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EastEnders: Discussion Thread


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I don't think it's a coincidence that Max will be departing around the same time that the Gavin & Kathy show will commence. That one will be an absolute monster of a storyline and Max simply wouldn't have fit into it or been given satisfactory screen time while it will be going on.

I think this press release that has JW already signing a contract for when he returns is nonsense. That's not how it works. He might never come back.


Edited by TimWil
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That's a GREAT theory, Carl. I hope it's true.

I forgot if I wrote here that Tony Jordan told me he'd written a storyline which would have Phil and Billy go to Las Vegas in search of Sharon and Angie would be there running a legal bordello. Anita turned that down and so it was decided to kill Angie off once and for all. Anita's a wonderful lady. I've met her several times. She's a firm believer in "never looking back" so that obviously played into her firm decision to never go back to EE.

Bonnie Langford really impressed me in tonight's episode. I think that Carmel isn't at all what she seems, though. I think she's evil. In a Manchurian Candidate evil mum sort of way. And I can't wait.

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I thought Bonnie was great in the long scene with Nitin Ganatra on Thursday. Nitin's a wonderful actor and that scene was pure drama, no camp or gurning. That Bonnie held her own with him was a pleasant surprise. I don't think this character would be best served being more than a recurring character, but so far she's fit in seamlessly.

I can't help contrasting that to Ellen Thomas, who was camping it up to an offputting degree on Friday. I think she and Richard Blackwood have both taken roles that could have been interesting and reduced them by playing to the rafters. I hope a director - if this show still has directors - tells him to calm down.

Figures that I'm enjoying Liam just as he's being written out.

Rita Symons is always fun in comedy moments but I just don't see what Roxy brings to the show anymore. I think she and Charlie should run off. I doubt Amy would notice, and Ronnie could have the daughter she always wanted.

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I do, NothinButAttitude. When I've been over in the UK I have often spent a weekend with him and his wonderful family. I remember when he first described his Life on Mars idea. I thought it was "high concept" but had no idea it would take off the way it did and be as brilliant as it was.

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He's s great guy, extremely laid back and down to earth. I remember when we happened to be watching a talk show hosted by comic Frank Skinner and Jack Ryder was a guest on it. Ryder's final performance on EE had just aired. They played a clip of Jamie dying in the hospital. When the clip ended Ryder actually said to Skinner "Crap, innit?" I turned to Tony, furious at what I'd just heard. Tony simply put his drink down, said "Well, that wasn't so cool, was it?" got up and proceeded to make a bacon sandwich. And he WROTE the scene that Ryder had taken a dump on. And Jordan fought to get Ryder cast in the role in the first place by convincing BBC executives that Ryder's lack of acting experience would not be a problem. Unbelievable.

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I think Ryder also did some sort of tabloid interview after he left as well, which pissed off John Yorke (though Yorke had already left by the time Jamie was killed off) as well. I think it was the interview where he said, "If you're not a Slater, then see you later!"

I can see why Ryder and Kym Marsh were an item for a while...

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I read that tabloid article (it was in the Sunday Mirror) a day later. I showed it to Tony. I said "Wow, talk about burning bridges." Tony shrugged. Ryder was pretty much blackballed by the BBC and also by Channel 4 where Yorke was a head honcho.

Kym Marsh and Ryder were actually married at the time and she apparently played a big part in Ryder's quitting EE, telling him he was wasting his time working on a soap. She was referred to as "Yoko" backstage at EE. Ironic, huh?

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