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But they're both much-needed eye candy, BetterForgotten. And nowhere near as irritating as Callum and the Moon brothers.

Ah, well, it looks like Dean and Linda will happen. I am now awaiting DTC's call to join the writing staff!


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Really, DRW50? I don't think the Carters are all that disastrous. I agree about Phil and Shirley, though. What a toxic pairing. Linda Henry is a good actress but that character simply isn't worthy of being pushed front and center. She should always be on the fringes.

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I haven't even been keeping up with the show as of late because of the drawn out Lucy murder. I find it cliche (and tiresome) that they are waiting to reveal all at Christmas. I find this to be a detriment as people will tune out till then and only come back around Christmas time. Corrie played it smart by revealing the killer and just playing the beat till Rob's demise. Dare I say it but DTC, take note from Blackburn (even though I hate the dreck he puts out too).

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Most of them can't act and the characters feel generic. Most telling is that their material is about tearing other characters down (Mick exists mostly through this purpose) or isolating and neutralizing them because of lackluster audience response (Nancy, Linda, et al). I just don't like them and I feel like they stick out like a sore thumb.

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I respectfully disagree. In tonight's episode Timothy West (Stan) and Kellie Bright (Linda) were wonderful.

Maddie Hill (Nancy) had a lovely bit-"Go on, Johnny! Be free, be gay!"

The stuff with Mick and Ian at the public swimming facility really worked my last nerve, though.

Edited by TimWil
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Carl, I think a problem with the Carters is that they haven't really been integrated into the show all that well. They don't play support to other characters' storylines as they are constantly on the front burner with their own dramas. DTC has only really focused on Shirley, Mick, Johnny and Tina & Tosh (who are an unlikeable couple). They feel like they are in their own little story bubble sometimes, not really part of the main show. I think the Carters are there to prop Shirley, along with Dean, which I think is a shame, as he has a lot of potential away from Shirley and the Carters; I really want to see Dean interact with other characters, especially the ones he knew previously, like Shabnam - their scenes would write themselves.

I don't know why Nancy is sidelined and underdeveloped. They don't what to do with her. They also introduced Aunt Babe, who has be a disappointment, with little to no purpose so far; then there's Lee, who's another Carter who isn't needed. I don't think the Carters have been failures, but I don't think they are widely applauded offline, either.

They're waiting to reveal Lucy's killer in February, for the 30th anniversary. So even longer to wait. It's a flawed storyline so far that has lost a lot of momentum from the moment Jake was arrested and everyone automatically believed he was guilty.

Edited by Ben
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Ben, I think the reveal will be at Christmas, where we know who the killer is but the characters don't yet. I think the story reaches its climax (killer apprehended, killed, etc.) in February.

I agree about the Carters. It's like the Ferreiras who were absolutely an island unto themselves, ironically only interacting with a character named Shirley.

Edited by TimWil
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I thought DTC said that there would be twists and turns at Christmas that would change who people thought was the killer? I guess it makes sense to reveal the killer to the viewers at Christmas, then have the characters find out in February. Still, they'll have to do a lot to make me care, as so far, I don't care who the killer is.

Oh, the Ferreiras, and "original" Shirley, and her cat, and the random Australian chick, and the one who used to be in Family Affairs - a period best forgotten.

Shirley should have been rebooted by bringing Dean back alone, as their history is enough to generate story without the need to recreate her history in the shape of a big new family that never previously existed. The Carters should have been a new family completely unrelated to anyone on the show.

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I think Dean and Shabnam would have been very interesting to watch. Both have changed a lot since they last saw each other in 2007 (or 2008), and it would have been interesting seeing them talk about these changes and develop a genuine friendship; something that could represent some light in Dean's life (outside of the dark, revenge thing he has going on). I think Dean and Linda are a bit predictable and only serves to isolate them even further. I can also see Dean sharing scenes with Stacey when she returns, and will probably be predictably paired up.

It's easy to forget about Shabnam as she hasn't appeared for ages. She's supposed to have a secret, but with DTC's dodgy pacing, we probably won't know what it is until Christmas 2015.

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