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Emmerdale: Discussion Thread


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IDK why it is causing meltdowns when it is been established he is bisexual. It is also in Robert's wheelhouse to be an unfaithful, wondering eyed whore. That's just who he is. 


UK fans are slowly becoming like US fans with these couple ships, which has caused a lot of detriment to our soaps. They just need to chill out and go for the ride. 

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I think it's because "Robron" fans have been so catered to and feel entitled as a result. Robert's cheating was very mild, and yeah I get that the wedding is on the way and they likely feel betrayed and poor Aaron and so on, but it's such an OTT reaction that it really shows how young and immature a lot of their fans are. They give the others a bad name and I doubt the show will indulge that much longer. 

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What did you think of the Kerry stuff? The neck injury stuff reminds me of that old Brady Bunch episode. So cringey. I guess this must be winding down with Kerry soon. I think there were good ideas about showing her self-loathing but it just went off the rails with some of the recent material...


Looking through the spoilers I have a feeling both Joanie and Belle's boyfriend will be gone soon.

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I think the Kerry stuff was stupid. As aforementioned, I am over her. I hope Rishi and Jai nail her ass to the cross, which leads to her leaving the village. She can with Joanie. IMO, the best thing would be for Joanie and Kerry to ride off in the sunset with Kyle in tow. 


I am not surprised that Jermaine will be gone soon either. They've just never tried to assimilate him into the canvas well. Sucks b/c I feel like he'd great back in his role as the village doctor. I think he also has good chemistry with Megan too. 


I get this eerie, ominous feeling that ED is about to be like EE and start cutting people. Most likely, Blackburn & Oates characters. I hope Dan & Harriet are spared as I enjoy them.

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The ITV soaps seem to have different policies than Eastenders. I can't remember the last time either had a large cull. Macleod said he thought the cast was very strong, and I do think he's tried to use most of them (other than Bob, Harriet, Brenda, and Pollard). I hope he won't go on a firing spree as I don't think the show needs it. I would write out a few but the biggest dead weight, like James, is already gone. To be honest I'd kill off Zak at this point and I'd also strongly consider writing out Paddy unless they get him out of this dull pining for Rhona, but the show has so few long-term characters. 


I know a lot of people go on about how boring and dull Dan is and how he should go, but he adds a lot to the show for me - a decent, average guy who can be funny and charming too. I also liked the story where was becoming a paramedic. I saw some fans blast him as a hypocrite for dumping Kerry, but how would you react if someone cheated on you then aborted what could have been your child...then slept with a mentally handicapped man while still wanting you back? I don't mind Kerry but she doesn't deserve a red carpet for that. I assume they will get back together but if he doesn't want to I don't think he's a hypocrite, whether he's slept with other women in the past or not. People throw that word around so easily. 


It's a crying shame they do so little with Harriet. Katherine Dow Blyton is a wonderful actress. 

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Well I am with you as I don't find Dan boring. I adore him and wish they'd spread him out more on the canvas. I hope they explore him becoming a paramedic too. Dan is one of the few bright spots on this show. 


I just over Kerry. It took 2 months flat for me to be over her. I might be overreacting but I am seriously over her. Her acting like a childish twat this past week made it no better. I just want her gone. 


I'd OK with Paddy/Zak going. Zak using Joanie and Lisa has made me dislike him even more. I've never really cared for Paddy all that much but his handling of the Tess situation did him in for me. I don't care to watch him pine over Rhona, but then again, put him back with her. I'd rather Pierce be single and mingling throughout the village anyways. 


I'd be all for Harriet/Pierce. 

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I agree with you about Paddy/Zak but when Ashley is gone, the show will definitely have not many vets left especially as Eric is so isolated.


I know this is not common opinion but I don't mind the Whites. I enjoy hating them in a way. Rebecca is a great addition to the family.


Kerry is so pathetic... I really don't want to see Jimmy turn to Bernice ...

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I've grown to love to hate the Whites. I don't want them to go yet. I want Diane to lead a lynch mob, torture them, and then they can go. 

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But there are other characters (Kerry) I'd love to see go way before them.


I don't want Jimmy to turn to Bernice either. As I've said before, I wish they'd toss Dan in her orbit. I'm over Bernice bedding men that aren't hers. For once, I'd like to see her get a man that isn't attached to anyone or she is attached to anyone. I think she and Dan would be a good pairing. 


With tonight's episode, why didn't Diane shoot the sh-t out of Chrissie?! I so wanted her to do it. 


I did love the nod to Sarah tonight as well. Diane is right that Sarah would not like what Robert has turned into. 

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Yes, she was.

Sarah started dating Jack when Robert was around 3 years old, so she really was his mother in every way except biologically.


If I remember correctly Robert actually wanted to live with Sarah when she and Jack split up, but since she wasn't his biological mother Jack was able to stop him from doing that.

Edited by I Am A Swede
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