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Home and Away: Discussion Thread


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If you guys have 20 minutes on your hands I've made a video of Sally's time on Home and Away. She is my favourite soap character of all time, the writing for her character is so consistent and authentic, it's difficult not to love her and I don't think any soap character comes close to her...

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Unfortunately some pivotal moments are missed out (mainly the 90s and her relationship with Flynn).

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I haven't seen much of Home and Away, but I always love watching that great clip of the 2006 finale where Sally gets stabbed. It's so good. And H&A is also where I learned that Tammin Sursok is actually a really great actress.

Also, what was the reaction to that later Milco storyline?

Edited by Bright Eyes
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Glad you like the video. The Milco storyline was pretty much universally liked if memory serves me correctly, it was a brilliant storyline executed so well. I don't think at the time in 1988/89 the writers ever envisaged Milco to turn out to be a real person, especially 20 years later. Sally's whole story makes sense bar a few slight inconsistencies. Such a brilliant character and Kate Ritchie is/was fantastic, even when she was young!

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I just started watching for the 1st time a couple of weeks ago and I was surprised by how easy it is to get into. With very little research (when watching most of the Britsoaps, I have to have the official show page open as well as the current cast list on wikipedia just to figure out who's who sometimes) I managed to understand who was related to who and what was going on. I really like the Jett story right now and I can honestly say that I've quickly become a Heath/Bianca shipper. That Dan Ewing is FIIIIIIINE.

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Aww I'm glad someone is watching and enjoying it. :)

I'm surprised you've found it quite easy to figure out who's related to who as there are quite a lot of random characters with no links (i.e. Marilyn living with Alf and Roo) and Leah, Liam, Ruby and Romeo. I love the dynamic the Walker family bring to the show, are you a fan of them Matt? Indi is my favourite current character as I think she's stayed true to her character throughout her time on the show. The actress wasn't great at first but in the last few months she's really become a favourite of mine. Dex is great too and April seems much more likeable now she's with him again.

I'd really like the writers to focus more on the older characters again though. I would love one of Irene's children to be brought back.

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Well, I was able to figure out who was connected to whom enough to follow the stories. Being as OCD about things as I am, I did go look everything up (and still do because I get curious), but I could easily understand that Ruby was with Romeo because she'd lied about being pregnant (and then lied about a miscarraige) and that Romeo and Indi were once married, etc. etc. I only just now found out that Ruby is the daughter of Brax's dead ex-love Charlie. I'm not too sure how I feel about Romeo/Indi because I haven't seen much of them. I do think that the actress who plays Indi reminds me a LOT of Bree Williamson from OLTL (almost like she could be her younger sister). I was a tad confused about certain ages because I thought Romeo & Indi were quite a bit younger than they are. And I'm never quite certain how old the teen-aged characters are because they all seem to have much more mature storylines than characters of corresponding ages here in the US. I do have to admit, though, that getting into non-US soaps has been one of the greatest things I've ever done. In fact, I enjoy all of them a lot more than I currently enjoy most of the US soaps. I can honestly say that I make sure to watch Home & Away every day.

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I don't know much about the US soaps. I only really know a little bit about Days and even then my knowledge is limited, though I LOVE Sami Brady. :)

I think Romeo and Indi are meant to be about 20. I guess it's a bit of a stretch that they're already divorced but their marriage didn't even last a year. For me the Romeo/Indi relationship is one of the best on the show because I think they have great chemistry and their love story is quite romantic and based on love and you got to see them doing normal things like a normal couple. A problem with most relationships on H&A is that they seem based on sex which makes them lost credibility. I guess you've noticed that the teens seem quite happy to jump into bed with someone new as you mention that they seem to have more adult stories than the US soaps. Back in the day the ages of the teens remained fairly consistent but in the last 4 years it's anyone's guess how old they're meant to be. They tend to change to fit the plot.

I definitely don't think anyone could regret getting into non-US soaps. I don't mean this comment to be offensive, but I get the impression that US soaps don't care as much for their audience as UK/Aussie soaps or maybe that's an unfair judgement. I think the realistic approachj the UK/Aus soaps take in regard to ages/sorasing is good and I don't like the sensationalist approach the US soaps can take. Having said that, I love Days and would like to get into it full-time. I'd like to see that love story with Will Horton (even though he's a terrible actor).

What do you think of the older cast? Marilyn is such a great character, I wish they'd give her more to do. And are you aware that a channel in Australia is playing the show from the beginning? Every episode from 1-701 is now on YouTube in good quality. Do you watch Neighbours?

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To be honest, Marilyn annoys the crap out of me. I get that she's a veteran character, but she just seems so... silly & over the top. IMO, she looks almost like a cartoon and I'm sure she's probably not that old, but she looks so damn matronly. Every time she starts prattling on about something, I want to yell "SHUT UP!" at the screen. I know that while H&A is on hiatus in the UK that they're playing the show from the beginning. I'm hoping at some point those episodes show up in the places I like to download from.

I tired Neighbours, but I found it dreadfully boring and very much like something I would expect to find in the afternoons here on ABC Family or the like. However, a cyber friend of mine insists that it's good (and the promo for the upcoming car accident does intrigue me) so I'm planning on marathoning a big long stretch of episodes once I get the time to do it and give it another shot.

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Oh my goodness I hope Ben doesn't now venture into the thread, he absolutely loves Marilyn. Btw it's great to talk to someone about the show, this thread's been dead for such a long time! Actually, I appreciate getting a perspective on Marilyn from someone who is not a long term viewer. Sometimes I wonder whether my judgement is clouded in regard to soak veterans because I tend to love characters who have been in a soap for a long time ~ is it typical of soap viewers to love veteran characters even if their characterisation is no longer very good? I'd be interested to see your reaction to Marilyn from the earlier episodes- are you interested in seeing the first 700 eps that are available? IMO the earlier episodes are vastly superior but 2012 has seen a massive improvement IMO. If you thought Marilyn seemed like a a cartoon, did you catch any of Colleen Smart before she departed? I disliked her for the same reason you disliked Marilyn- in fact I would say she was a lot worse.

The Braxtons have seen some great character development this year, getting rid of Charlie has been a God send for them. I'm not sure what I think of the Jett storyline, I like him as a stand alone character but I think Gina and John's relationship with him comes across as quite creepy. I know that sounds harsh but still. I'd like to see some stronger love relationships between the older cast as John and Gina are ok but not great and Roo and Harvey are a joke of a couple IMO. I'm finding Neighbours quite boring ATM (not that I'm trying to put you off) but if you like Hone and Away I find it difficult to think you'll like Neighbours as much. It's pretty much always been the case that viewers prefer the style of either one and don't love them equally, they are very different. If you see in the Neighbours thread though, I am passionate about it but certainly not in the same way as Home an Away ATM. Which Us soaps do you watch? Is it worth watching Days and is Will Horton's story any good?

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I watch the old Home and Away episodes on 7Two all the time! So many characters I'd forgotten about (like Carly!) and I love seeing people like Ailsa and Fisher again. What's the youtube channel that has all the old episodes up?

I don't watch the newer episodes all that much, so I can't say much about how she acts now, but Marilyn has always been silly and goofy. She always talked too much and always got in other people's business. Once Marilyn left (the second time after being married to Fisher), Colleen came back and took over that role, but I guess now that she's back (and Colleen's gone again), she's back to being the town busybody. Is she still friends with Irene? I remember way back when her, Irene, and Bobby were all living in what's now Irene's house (that was before Irene's house became where all the town strays lived).

Edited by AdelaideCate007
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I have no knowledge of Colleen Smart at all. I only came in to the series right when Romeo found out that Ruby had lied about the baby. In fact, my 1st episode was the Monday aftermath of what I presume was the Friday cliffhanger revelation. Also, to be fair to Marilyn, all I've really seen her do is flit around all over the place, utterly cluelss about anything that has nothing to do with her, and fawn over & throw herself at slimey Danny who seems to be way too old for her despite her being made up like a character on Mama's Family.

I'm not sure how you mean "creepy" in regards to John & Gina where Jett is concerned. I know that they're his foster parents & I also know that the theme of non-convential families and foster children has been a part of the series since the beginning. You're also not the 1st person I've come across who doesn't seem to like Harvey & Roo which I don't understand because I actually like them. I do wish they had something to do other than fret over Lottie and her shrew of a mother because I think Lottie's is annoying (except when she shares scenes with Alf because I think the characters & actors really play well off one another & I'm always a sucker for older person, young person friendships).

I love the Braxton boys (except for that creepy father). I love that they're essentially good, yet misguided, and still douchey enough to not be 100% sickeningly noble. I do know that Natalie kinda annoys me because she just seems so intent to stick her nose in everywhere & meddle and I don't think her character has much chemistry with ANYONE (especially Brax, which is why I don't understand why they seem to be pushing them together).

I've watched pretty much all of the US soaps at one time or another. I've watched DAYS pretty much my whole life (but I'd say I've only really been paying attention to it for about 30 years). Right now I'm only actively watching DAYS and Bold & Beautiful and passively watching (i.e. it's on, but I'm only really paying attention to it about 1/2 the time) General Hospital. Unfortunately for DAYS, it's seemed like it's always a soap in transition for the last decade or so (even more, really). I don't think the stories have been good for quite a while despite good moments and brief periods and even when all the ingredients are there, it seems to have difficulty putting everything together in a satisfying way. The show has recently gotten new writers, but their material doesn't really start airing until next month. They're off for 2 weeks due to the Olympics and ended last Friday with a big cliffhanger explosion. While that episode (barring the explosion itself) was kinda dull and lackluster (IMO), the episodes leading up to it were actually surprisingly good. IMO, if you were really wanting to start watching the show, I'd say that now would be as good of a time as any. In regards to Will's story, it's been hit or miss because the story itself has been written rather unevenly. That said, I believe his story is about to shift dramatically with the new writers and it's been hinted that they'll finally launch a romantic storyline for the character with Sonny, but we'll see when it happens. TPTB are really playing things quite close to the vest lately.

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I do, and when I read Matt's comments about Marilyn, I was like, this isn't who she is! She's so much more than that clueless comedy spare part. She's supposed to be ditzy, but with a heart of gold; someone who has depth and is a real character with real flaws. Yes, her ditzy elements do give way to comedy moments, but she's never been a caricature of herself, or someone who flits about endlessly clueless.

Matt, I ask you to watch some old scenes of her's, so you can get a proper picture of who Marilyn is supposed to be.

I watched the feature length pilot episode the other day, and it just compounded all of my issues with current H&A.

I would reiterate what Matt said about Days: watch from 27/07 or that whole week to get you started with the show for the new (old) writers' material. I would not advice you to watch before that, b/c the show will put you into a coma! The Days of Sami Brady that you know, are over. Will's story had some great scenes with him and Marlena and him and Kate, so if you check those out on YT (I'm pretty sure the whole story is up on there), but the overall plot has been a bit of mess story wise. But I can't complain too much, as no-one thought Days would ever do a gay story.

Edited by Ben
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