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EastEnders: Discussion Thread


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They are making Masood look awful. To want to abandon his entire family, including a baby, to run away with Jane...who was not all that long ago, until she shrugged it off, furious with him for leaving her brother bleeding on the ground? And we seem to be back to, "The family would be great if Zainab weren't so nasty," which wasn't the story they were telling only a few weeks ago. As always the pacing and continuity on the show now is very confusing.

Lucas now constantly goes around like he wants to whoop some ass. They should ask viewers who they want Lucas to throttle next.

Janine and Roxy seem to know how to shut Syed down. It's refreshing.

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To be fair, he didn't want to speak to Jane at the beginning of the episode, and she wasn't pleased with him either, but eventually they broke the ice. I think the two of them have always had some mutual respect for one another though. As for coming with Jane to Florida, I think he was just depressed and shocked after Zainab basically told him she wanted a divorce.

I think this marital trouble is a consequence of Syed's mess, so it really doesn't seem all that strange to me.

Both Zainab and Masood were doing things intentionally to piss one another off, they're both to blame in a way.

It's hilarious how desperate Syed is, and when he was naming all his qualifications and Janine replied "and I hear you can make a cracking cup of tea!" :lol:

Lucy is such a liar without a conscience. :lol: She has the potential to be the next Janine of this show.

This show is clearly in transition though, it's obvious Santer spent too much time focusing on that damn Live episode that he neglected crucial parts of the show. The show will remain in transition until Kirkwood's stuff really takes off in a few weeks.

Edited by Y&RWorldTurner
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They've always been close, but in her mind, he left her brother for dead. In the space of an episode, they're laughing, being very touchy-feely, and then he wants to go away with her. It just makes me wonder why they even had Christian beaten up, since it serves no story purpose.

I guess what confuses me is how they veer between Masood disowning his son because of the shame brought onto his family, and Masood actually wanting to be close to his son, and only holding back because Zainab doesn't want Syed around. A few weeks ago it was Masood who was leading this shaming and now it's all on her shoulders.

She could seduce Ryan, to get back at Whitney (and Whitney goes "Who's Ryan?"). She gets pregnant. She gives that baby, a boy, to Jane. Then Janine finds out, and makes Ryan take the baby back. As it's a little baby boy and he scrunches up his face a lot, she names him Frank, after her father, and her life is complete. Meanwhile, Jane weeps about not having any babies, and the soap gods magically heal her uterus, because they can't take hearing it anymore.

I don't even know if it's in transition so much as Santer just didn't care about the show beyond stunts. Once he finished his last stunt, what was left?

Hopefully that will be remedied now.

I also hope they get better casting for the kids. Louise is even worse than Dotty. I think of all the kids only one or two can act.

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Meh. It all becomes annoying when you live in a country that makes a big deal of the smallest of extreme weather. And even more annoying when they're made the lead news story, which is basically a recap, dressed up as something new. Now, if we were prone to getting an earthquake or two, that would be different.

Zainab did not ask Mas for a divorce, she told him she wanted to dissolve their partnership with the Beales. Split-up their business, and basically leave them in a financial bind. She's being irrational, even if Mas is being too premature with Jane. He'll remember he has a baby, at some point. But, it must be so difficult living with someone like Zainab.

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I'm sure living with her is very difficult, but it wasn't that long ago when Masood was leading the charge against Syed, when Zainab herself was more vulnerable. It's only when it suits him that she's the villain.

From Zainab's point of view, closing the business makes sense. Thanks to Syed, they have lost tons of customers. Jane was all over Masood in spite of her short-lived fury over Masood leaving Christian injured in the street -- she must wonder where that will go next (and based on Masood's actions towards Jane over the past year, she's probably right). The longer they work together, the more likely that things will get worse.

I just feel disappointed seeing them make Zainab the villain to try to generate pity for other characters. They seem to think they can do to her what they did to Pauline. It was annoying enough to watch what happened to her, much less seeing Zainab turned into a harridan for the likes of Syed or this weird Jane/Masood stuff.

Edited by CarlD2
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Then you weren't watching when we had the snow for several months. It made the lead story on the BBC's news for several days, even though there wasn't anything new to report, except more stupid motorists driving out in heavy snow, and abandoning their vehicles.

I get that, but even without them making Zainab the villain, she's still a difficult person to live with. I do think a lot of it has been rushed. I'm not sure that they're purposely making her the villain, but showing us that her personal beliefs are causing her to ruin her family. Once Syed was gone, that should of been it; but Zainab likes to takes things to their extreme, and push situations to the breaking point. I think the only person her actions generate sympathy for, is Masood. I don't feel any sympathy for Syed, or Jane, or anyone else, and I don't think they justify Masood hitting on Jane. And yes, the Mas/Jane stuff is weird, especially when he said he hasn't stopped thinking about their kiss - seriously, that was a WTF! moment. Terrible writing.

And why was Janine so worried about what the customers think of Syed? I didn't understand any of that scene, with Charlie and the randoms whispering about Syed. He's gay, where's the scandal? And Janine has done far worse, so if anyone's reputation was to turn customers away, hers should.

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Wow, Ben, is this really happening? You and I agree on something! :P

And Wendy Richard really played it all superbly. She really created a unique personality, and the descent to hell was masterful.

As for the weather, I haven't seen those snow reports. For example, the last few days, if I'm informed correctly, there was frost in England (in May?!) and not much was said in the major (or minor) news bulletins. Even the weather reports every half our on BBC News went missing (due to the new Cabinet and all that); and these half-hour reports are always live and the weatherperson changes every 3 hours or so — meaning it's not really repetitive. British and the weather, it's stuff you could write books about. A nation notoriously obsessed with it, but in an entertaining kind of way. :) Probably because it's so changeable.

As Corbett always says: That's your weather. For now.

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She did, and it was. I've always found it interesting that she believed Pauline should've stayed mourning Arthur for all eternity, instead of moving on, and falling in love with someone else. Not everyone can be eternally miserable all the days of their lives, and a happy ending for such an embattled character, would've been nice, but WR put paid to that. Instead, we got that terrible death scene - shame, as by that time, I no longer cared for the character.

I think I know what you mean about the weather; day-to-day it's not over done, just when something big happens, like snow. There was frost in May, but that really isn't all that surprising, considering our changeable weather. I used to know someone who was obsessed with the weather; he would be hooked to the weather channel, checking reports on the Internet, etc. It's was kinda endearing, in a weird sort of way. :lol:

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I think Wendy objected to Pauline ever marrying again. If Pauline had had a comfortable relationship with a man which did not involve marriage, she probably would have gone along with that.

I doubt Pauline would have had a happy ending even if Wendy had wanted one. Few ever really leave Eastenders happy, with a few exceptions, if the show wants them to return, like Sharon or Michelle. Even then, they are often killed off in time, like Kathy, or Angie.

The problem with making Pauline the villain was the story was terrible and the people involved were unpleasant -- not that far off from what the show is doing today. Sonia and her overnight lesbianism and generally pointless, dumb Martin. They had no idea what to do with any of the characters on the show at that time and they just acted out of spite. The story as it is now doesn't even have that excuse, since Nina Wadia isn't Wendy Richard.

I think they didn't have the audience sympathy for Syed or Christian that they may have anticipated, which means the story isn't working as well as it could have, so they're overcompensating now. I don't think it's worth damaging other, more compelling characters.

I think that was just supposed to show how paranoid and isolated he was. Janine was sort of humoring him until he freaked out.

Edited by CarlD2
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Anderson's probably lucky because I think Kirkwood may avoid giving him the axe, since Kirkwood might be accused of a personal bias.

I do wonder if it's just a matter of time. There seems to be less tolerance of dud actors, and Anderson has been a big dud. He's also heavily damaged Whitney, who was supposedly going to be a big character for the future.

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