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Jada is the Carolee that was there when I watched The Doctors back in the 70s and 80s. So it's great to see her though I do miss Carolee Campbell. My husband told me his mom watched The Doctors and "hated the new Carolee." In the spring of 1977, a new character appears named Jeffie Rowland. Not sure how long he lasts but Jada Rowland's brother was named Jeffrey.


You're right about Althea no longer being an essential part of the puzzle. I think that's why Marland writes her out. In one interview, he was not pleased with Hubbard rewriting her dialogue.

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I wonder now if the other people who complained about edited PP eps actually purchased LEGIT Shout Factory discs, or if they were fooled into buying knock-offs on-line, thinking they were the real deal. I know that Rhoda, season one, was released by Shout with many syndication-version episodes, however, so who knows? You will see as you make your way through future PP eps, I guess. Please let me know what you find.


I recorded the UK version of QAF when it was broadcast on cable, and never ended up buying the studio-released version, simply because I did not want to pay for badly-edited DVDs without the essential, original music. I naively purchased the first few seasons of BH 90210, only to discover to my abject horror that almost all of the music had been hacked away, along with many key scenes. NEVER again. Since then, I always keep my VHS tapes of favorite shows, and will only upgrade to official DVD releases if I am certain they have not been tampered with. Not only did the first releases of LHOTP have major scenes sliced out, but the opening and closing credits were deleted from 75% of the episodes too. It's surreal that the studio, Ima Vision, thought they could get away with offering absolute garbage to the public. (The Time-Life release of China Beach, on the other hand, was WONDERFUL, with almost all the original and essential soundtrack intact.)



Endlessly-rotating hack headwriters has been the downfall of many soaps. Marland did not do his best work on TD, but after seeing AHB's dreadful material on HTSAM, I thank heavens she did not take over TD. Ugh. It's too bad the show could not have rehired Rita Lakin again long term, or found ANY solid writer to stick with the program and keep it from sinking into oblivion. After Marland departs, the only other good scribe the show will ever hire is Harding Lemay, and even he did not do his best work here, or last very long on this show. 



Right, to each his own. Folks have told me that they did not like Irna Phillip's, Bill Bell's and Harding Lemay's work because it was too draggy and "internal," while that is exactly the type of soap I love to watch. On the other hand, when people praise Reilly, Pratt and Sheffer to the sky, I want to gag. We all have our own tastes.

Edited by vetsoapfan
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Althea and Nick should've remarried and she should have exited with him. I suppose Hubbard was in the middle of a contract but there's nothing for her to do. Maybe they could have created another new love interest but Tom Barrett and Scott Conrad both fizzled. And it was clear that Althea only belonged with Nick.


When the announcer said the "role of Carolee is now being played by Jada Rowland," he pronounced it "Jadda." I always thought it was "Jayda." So I was glad to learn how to say it correctly.

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I believe you about AHB... I watched her brief stint as head-writer of Days circa 1989 to early 1990.. and she was quickly fired with the show doing a PR explanation that her writing didn't match what they were looking for (claiming it going from action/romance to just plain action.).


However, she is a good script-writer based on what I saw of her stuff on the show.


From what I've read, Marland does have her and Paul running the hospital after Matt's resignation.. with Paul plotting to unseat Althea so at least she does get into the action before being fired.


And this 'Bob Cessna'.. not impressed with his script writing.. but soap writing is different than stage plays.. so that's probably why.

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Glad Hubbard gets more to do in the weeks/months ahead.


I'm really loving the show again. It feels like it's gone back to The Doctors I know. Like it's found itself. I hope we never see the Conrad home again. DePriest was just so far afield with the Conrads. The show is at its best when we stick to the hospital, the Powers home and the Aldrich home. I think Marland understands how Billy and Greta link the main families. And I think it's completely on target focusing on the Steve-Billy conflict, since it's kind of reminiscent of the Matt-Mike conflict-- where we have a father who genuinely loves his son but is often at odds with him. Dave O'Brien's acting has greatly improved with this storyline. And putting M.J. into it has been good too. It just feels like the show is heading in the right direction now, and when Carolee finally gets back to Madison, there should be plenty of repercussions for everyone.


My favorite early episode of Marland's is the one where Ann brought the presents over for Erich and Stephanie. Such excellent irony, where Steve is thanking Ann for making the kids happy again, when we know Ann's doing all she can to block Carolee from returning-- so she's playing a role in their ongoing unhappiness. Marland's toned Ann down...she's not a cartoon villain now like she was under DePriest...she's more of a calculating schemer who is just trying to ensure she gets what she needs.


I still think Armand is miscast as Mike. His acting is fun to watch, he's clearly having fun with his costars. But he's not the right type to play Mike. They should have just had him play a new character. Or else made it that he turned out to be an impostor and thus someone else.


Glad we're still seeing Sam at the nurses station. How long does she stay on the show? I wonder if the actress was related to or married to someone in charge of the show. She seems to survive all the head writing changes.


Martha feels totally adrift. I sense that Marland doesn't quite know what to do with her and Ernie. They're just there in Tony and Mike's scenes. They need a small crisis of their own. Everyone else has drama except them.

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The Conrads are far from gone. Eleanor gets a new storyline this coming week and I believe is connected to the hospital. Wendy is recast in 1977.


Armand seems to have checked out to me. His acting is quite lackluster at times. I won't miss him when he leaves. I never bought him as Mike.


Martha'a days are numbered with Toni gone, Mike leaving in a few minutes, and the lab no longer being prominent. I wish Marland had rethought Martha's position at Hope Memorial. I've loved Sally Gracie's performances and will miss her terribly when Martha is eventually written out.

Edited by robbwolff
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I should clarify that I like Eleanor and I'm looking forward to the story with her and Luke. But my earlier comment was about the Conrad set, which I don't really want to see. To me they were never successfully established as a prominent family. DePriest tried to shoehorn them into almost every episode and the episodes where the bulk of scenes took place in their living room just felt like another show, barely connected to Hope Memorial and the other families.


To me Eleanor and Wendy are supporting characters that should live in a hotel suite and turn up at the restaurant and occasionally at the hospital if they have medical-related business. On another site I stated that I felt if Eleanor had been Maggie's sister or Matt's cousin, then she and her daughter (and husband while he was on the show) could have been more integrated with a main family. But Eleanor's main connection is to Althea which always seems forced. If Eleanor had actually been related to one of the show's main tent pole characters then we could see her and Wendy logically involved in other storylines. It doesn't surprise me the Conrads didn't last beyond 1977.


Is this stuff with Toni's mother an exit story for Toni, or does she come back later? I haven't yet read any Soap Opera Digest synopses though I am tempted to do that so I can prepare for what Marland will be covering. I figure Martha's exit will be rather lackluster. As you say, the lab has not been prominent for a while, since Tom Barrett's death. Instead of making Mike a police officer, which was completely ridiculous, DePriest should have put Mike in the lab and had him take over Tom's position on staff. That would have caused Mike to interact with Toni when Alan was still in the picture, and it would have given Martha more to do.


I figure Martha's relationship with Ernie will just fall by the wayside, there probably won't be a marriage for them. They are basically filler, "C" plot material (not even a "B" plot).


Another character that has no purpose is Hank. Under the Pollocks, Hank and Laurie were an integrated black couple, involved in the hospital and connected to other main characters. The minute Jeff Young fired the actress who plays Laurie, we basically had Hank adrift, now functioning as the show's token black character with zero dimension. I expect his exit to be without much fanfare. Cenedella and DePriest were not invested him, and I can see Marland just deciding to cut losses  and get rid of him. After Hank leaves, are there any more minority characters in regular roles?

Edited by JarrodMFiresofLove
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If I remember correctly (and it is a long time ago), Eleanor takes over Paul's apartment after he's written out. For some reason, I have memories of Eleanor in that set.


My understanding is that Toni is gone. Mike departs in December 1976 and then returns in April 1977. I read that they had planned to recast Toni but went in a different direction after Armand departed. Toni's departure was so abrupt...and lackluster. She was on the show for nearly six years and just disappears upstairs to pack. No final shots in the closing credits with her and Mike, Maggie, Matt, and Martha. It made me wonder if it was retribution for Anna Stuart being so vocal in the media about her displeasure with the show's writing and direction.


Hank departs in December, too, just as Mike leaves. Petronia played Jessie Rawlings I believe. I thought I read that TD planned an inter-racial story for her but it was nixed because of the negative reaction to the Valerie/David romance on Days. Petronia was fired after a year. There were a few other Black actresses on TD in later years. Carolyn Byrd was on around 1980 as Dr. Terri Foster. And her mother appears, too. Then, Chris Calloway was Ivie Gooding, who fell in love with Luke. And Larry Riley played Calvin Barnes.

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Thanks. I had edited my previous comment because I thought I was going off on a tangent about black characters. But I'm glad you quoted me and answered. I think Count Stovall also has a role, according to cast info on the show's wiki page. Petronia Paley played the mother of a black family on Guiding Light in the mid-90s but they didn't last more than a year or two.


Hard to believe this was Anna Stuart's last episode. She was one of the show's most important secondary characters. She had paid her dues. Big mistake losing her and the character of Toni. Did she go on to another soap right away? She certainly fared better in the 80s and 90s on Another World. She's a great actress. The minute Alan left, Toni and Mike headed into dullsville. Armand's silly little on screen antics and his laughing while delivering lines couldn't save what they were being handed to play. DePriest damaged both characters. Hopefully the recast Mike is an improvement.


So it sounds like, by what you're saying, the Conrad set is no longer used, especially if Eleanor takes over Paul's place a bit later. Right now Marland seems content to focus everything on the hospital, the Aldriches, the Powers and the Dancys. I would imagine he stops using Althea's place since she no longer has a love life, and he probably stops using Martha's home if her screen time is reduced and she's written out, and especially if Toni and Mike are gone.


This show does not handle cast exits well. Laurie's exit was a non-event. Andy's exit was odd. Karen just disappeared without being mentioned anymore. Alan's exit was abysmal. Scott's exit was rushed. Now we have Toni's speedy goodbye.

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Where is it written that you have to talk well of previous jobs.  In her defense, she had mentioned that there were two or three writer changes so the whole focus/motivation of the character fell by the wayside.  I did laugh about how she said Nola was incredibly stupid, since the Nola of 1976 seems pretty with it and smart.  

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Stuart joined GH in January 1977 as Dr. Gina Dante. She played the role for one year. After she left, she was very ill and didn’t work for three years. The late John Shearin is the next Mike. Very good actor.


No idea if the Conrad set continues to be used. And I’m not sure my memories of Eleanor in Paul Summers’ apartment are correct. That’s over 40 years ago. But I seem to recall seeing Eleanor and Wendy in that set. I remember the windows, which are so distinctive.


You’re right about the exits. Add to your list Liz and her sudden departure. And Jody Lee who just vanished after being so prominent.

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You've been reading the comments under the post, haven't you?


I'm not one of those people who believe that anyone has to speak positively of a previous experience, especially if it's not the truth of their experience. (of course, those of us who go to job interviews know we have to use diplomacy when speaking of a previous work experience, even with sh*t jobs, lol.  For actors, especially 40-50 years ago, there's no incentive to try to 'pretty things up'). 


Then again, Kathleen Turner said that she did once introduce herself to Lauren Bacall by saying "Hi, I'm the young you". So she's never been in the business of being that polite.


I was looking at the dates and it looks as if there were two different writers between 1976-1979.  There were also two different Noras, no?  Marland may have left before or just as Turner was beginning on the show.

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Marland leaves in 1977 and is replaced by Mel and Ethel Brez. I believe Turner arrives in January 1978. There are many writing changes on the horizon. I don’t recall the timing but Ronnie and Lawrence Konner, Linda Grover, Elizabeth Levin, Harding Lemay, Barbara Morgenroth and Leonard Kantor, the Brezes are yet to come.


And there were three Nolas: Kathryn Harrold from 1976 til around January 1978, then Kathleen Turner till mid-1979, and finally Kim Zimmer.

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