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Coronation Street: Discussion Thread


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After watching Friday's episodes, it was easier to make sense of the Rita/Audrey thing. Thanks. I've seen very, very little of Alf. There's an early 70s episode on YT with lots of him, though, and he seems like a decent man.

I have to say, I don't think I like Ben Price as Nick at all. Too smarmy.

Is Sally in remission and just visiting someone just to visit? That's dumb. I agree about Rosie, though. I like her as the comical maneater type, who can be played for laughs and also sexed up. Girl who plays her (blanking on her name right now) is good.

Fiz is ridiculous. I am very, very far from being a Chesney fan, but he should lump both of those idiots up for being so stupid.

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Ben Price is a bit too old for the role of Nick and he makes a lot of weird facial expressions.

I kind of feel sorry for Chesney because he was brought in as a cute kid, and he's had to grow up onscreen, when most people don't care about seeing the cute kids grow up. He's not a great actor but he's OK. I like him best with the Windass family, he's like a little brother to Gary and a son to Anna.

Did you see the new girl in the wheelchair, Izzy? I thought she had chemistry with Gary, although I don't know if that's going anywhere. I hate the whole "Let's bring in someone because they're disabled and that will get us publicity," idea, especially if it's done as callously as Eastenders did it last year, but Izzy might have potential. Corrie had a popular character on the show for most of the 90s who was in a wheelchair, she was named Maud Grimes.

I think Rosie works as the comical sexbomb but sometimes they take it too far, mostly when they try to make her a vamp. She's been a lot better lately. I enjoyed her scenes with Natasha where they got one over on Graeme.

Alf was a good character. He made a few appearances in the early 60s then became a more regular character at the end of the decade. Bryan Mosley, who played him, was a heavy in a number of films, like Get Carter, but Alf was a sweetheart, most of the time. Alf's first wife died, then he married Renee. She looked like Deirdre, so when you would have these two women in the same scene with their big glasses, it would get confusing. Their biggest story was when Alf was sitting in the Rovers and a lorry crashed through the window. He had some head damage and went through a period of time where he would go from sweet to extremely angry and nasty. Anyway, a new producer said the marriage made no sense, so they killed Renee off in a car accident. Alf was very upset, but eventually married Audrey. Audrey was very stuck up and put on airs as the wife of the mayor. There was a funny episode, I think it's on Dailymotion, where she refused to be mayoress because Alf wasn't giving her enough perks to go along with the title. She assumed he'd go back to her after she pouted, but then Betty, the barmaid, let everyone know that Alf had made her the new mayoress.

When Bryan Mosley died they put Alf's fedora on the top of his coffin.

Here's the scene where Renee dies.

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The car crash with Tyrone and Molly was much better than I had expected. I am sick of Molly but the drama was gripping, especially when Kevin raced to get there.

I feel so sorry for Sophie. The story has been rushed but Brooke Vincent is doing a good job. I love seeing Rosie as the supportive big sis.

The Gary AWOL story has potential too.

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Gary`s AWOL story gets wrapped up by next week so don`t get your hopes up.

Enjoying Sophie`s story and she could be the first full out lesbian if Corrie write it right.

I just want the Affair storyline to end so we dont have any more rubbish scenes with Molly & Kevin

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I can't believe Molly and Tyrone made the idiotic decision to drive off in their car without checking with Kevin first to make sure he'd worked on the brakes. Stupid, stupid, stupid. The crash was jaw-dropping for me, so that kinda made up for it. Loved Pam going off on Kevin. Love anyone going off on Kevin and/or Molly.

Poor Sawfeh :( B. Vincent's voice irritates me to no end sometimes, but she's so sad when she cries. I liked Rawseh being there for her.

I feel so dirty for thinking Gary Windass is teh sex. He's pale, pimpley, and ginger. I have no clue why I like looking at him. The actress who plays Anna is amazing, and I absolutely adore her. Eddie bugs. Did get a kick out of David and Gary being civil to one another. Gary going AWOL intrigues me.

Julie grated on my nerves! Usually I find her charming, but good god, the desperation and need for a man is boring and annoying and old. She's Sean with a vagina.

Where in the heck are Emily and Norris? When I was watching last summer, they were on constantly thanks to the Ramsey storyline. Have they faded into the background now that he's dead?

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You don't think redheaded guys are hot? I tend to like guys with red hair, you know, unless they're Carrot Top. I still have fond memories of Turlough from Doctor Who and his nicely packed Speedo and great legs.

Gary is a bit mangy but has very strong charisma.

Norris is on vacation with Mary, or about to go on vacation with her.

Emily isn't on much lately but she appeared a few weeks ago, when Rita and Audrey were arguing. Emily tried to stop them and Audrey said she was probably loving this and told her to shut up.

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It looks like Claire and Ashley may have been fired.


If this is true I'm really disappointed, I think they are an important part of the show's community, especially Ashley, who has been around since 1995 and has friendships and relationships with many characters. They're both very good actors, especially the guy who plays Ashley.

What bothers me even more is that the show has SO MUCH dead weight. These two are not even anywhere near the top of the list. Yet they're going, while the likes of Michelle and Sean stay? If this is the show's priority, then 2011 is not going to be a good year.

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Terrible. Steven Arnold is one of my favorites on the show, and I was already annoyed with the lack of screentime/story they were giving him. Claire, I never really cared for, but even she deserves to stay over some of the others. Ridiculous.

I wonder what exactly helps them determine who should be on the chopping block and who should not, because if it was so easy for them to sack SA and JH, then Sue Cleaver needs to be worried, Antony Cotton should be worried, the chick who plays Jack Duckworth's girlfriend should already have her things packed already anyway. What's the deal with Beverley Callard? Because she could be next.

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I liked Claire more before they made her a mini-Sally. Ashley, I think he's such an important part of the fabric of Weatherfield and I always enjoy his comedy moments with Graeme and his friendship with Peter. He's also a very underrated dramatic actor. This is on a show where a number of "stars" cannot act at all.

There are some people who some say stay around because they're popular backstage or know someone, like Jennie McAlpine and Antony Cotton. And others who are seen as some sort of big deal, like Kym Marsh. The problem is that there's such a wall of bad actors or pointless characters, or both. And they never seem to go away. It's something which the show needs to address. Instead they got rid of two harmless characters played by good actors.

As you mentioned, I do think Sue Cleaver may be going soon too :(

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Claire does remind me a lot of Sally, whenever they have her on. The only time I've ever really seen her was when she had her little medical emergency last year. I haven't even missed her, to be honest. But I do love Ashley.

Thursday and Friday's episodes...

How stupid of Tyrone and Molly to try to place all of the blame on Kevin. They should have never taken the car without checking with him first, and THEN there's the fact that he kept calling them and they made the decision to ignore all of his phone calls. Molly likes to act like she's some fricken victim in this whole thing. Threatening to expose it all to the police wasn't gonna just get Kevin in hot [!@#$%^&*], you cow. You cheated on your husband with a married man and are possibly carrying his child. People aren't gonna invite you over for tea and hotpot either, cow. That's one thing I hate, hate, hate, when soaps do a story like this and the man is painted as the ultimate guilty party, as if he should have more willpower to keep his peter in his pants than the woman has to keep her legs closed. Tsk tsk tsk.

Ken and Deidre always have me laughing, but the absence of Blanche is kinda depressing and very sad, especially when Ken said that she'll be back in two weeks. What exactly are their plans regarding Blanche? I just figured they were gonna keep her on holiday around the world.

The Sophie/Sian stuff was really, really good, IMO. It was very realistic, I think. Rarely would a girl like Sophie kiss a girl like Sian if there weren't signs of mutual attraction. Sian's initial rejection made sense because she wasn't as ready to go there as Sophie was, but now that she's had time to think about it, it comes to her naturally. I thought the scenes of them kissing and enjoying each other's company were great. LOL at Rosie telling poor Lee that she's out of his league. Who says our Rosie has no standards?

Very good, simple scene of Rita and Audrey reconciling or at least moving closer to reconciliation. So few words were said, nothing was said of an apology, and when both parties are wrong, there need not be any "apologizing." Just a subtle acknowledge of the hatchet being buried. Good job.

I'm curious about Gary. I did not need to see Eddie in his drawz, but whatever. Also didn't need to see him in his drawz and having a cow over where Anna put his cheese. But whatever. I know I already said it, but I love the actress who plays Anna so much. She's almost been the best part about that family.

Oh, I love redheaded guys, but Gary/MN is so pale and pasty-looking, very unrefined. Maybe that's what turns me on about him, I don't know. He's a decent actor, too, and that always give me love bumps, so who knows. I've always been interested in the idea of Gary batting for the other team, but that really wouldn't make any sense, and I'm always interested in almost all male soap characters batting for the other team.

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I think they're just having this stuff with Kevin and Molly and Tyrone and the car to amp up the drama. I thought it was a bit much, because that car went FLYING and Molly wasn't wearing a seat belt, yet Tyrone didn't have a scratch (you'd think that huge head of hers might have done him some damage) and Molly was also relatively uninjured. I think they might have been better off just having them crash into a hay bale or something. They're probably also doing this to try to even the score, because Molly came across as a psycho for most of her relationship with Kevin, and after they broke up. Even now it's still hard to sympathize with her. I just wish they'd bring up the son Kevin already lost, who died at birth about ten years ago.

When they first started with Gary I thought he could have been gay, since he didn't seem interested in women beyond conquests, and he had that weird chemistry with David. All that stopped though.

Sophie and Sian are a nice little couple, it's nice to see, for a gay story on soaps, a relative lack of drama. You also get to see the double standards of a soap world -- they showed Sophie and Sian kissing, several times in one scene, but on soaps you're still lucky to get two men touching lips for a second. I'm mostly wondering how Kevin and Sally will react. A lot of people think Sally will be upset, but with the conflict they keep building between Sophie and Kevin, I think it will be Kevin. And of course Sian's father will hit the roof.

The plans for Blanche,

Corrie deaths over the years:

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Oh, that death montage is so sad and depressing. So many of Corrie's deaths have been of the unexpected and sudden variety. I'm surprised Val's death isn't included. That one always gives me the heebie jeebies because there was no build up to it in that scene at all. She was just trying to fix her hair dryer and poof, she'd dead.

Barbara Knox in that clip where Alan dies :( She was so good. I wonder why they never showed the police telling her that Len died. I watched that episode a few weeks ago, and I was getting a huge knot in my stomach waiting to see her immediate reaction, but all we got was Betty coming out and telling the others.

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