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EastEnders: Discussion Thread


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I hadn't heard that, badboy93. I wonder what it will be.

I enjoyed most of the episode. I have to admit that I could have done without the car crash, because you know Max and Abi aren't going to die, and it just seems like a pointless stunt. I'm also not a fan of Max's obsession with "Tan" and I think this hurts his character because he loses any meaning beyond wanting her. I would MUCH RATHER Tanya stay with Greg and have stories about her family and her career. Greg is obviously doomed, but I like him now, even if you can already see they might turn him darker.

However, his scenes with the family - who are incredibly believable even though Cora is barely known to us and Rainie has barely interacted with them in years - shone, and there were a lot of other little moments I enjoyed, like Greg and Ian, Jane confessing the kiss to Tanya, Shirley spotting Rainie in church, Amy waving to baby James. This is what shows like ATWT used to do so well.

Michael is better as a pot-stirrer than he was as a hunk, and the way he has unsettled Ronnie has been good viewing. The scenes where she almost confessed all to Kat were haunting and halting - they have finally nailed just how lost Ronnie is.

Edited by CarlD2
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Wow, that was an intense episode. Samantha Womack, Jessie Wallace, and Jo Joyner were all superb.

Carl is going to be upset over Max and Tanya's kiss. :lol: Though, I thought Tanya was genuinely worried about Max and Abi. I guess we'll probably get an affair storyline somewhere down the line, it's been pretty much set up.

Vanessa was her most interesting in this episode to me. Especially in her scenes with Jean, Kat, and Alfie. I wonder if she'll go batshit crazy when Max and Tanya get even closet.

Scott Maslen FINALLY stepped it up. In his three years on the show, I think this was the best acting he's ever done. I was genuinely sorry for Jack, which I never feel when he's concerned. You felt it all slip away from him and how losing Tommy/James really hurt him.

Jessie Wallace and Samantha Womack brilliantly played the revelation scenes. The whole episode built up to Ronnie finally coming to terms of what she did and how she needed to finally clear her conscience from it, and Kat's reaction as Ronnie was revealing it all was very shocked.

On set with Jo Joyner:

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/YyumxRqZ3xA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Edited by Y&RWorldTurner
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I have nothing more to add to what you commented on WorldTurner. You completely summed up my opinion of the episode. Womack and Walllace really were top notch in this episode. I felt for all the characters involved in the storyline, which was a first for me.

Edited by MichaelGL
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EastEnders very rarely does hour long epsiodes, and when they do it, it's usually to make up for an episode not airing in that particular week.

They could have possibly done a Kat/Ronnie and Max/Tanya four-hander though. But those kinds of episodes are rare too.

Edited by Y&RWorldTurner
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I think this should have been 40 minutes. The last scenes were a little rushed. I still loved the performances, but it was so abrupt. I also wish Jessie Wallace didn't use Botox, as it was a good performance that could have been even better with more mobility.

Oddly enough I was most caught up in the Tanya/Max scenes, and you know how I feel about that relationship. There was something very sweeping about it, something that reminded me of what I loved on American soaps, long ago :(

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Yes, Manya forever.

If they actually stayed together and if they ran the club (change the name again - it has to change every few years), I might care. It's just the endless games and Tanya's superior attitude I think need to change.

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