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Coronation Street: Discussion Thread


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Poor Steph. Of course she wouldn't get a somewhat happy ending with Andy. 

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I'm over Anna in constant peril. Find something else for her to do. It's old. 


Toyah & Peter is so predictable that I could've smelled it awhile away. Honestly, I hope Leanne doesn't flip out when she finds out or give a sh-t. She ought to know by now that Peter isn't a worth sh-t and this is up his alley. He bedded & married her arch nemesis, Carla. It isn't a far stretch for him to bed her baby sister. 

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This show really has gone down the shitter. The end of this is a howler. These characters are everything I hate about modern soaps. I want Len Fairclough to rise from the grave and beat their asses. 


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Adam v. Aiden is garbage honestly.


Why are fighting over Maria of all people?


Why is she still a thing? 


Why must all the men on this show be brute idiots that puff out their chests & result to violence?


Plus, we somewhat saw this same scene last week with Peter & Nick. 


The situation doesn't get any better now that Maria is supposedly about to be knocked up by one of them too. 

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Aiden has taken a hit since they had him sleep with Maria. Now I just want him to go away. I actually enjoyed him with Eva. Maria is a succubus. She sucks the energy out of everyone she touches. 

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Ew, she is? How lazy. 


I think they're also supposed to be fighting over the factory. I hate that place. I hate the idea that it's supposed to be reclaimed for the Baldwins. There are no Baldwins. Just a retcon child. 


I think Oates sees him as her new Ross Barton. Well, he isn't. 

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I don't mind the factory if it actually created any real drama. It doesn't. 


I think they 2 are supposed to be fighting over the factory in some power struggle, but I can't tell as Maria dominates the story more than the actual factory does. 


And Kate Oates needs to drop it if she think Adam is gonna be the equivalent of Ross. Sam Robertson, though beautiful, is NO Michael Parr. My husband, Michael Parr has the looks, charisma, and acting ability. Sam, on the other hand, does not. He is painful to watch at times. It does not help either that Shayne Ward is still pretty green in the acting department too. Watching these 2 waxed models fight over Maria boggles my mind. At times, I just want them to kiss one another and shove her out the picture. 

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 Maybe then I'd care!


But yes, word on the street is that Maria might wound up being a pregnant resulting in a 'who's the daddy' story between the three ... well 4 if you add Eva.

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Really, Corrie? Really?


Are they really telling a poor man's version of Richard Hillman with Pat Phelan? It all makes sense now. Both men latched themselves onto single, needy women (Gail, Eileen). Both scammed people out of money. I guess Anna is the Audrey in this story as she suspects him and remains hysterical over his presence. 


So I guess him killing Andy with the laptop was the equivalent of Richard killing Maxine with the spanner? 


I like Kate Oates but she needs to do better. 


What's next? He plans on driving all the Grishams into a lake where he drowns? 


I also hate that poor Steph didn't get a happy ending. Her exit was so damn lackluster and underwhelming. 


I know as a writer that there is no such thing as an original story (as they've all been done), but c'mon now! If they were gonna do this, they could've at least copied it a bit better.


The Michelle/Steve miscarriage is the ONLY good story at the moment. This show needs to get it together.

Edited by Nothin'ButAttitude
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The main difference with the Hillman story and this is it was a gradual build as Richard seemed like a decent man at first, if slightly shady. Phelan started out as a rapist and villain. It's made no sense that the show has essentially had most of the street ignore that. And none of them even cared when he ripped off their money. It's just lazy writing. 


And they fired the actor who played Andy - who was so gorgeous and so talented - for this [!@#$%^&*]. All while bootleg Ross barton (Adam) sneers his way through scenes. 


I find the show unwatchable. 

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Don't get me started on that Adam/Aidan/Maria sh-t story again. 


I don't mind Adam, but they need to play up what he is good at--being eye candy. He is not convincing at being the bad boy. He's just horrid. 


I agree that Hillman's story was a gradual buildup much like Alan Bradley's story. Like you said, they couldn't do the same with Pat as Anna stayed screaming his dirty past for the longest. I feel like the entire cast has been stupefied so this story can work. I hate Andy had to be a casualty and Steph by default. Steph & Andy was one of the few pairings I enjoyed the last few years of this show, and seeing them end this way saddens me. I at least wanted them to run off into the sunset together. Didn't help either that they made poor Luke inadvertently cause the death of Andy by spilling their plans to flee to Portugal. 

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The Barlow clan return (outside of Adam) is the best thing the show has going for it. I love Daniel, intellectual type of actor with a different technique who could make it big if he leaves (hoping his coming out won't hurt his career), but I'm not sure how I feel about him being saddled with Sinead, such an uninteresting character although I guess she's nice. And Peter is a worthy lead along with Steve. Nick is okay I guess but like Carla last year I'm ready for him to leave.

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I liked the actor who plays Daniel when he was on Emmerdale, but this character just doesn't work for me. The whole push of him being a "young Ken" when they have almost nothing in common beyond reading books, the bizarre implications that he is some sort of psycho and that's why he didn't get laid until he forced himself into it, the pairing with the annoying black hole that is Sinead, etc. 

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I think so, yes. It doesn't really work, because Ken and Mike mended fences years before he died and Mike never behaved the way Adam does. He was a different type of scoundrel - he wasn't some type of mouthy thug involved in drugs and all that. It's just lazy. 


They should have recast Ken's son and grandson that were cast with Bill Roache's son and grandson for the 50th anniversary stunt. Have the grandson, who was a gay schemer, cause drama for Billy and Todd. 

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