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EastEnders: Discussion Thread


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Not a surprise, but disappointed, as Lin Blakley has been terrific the last few weeks (one of the only good things about Paul's death story) and dead end characters like Vincent, Babe and Shakil are still around. This also makes me think the show is moving away from a community aspect to become even MORE plot-driven, which is not good at all.



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I still don't buy Harry Reid and Steve McFadden together. Harry tries to impersonate him sometimes, but generally they just don't have any chemistry together. Harry's full on shouty cringiness in the last scenes ruined them. Harry's Ben works better away from the Mitchells, which is why the show's refusal to let him grow up is doubly crippling. Jamie Borthwick has been carrying all the younger men on the show (although I also like Danny Boy Hatcher), yet I won't be surprised if he's let go soon, because he's not part of a pet family. That's how EE works in modern times.

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I don't mind Vincent when he's used right. I do agree about Babe still surviving the axe when she should've been long gone after Abi was exposed for faking her pregnancy. Shakil ... meh. I don't mind him being the young male teen character (despite that hideous ponytail), but if he knocks up Louise or Rebecca, he can immediately go. 


I haven't even bothered to watch EE in weeks though. It is too plot driven. I am agreeing with Leslie Grantham and John Altman when they declared the show is either no longer light or too PC. The show can tell all types of stupid crime plots, but couldn't even give us a proper gay romance. 

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My problem with Vincent is he just doesn't click with anyone. Richard Blackwood would have worked in a comedy type role I think, but not this one. Shakil, my main problem is that the actor can barely speak. 


I agree with most of what they said (and I'm so glad Leslie trashed the show for the "hello princess" travesty). The only thing I disagree with somewhat is the episode order - I don't think 4 episodes a week at 30 minutes is THAT much. DTC managed decent quality for a lot of his first year back, so it's possible. He just got caught up in his own ego and had poor assistants. 


I definitely agree with him about too much PC. The last time the show took a chance on a non-PC character was Shabnam, and she ended up carrying large portions of the show because she was so good and so fresh.

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Are we really supposed to believe that Courtney's never met Ronnie and Roxy? And after Sharon made it clear that Mark thinks Michelle's husband Tim is his father would Phil call up and ask "Mark? Mark Fowler?" Really?


Edited by TimWil
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The show was too gutless to risk casting an actor with an American accent. The flimsy reason given is that he went to a "British school" (which makes no sense as Michelle wouldn't have cared about that sort of thing) and he "adopted" a British accent to pick up girls. That also makes no sense, as most girls would see that as stupid and phony. It makes even less sense because ghoulish DTC decided to try to make him look like David Scarboro (RIP), Mark Fowler #1, and has instead made him look like he just got out of a gay porn parody called "T-Bird Tops."  So he invented a fake posh accent while dressing like a middle-aged gay man's jerkoff fantasy? It makes no damn sense. 


Everything about this story has been awful, more than anything Sharon bleating on about how Grant can't know because he's a bad man (which also makes no sense as she was mooning over him not long ago and he hasn't done anything "bad" in over 15 years). And it's all about Phil. As everything is. It's not enough that he's "dying" and all the Ben drama. We get more contrived melodrama.


It also makes me wonder if the "new Mitchell," is there to replace Jay, as I get the feeling the show would be fine with writing him out as he's not one of their little cadre. 


The show has been awful this week. I hate this story. Anytime someone tells you the Mitchells carry the show, just laugh.

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How stupid. If anything, he'd pick up more girls if he had an American accent b/c it's differ from the norm. 


Jesus. This is like Vicki all over again where EE fails to find a capable actor with an American accent. With all these out of work American actors over here, they could've found one easily. 


I didn't get the leather jacket either. So odd. 


I don't get Sharon now claiming Grant is bad now too. So sad how they've ruined EE's biggest secret with a sh-t story just so Phil can be front and center (as if he isn't already enough). 


The Mitchell clan stories sucks this year. Louise's return, Peggy's death, Phil's cirrhosis, Ronnie's stalking story, etc. They all just SUCK ass. 


I think the writing is on the wall for Jay too. It's been obvious for the longest that this show is eager to get rid of Jamie Borthwick, which is a shame if it comes to fruition. 

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It's still DTC.


Phil's liver story had the potential to be very good, but it's dragged out way too much and no longer has any real pathos. Sharon's awful mewling doesn't help.


I think if Jamie didn't work so well with Harry Reid (who doesn't work very well with most of the others in the cast), DTC would have written him out last year with Lola. This awful drug addiction story and Mark's arrival make me more sure it's just a matter of time. I hope not.

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There's no excuse for Mark to not have an American accent. Zero. Nada. One of the worst decisions this show has ever made. I remember on Coronation Street when Audrey's son visited Weatherfield from Canada and he actually had a Canadian accent. Fancy that! Every time this kid opened his mouth I wanted to throw something at the screen. And he actually is a handsome kid and a decent actor.

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