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Emmerdale: Discussion Thread


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When they announced the nominees for Best Serial Drama last night a short clip was shown from each soap. Emmerdale used the haunting "Who's Laurel?" moment from Ashley's special episode, whereas Corrie used that horrific clip of Phelan smashing a laptop onto Andy's gorgeous face. Says it all! 

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@I Am A Swede you've probably already seen this, but I hadn't. It's a 1985 episode, set during the Harvest Festival. There are some technical issues, but some good scenes, especially Annie talking about the loss of her father. 


It's always nice to see more of Sandie and Jackie, as it annoys me the show never brings her back and never acknowledges them at all. 


Also some leadup to the impending tragedy with Matt and Dolly. People love to say nothing happened on Emmerdale until 1989 but that story said otherwise.


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Thank you for posting that. It's always such a treat to see these old episodes. Not a Dingle in sight! 

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Those who say that nothing happened on Emmerdale before 1989 can't have been watching that closely. Just because the pace was slower and there weren't a lot of immoral, half-criminal characters running around doesn't mean nothing happened. I really can't stand people who have that attitude.

It was a bit sad when Annie talked about how Sam had made peace with his impending death, and that it made it easier to take than when life was being snatched away from someone unexpectedly. I couldn't help thinking about how many members of Annie's family who suffered that very fate, having their lives taken away from them much too soon. 

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I know. By that point, already Peggy (and the twins), and soon so many more...what a waste. 


That channel also has a 1993 episode with some Sugden material, namely Robert being sad about having to release his pet owl into the wild (a very moving scene), and Joe and Jack peeved over Annie planning to live with and then marry that Leonard guy. There's also a hilarious bit where she and Leonard go in the Woolpack and the nosy barmaid Carol tries to stir the pot, going on about what will people say about their living together before marriage. Annie's response?


"It's the '90s, dear."

Edited by DRW50
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I like pretty much every character on this show, not Cain really but this Debbie return didn't sit well with me. First I don't like her, but that has more to do with the writing although I guess I can't stand the sight of her plain and simple but they handled the return so poorly. I hate everything dodgy going on with those people and of course that's what happened, Debbie has stolen a car and has 50k, her kids are abducted, Charity steals money, Cain threatens to attack the bad guys. I just can't ever get invested in such storylines on this show, not that they're more compelling on HO, EE or Corrie but on Emmerdale it rarely works. Also I found Charity letting the dog out disgusting, and the scenes after she shoots herself with horse tranquilizer annoying, that was on the nose comic relief for me. Bob/Charity, now that was funny.
On another note, I find it sad how Carly is basically background character #38 at this point. It felt when she came back with a new actress two years ago and kept calling poor Brenda 'Wendy' they had a new vixen-ish type around and now she's shown 2 minutes every 3 weeks as Marlon's girlfriend. Now I can accept that turning her into a vixen is not the route they chose to go and that she's matured, but surely she could have more interesting things to do.

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Generally I think Emmerdale is the only one that can sort of pull that stuff off. It didn't bother me, although I agree that the stuff with the goons taking the kids was boring. Other than that, and having no interesting in Debbie/Ross, I haven't minded her return so far. She's had some good scenes with her parents, Diane and Sarah. 


I'm not sure what's going on with Carly, if Gemma Atkinson is busy a lot or if the show just has no interest in her. It's odd.

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Reposting this from Walford Web:


I think they were also at a loss with the character after the disastrous affair story, one of Emmerdale's all time worst. I do wonder if something else happened. A part of me is a bit sad about it because Denise seemed to really enjoy working at Emmerdale. I wouldn't have killed Joanie as it's likely just so that Kyle will now be "a proper Dingle" and it feels somewhat like a cheat, and it's rushed, and Denise Black is a terrific actress, and if so many other characters float around waiting for a purpose Joanie could have too, but I have to clench my teeth when some go on about how disrespectful this is to fans and to Denise Black, and on and on. This is nothing compared to what was done with Viv/Deena Payne. Or even with Tom Lister/Carl. Not even close.

I actually thought her last scene was oddly moving, where she said she wished she could have just gone back to the start, when she worked in the factory with Lisa and they were friends. That part got to me. (the death scene, not so much - that could have been done another way) 

Jane Cox gave a lovely performance, especially when she expressed her unease over being with Zak again. I kind of wish the show would just keep them apart but they're really damned either way at this point. 

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Of course it was a mistake to kill him off. There had been enough deaths in the Sugden family. But I think an even bigger mistake was to not give him any children. He only had two step-children, Mark and Rachel, and by the time Joe died Mark was also dead, and Rachel would be gone within a few years as well.

On paper you would say that Joe should have fit in during the 1990s and early 2000s, since he had already been involved in business stories outside of the farm during the 1980s with NY Estates, but during his last years he had become increasingly isolated as a character, and perhaps he could have used a rest from the show and then returned. It would have been nice to have him now as a father figure for Robert and Victoria.

It's funny how Joe was repeatedly so unlucky in love and relationships when he was actually a much nicer and more decent man than his older brother Jack. He had a few serious relationships during his years on the show, but they always ended badly with him being abandoned. First it was Christine Sharp, whom he married but the marriage only lasted a few weeks. Then came Kathy Gimbel, but she left the village after her father's suicide, Ruth Pennington left Joe for her former fiance, and his second wife Kate left him when she couldn't re-adjust to the village after her stint in prison.


It was a huge mistake to kill of sister Peggy's twins and to never give Joe any children. This left only Jack's children to carry on the Sugden legacy on the show, and they also killed one of them, Jackie, before he could have any children.

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