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EastEnders: Discussion Thread


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I know that some have said all of the reveals have fallen flat lately. I agree to a point (although I don't think the Ronnie rape reveals have been that poor), but I just hope people won't be upset if the whole thing doesn't revolve around Melissa Suffield. I mostly want to see the reactions from Jane and Ian. Adam and Laurie are two of the show's best actors. I have very mixed feelings about Jane because I don't like how she's written in the relationship, yet I really like her with Ian and I'm glad Ian is finally in a settled, happy relationship. I'm not sure what would become of either of them if they split up.

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It will be interesting to see how Jane reacts and her point of view in all of this. Her family has been awful to her, keeping secret after secret from her, when all she's done is support and help them. Ian's kids aren't her responsibility, yet she genuinely cares. I can see how this betrayal would push her over a certain edge.

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For me, Jane isn't all innocent. She knows what Ian and Lucy are like and she stays and/or comes back after threatening to leave. I also think they lie not only because it is the way they are, but because they are scared that Jane will leave. It is a lack of trust that she can love who they really are, annoying schemers albeit quite loving at times. Jane also has this thing going on with Masood on the side. Yet I too understand how this huge lie can send Jane over the end. I hope that Ian and Jane talk honestly with each other when everything comes out. I actually think they can do with a nice long separation, a year or so would do. It would rejuvenate both characters.

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I'd like to see Amira again too but only if she isn't written as some kind of Chryed obstacle. I don't want to see her go nuts or anything.

Tanya Franks defends drug plot. Is Rainie already gone?


Here's a thread on DS from someone claiming to be outraged about this story. I think it's a very funny wind-up but naturally a lot of people took it seriously and were in a lather.


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Today's episode:

Aunt Sal's speech to Peggy and how she's always about her "faaamly" was classic. If this is the last time we'll see Aunt Sal again, then she went out in a memourable way.

Carol and Lewis and their little date and kiss was cute. Carol is finally showing more of her softer side, even though she still has her edge. I wonder why she lied to Bianca about the date, she obviously liked the kiss and smiled after telling Bianca about the date.

Zsa Zsa needs to STFU about Shirley not being there for her. Shirley was right to tell her that she didn't have to take her ass in, but she did anyway. But it looks like they're setting up Zsa Zsa leaving, which is only a good thing.

Darren and Max are great together, I just had to laugh at Darren getting an erection when he and Abi were watching the Katy Perry video. So Vanessa is moving in with Max? And with Tanya and Lauren coming back soon and perhaps more of Harry, things should get interesting there.

She did a horrible thing, but I kind of felt sorry for Glenda. That was a nice scene where she begged Peggy to get through to Ronnie and Roxy so that she could have another chance with them. It hasn't been announced that Glenda is leaving the show, so I still think there's more to come with her, and she may be back in a few weeks after a rest period.

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Good episode. Any episode where Peggy gets it in the face is a good one for me.

Aunt Sal was hysterical. I'm glad that she told Peggy where to get off with her "Mitchell family" delusion. I don't know why Peggy loves her horrible husband's relatives more than her own sister. Sal nailed everyone of the dysfunctional lot. I think Jack for sleeping his way through the family and Pat stealing her husband back from Peggy were my favorite ones. I'm going to have to re-watch it many times.

I'm sure that Ronnie and Roxy will forgive Glenda eventually, but what she did was unforgivable. I hate these parents who do wrong by their children and then, claim that they did their best.

I don't know why Shirley apologized to Heather. Heather needs to grow the hell up. She is a mother and needs to learn to take care of herself and her son. I did like Shirley telling Zsa Zsa that she was ungrateful.

Bianca lecturing Carol about topics of conversation for her date was very funny. Carol looked very pretty on her date. I like Lewis and the kiss was very nice. I hope this relationship works out. Carol could do with a smile on her face.

Max and Jack in the pub make me smile. I love them so much now. Jack knew without Max saying a word that having Darren around eased the pain of losing Bradley for Max.

Darren and Max are still wonderful together. I am so glad that they have been paired up.

I liked our brief glimpse of Harry Gold. He seems like a tough guy who would give those Branning brothers real problems.

Edited by Ann_SS
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I enjoyed the episode. It's been said before but every episode is solid now.

Scott Maslen seems so much better and more casual now. It helps that they aren't writing him as the hard man or the edgy outsider or any of that. His reactions to Max and Darren and then when Carol was in the Vic (it was great to see Carol having that everyday type of moment with her brothers, she's rarely had that), etc.

I'm not entirely sure where Sal's outburst came from, although I guess I can't say whether it was in or out of character since we barely know Sal. It was certainly a way to leave with a bang. I thought the scene was a bit too contrived but I always liked the chemistry between Anna Karen and Babs Windsor. I'm glad they brought her back one last time.

I liked the little slice of life moments like Pat struggling to stay away from cigarettes.

I'm so glad Zsa Zsa is almost gone. The minimal efforts to establish a relationship between Zsa Zsa and Shirley never really worked, and since Zsa Zsa does nothing to bring money in, she seems even more pathetic to pout about the situation. This is another example of the casting failure in this role -- Zsa Zsa is too old and hard looking to believably be the wounded teenager. Emer Kenny should have been given another role.

I wonder why Mercy stood around in a towel for the last half of the episode.

I'm glad Jack brought up the elephant in the room (Max and missing Bradley). The comedy scenes with Darren and his "little man" are a bit much at times but Charlie Hawkins makes them fun and goofy. Harry is interesting. He is not the cold controlling figure I thought he might be. He's very aggressive. I wonder if this is it for him. Jodie...please Eastenders don't ever have her get into a rage again, it does not suit the actresses facial features at all!

Enjoyed everything with Carol, she was looking for the worst in that date and then that nice kiss shot down her defenses. I'm loving the relationship between Bianca and Carol these days. It's great to see this softer side of Carol and it doesn't have to be about anger.

So was Morgan Bianca's biological child or was this another child she adopted? I can never remember.

Is it me or are they lighting or styling Shirley to look softer? I thought she looked her best ever on Thursday's episode. I just wish they could cut the cord with Heather for good. I liked the scene with Carol, especially Shirley's smile after they were done sparring.

Edited by CarlD2
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Morgan is Bianca's Bio child. She had a one night stand and got pregnant. Bianca then met Tony while she was pregnant and vulnerable and he adopted the child (of course his motives were to get Whitney).

Should be quite interesting I think when Morgan's father eventually turns up (and I'm sure he will eventually). Really I'm guessing Morgan's only function was to be Bianca's version of a young Billie.

Edited by Dion
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Gawd, I loved Shirley telling Peggy some hard truths about Phil. Phil's failure as a man and father can be laid right at Peggy's feet.

Phil calling Peggy a nag was even better in the episode. I know it is wrong, but I quite enjoyed Phil dragging Peggy, tapping her cheeks and chucking her out.

Bianca and Carol were so sweet. Poor hapless Ricky caught in the middle of those two and just as he wins over Bianca, Sam is pregnant.

Poor Abi. Max and Tanya's self-destructiveness has hurt their children. The actress who plays Abi is very sweet.

Vanessa in white with her white cat was hilarious.

Max said that Darren wanted a "battered sausage." LOL!

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Today's episode:

I enjoyed the Shirley and Peggy exchange too. Shirley's words really cut thought Peggy's delusions about her relationship with her children.

Phil is so disturbing to look at. That exchange with Peggy was intense and hard to look at (which it should be). Phil is so far gone in his drug addiction, I wonder how he's going to pull through in the end.

Oh, and I also liked that little moment where Pat was doing the dishes and singing along to Patsy Cline's "Crazy."

Abi and Heather's conversation about Abi's reaction to Vanessa moving in and her thoughts on the divorce of her parents were very well-written and well-acted. Lorna is a very good younger actress. And this is the best use of Heather in a long time.

Vanessa (to Darren): We got you "battered sausage." :lol:

Carol and Bianca was cute, it's really nice seeing them being calm and more like mother/daughter again. Carol's insecurities are real given that she hasn't been in an active relationship in some time. It's really nice to see Carol's vulnerabilities again.

Bianca pressuring Ricky into telling Carol she's "fit" was hilarious, and then Ricky really getting carried away with it. :lol:

Hell, Ricky and Bianca were cute together at the end of the episode. It's one of the first times in a long time I've bought them as a genuinely loving couple, though, it might be because Sam is about to drop the bombshell about her pregnancy and the possibility that Ricky is the father.

Speaking of Sam, Daniella Westbrook really looks better in her natural hair colour and more normal clothing. I know Sam's in jail, but I'm glad she doesn't look like the prostitute Barbie doll she looked like when Santer brought her back last year.

Edited by Y&RWorldTurner
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