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Emmerdale: Discussion Thread


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Don't you dare, ever say that again. I couldn't take it.

I liked the Alex/Moira story for what it did for Moira's character. She was always up front about using him for sex and nothing more. It showed that she could be a stronger character and not the naive drip she was before. It also helped in buying her with Cain later. And it gave Victoria a hilarious quip where she called her a pie face. "You know, a face shaped like a pie."

Edited by Bright Eyes
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Years ago I said they should have a story where John and Moira had sex addictions. It wasn't serious, but I guess they did at least have a few stories that let Moira have a freer sexuality.

I like some of the new Bartons, and I don't think the show hates Moira or blames her for everything, but I do think they drag her character down somewhat. Much of the family either just tolerate her or see her as destroying their happy family with her wanton ways. Finn was so hostile to her and she just had to accept it (as she accepts Emma's abuse), I guess because she's used to it by now. Moira saying Emma blames her for ruining her life or marriage and Cain laughing and saying he can see why...it really spoke volumes about how isolated she is.

I did laugh at the scene where she said since one child with mommy issues had left, another had to take his place.

Edited by DRW50
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The woman who plays Emma is such a casting coup. You could really see it in those high drama scenes with James and then Pete around James' accident, where they were both doing a lot of soap opera acting and she was very strong and natural in comparison.

I'm sorry that they have made her such a clear psycho as it's obvious she can't be around for long, because she keeps the Bartons on the toes. I'm tired of seeing Pete play games with her, as it's just draining and repetitive, but I do like that she clearly has very different relationships with each of her children (and it's also fairly clear that the one who needs her the most is the one she has the least interest in).

I know some fans are upset that Katie's exit story has her as negative or obsessed, but Katie was such an isolated character, I can sort of see why they went this route. The crying makes me wonder if even she has no idea why she's going this far.

I wish Chrissie were less of a plot device.

You can tell how scared Aaron is of his relationship with Robert and how many times he keeps pulling back, or trying to pull back, because he wants it so much. Then he does jump in, and he's hurt in the process, hurt in a way he's never experienced with a man. Danny Miller plays this off so believably, and he and Ryan Hawley are such a good contrast as characters and actors, also having such strong chemistry. And I'm glad characters like Chas and Paddy are finally being brought back into the story.

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So I'm guessing Ross/Pete/Finn's mom was responsible for James Barton's accident? Thats so sad...I really like the actress and I'm so rooting for her to form a relationship with her boys...why did they bring her back only to have her be so bat sh*t crazy?

Aaron and Robert are just pure soap angst and I love it. I do feel bad that Katie is being to look so crazy and wrong even though she's telling the truth.

I'm assuming you think that Ross needs her the most? Its quite obvious how much he cares about his mom. I dunno if it's because I find the actor super hot but I can't help but feel this intense energy from him whenever he's onscreen. Like he immediately has presence and such chemistry with everyone around him.

I do hope they don't destroy his mom though.Perhaps have her exit for a few months to get help and then return?

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I meant Finn (he's the one who tracked her down and is always focused on protecting her, but I think she is mostly focused on her older sons).

I agree with you about Ross though.

She didn't deliberately plan to kill James - she kicked over the palate thing, or whatever they call it, in anger, but I don't think she realized what would happen. The problem is she was going to leave him to die until she realized Pete was about to walk in.

You can see some clips here if you don't want to track down the full episode.

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I saw the scenes online but I wasn't expecting super intense to happen so I FF'ed to see more interactions between Emma and her sons.

And I hear you about Finn. He's super emotional but I feel like overall he's tougher than he looks. With Ross I feel like its the total opposite. He has this rough, edgy, even scary demeanor about him but inside he seems like a wounded puppy who just wants someone to love him. I was a little angry he wasn't at his dads bedside but I'm guessing he's still mad at him about the situation with their mom.

I'm glad it wasn't deliberate at least. That would have been foul. Still that is quite messed up that she considered leaving for a split second.

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Ross hurts very deeply and doesn't let go (I think the only person he might forgive a deep hurt is Finn). That's why I think this story will end with Emma trying to kill Ross (again) or Ross murdering Emma - he's her weakness and he's very emotional and volatile.

The scenes today where she ran rings around Pete to get him to want her to stay were very good. It was nice to get to see Anthony Quinlan get a chance to do more than bellow.

Soaps needs a bit of intentional camp and "soapiness" (even if that word has been so abused and distorted in recent years) and Emma provides that. I just hope they won't go too far.

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That Aaron/Paddy scene was terrific all around (much better acting than I'd expected), but my favorite part was when Paddy mistakenly thought Aaron and his mystery man had had a threesome or an orgy ("we weren't alone" <Paddy is flustered> "Not like that, Paddy.") I watched a few times and laughed.

Ryan Hawley interview. Bless him for his answer to the usual "what is it like to kiss a man and get cooties???" question.


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This seems to be some knockoff of Punked (15 years later...), with Matthew Wolfenden and Natalie Anderson guest-starring. The end is pretty good, I have to admit.


I was watching some of the stuff where Katie was in the mineshaft and actually did get caught up in it. What did you think of the Katie/Declan era, and Megan and all that? I know the Katie character got a ton of backlash.

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Maybe I misheard him through his thick accent but I swear he joked to Aaron about his onery uncle or something while he was confessing about his affair with a married guy.

I don't understand what the hell my Robert is doing in this mini van but it he obviously is not up to any good.

Edited by ThePrinceOfSunspear
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Paddy is more of a father figure to Aaron - he first became close to Aaron when he was dating Aaron's mother Chas soon after Aaron returned to town as a surly teen. As he mentioned in the scene, when he questioned Aaron about what was going on with him (when Aaron was struggling with his sexuality), Aaron beat him up. Then he came out to him. They're been very close ever since. It's one of the most authentic relationships because it's allowed moments of silliness along with drama.

Speaking of Emmerdale, if anyone wants to see some episodes from the late '70s or late '80s, this channel has been uploading some.


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