to sort through.

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Judith Chapman was actually born in 1951, so IMDB has added six years to her age, not taken off. She's actually 56.

Joe Mascolo was thought to be 73 this year, but it turns out he'll be 80 next year.

It's not that some of these actors lie per se. It's whoever added a year to the person's IMDB entry for some instances.

My research I've done the "Days" cast pretty much cleared up any confusion on their ages. I've basically confirmed everyone who has been on since 1965. Not many actors were off by more than a year or two from IMDB, Mascolo and Chapman being the exceptions.

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Judith looks TERRIBLE for 56. I thought she was looking good for 62...but she's looking quite weathered for 56. Lauren Koslow is ONE year younger than her and take a look at her, the difference is terrifying.

Joe looks awesome for near 80! A tough sort of vibrancy, he'd still kick my a**.

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Just checked for you. They are not related. Jennifer was born in 1972. Melody was married to someone else in 1979, then married Ed Scott in the 80s.

Here are their California birth database records. Based on the records, Jennifer's mother's maiden name is Lux.

Last_Name First_Name Middle_Name B_yr B_mo B_dy Mothers_Last_Name Sex County_of_Birth



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