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So, I guess Daniella Westbrook won't be back as Sam for Peggy's farewell:




I wonder if they'll ask Kim Medcalf - I know her Sam felt like a completely different character, but she is technically the better actress and played Sam's definitive storyline (Den's murder). Sam has never been much of a character in general though...

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I wouldn't be too shocked if they just have Sam not bother to be there at all. It would be the laziest choice. Typical DTC.


After the mess where she was fired from Hollyoaks last year I think she's unemployable to major shows, especially with the government breathing down the BBC's neck.

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The show is so clumsily, repetitively written at the moment, drowning in its own delusion. The scenes of drunk Phil berating and beating his family in the Vic were clearly supposed to be epic, but how many times have we seen that before? And why am I supposed to care that skeezer Shirley is sniffing around Phil again and yet again distancing herself from the child she supposedly loves so much? Her "family," her enabler Buster - none of this will ever compare to Phil. Why is Sharon already calling Gavin "Dad"? Why do they consistently write Sharon as a doormat? Why did they even bring Kathy back when she's just there to remind Ben that Phil isn't so bad? Why is that nasty Louise taking up residence as Phil Enabler #1 when she barely knows the man? Why is Lacey Turner twitching and hamming it up to a point where everyone in Stacey's life looks blind and deaf for not seeing the state she's in?

The only worthwhile material in the entire episode was Kat and the stuff with the funeral.

Edited by DRW50
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Conversely, for the most part, I think they've gotten Kat right during this stint and she's reminded me a lot of the old Kat I fell in love with in the early 00's, too bad she's leaving soon to prepare for the spin-off. 


With Stacey, I can't deal with her looking like a f.ucking mess and fancy camera angles filming her from each direction on every f.ucking episode anymore. 

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This was an extremely underwhelming sendoff for Charlie, and I didn't even really care for the character. I felt that today was all about everyone but him. 


Stacey continuing her descent into madness, which boggles my mind. Can't someone have her ass committed already? Why are they allowing her to walk around the Square a hot ass mess crying and shouting at every chance? 


Shirley crying to Buster about Phil annoyed the hell out of me. Who cares about Phil at this point? Just let him drop dead as I keep saying. 


Only highlight for me was Kat and Belinda mending fences. It truly would've been nice had the other Slater girls been there but whatever. 

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I thought the Kat portions of it were fine (I really liked the scene where she tried to speak about him and got lost in her memories), and the Stacey scenes didn't bother me as much this time (aside from the wack-ass special effects that take viewers for fools), but Shirley being in this to whine about Phil some more was jarringly wrong. It had no place in the episode. I am so tired of this woman and her pity parties. She is never happy unless she is being abused by Phil. She's a pure waste of airtime and drags any scene down.


As BF says, they really have gotten Kat right this time. If only it were not such a rare thing.

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Is Paul turning tricks? I am wondering because he went into the back alley with that man and then limping out in pain. :lol: It could've been just a simple hookup but a part of me does hope is a former (or current) hooker. It'd at least be interesting. I can't wait for Ben to dump Abby though b/c this relationship of their's is farce. 


Claudette and Patrick's sexual banter was a bit gross but at least they are doing something with Patrick. 


So over this Stacey breakdown story. It is making so many characters unlikeable as they allow this woman to walk around the Square like a deranged nut. Plus, I'd rather they get to the good story, which is Stacey's half-brother and her getting to know him. Glad she finally turned herself in. I wish Jean was here from the start. At least she's the only with brains to shout out that Stacey is having a breakdown. 



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This episode was rather dull. Glad that they finally moved forward and admitted Stacey. Not shocked that Ryan has popped in to check on Lily, as I've always felt he'd return down the road. Paul was the only compelling thing going on tonight and I enjoyed him finally giving Ben an ultimatum. Hopefully, the writers will scrap the angst and put Ben with Paul.

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I was thinking today how happy I am that Charlie Brooks quit just as DTC was starting as EP.


He would have undone all of the great character development she had since his last stint on the show and would have made her a cartoon character. Say what you want about the show from 2010-2014, but Janine shined and came into her own again. As much as I miss her, I don't want her to return with these idiots in charge.


When she does return, I want a return similar to Sharon's from 2001 - I want her to own the Vic and throw those f.ucking Carters out. 


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