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Coronation Street: Discussion Thread


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@DRW50 she did badmouth Janice to Leanne along with trying to force her hand on the situation. I've been over Liz for the longest, and this is yet another story that makes me wish she'd pack up and go. I wanted Leanne to head butt her when she implied Leanne preyed on Steve. :rolleyes:


Does Liz not know who her son is? Steve has always been weak. This is nothing new. 


That aside, what do you think they should do with the factory? What should it be replaced with? I don't mind it, but I do agree that it needs to be updated if it is gonna be used. No factory that I know of still uses sewing machines. Most stuff is done on an assembly line via big machines. 

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Bring in some type of supermarket chain or turn it into a community center that could give a lot of characters stories of their own. If the show tried it might work. They've managed to make the gym work out passably well, which most soaps do not. Billy would fit in well there, among others. 


I read that Steve threatened to kick Liz out of the pub. If only. Send her tired ass back to Spain. If I thought this story would bring back the hard edge in Steve that Karen and every woman since robbed him of, then I'd be happier, but I don't think Simon Gregson can play that Steve anymore.

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Steve did threaten to kick Liz out but it went nowhere. I'm only used to spineless Steve, so anything other than that would be awesome. 


I thought that they were gonna bring in a big market, which was the reason why Sally ran for council but it went nowhere. The story was dropped once Sally got into office. I wouldn't mind them working in a big market. I don't mind the factory if it actually resembled a true undergarment factory nowadays. Wouldn't it be a fashion house much like Forresters on B&B? 

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Is it just me or did Lauren and her mother both have pronounced Scouse accents when they first appeared? On tonight's episode they sounded pure Mancunian. Every time I look at the actress who plays Lauren I think how perfect she'd be on Brookside if it was still on.

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Please don't tell me that this show is entertaining David and Gemma? Just no. I can accept this as friends but as potential lovers? Um no. 


Luke is being wasted whining and pining after that drip, Maria.


A lot of the young adult men are being wasted on this show. Doesn't help that Adam and Daniel are about to return too and be added to the list too. Like @DRW50 suggested, a lot of these young men (Luke, Gary, Zeedan, David, Andy, Todd) need a bachelor's pad(s) over in Victoria Court. These need their own spots where they can usher in women (or men in Todd's case) out on the regular and be actual young chaps. Speaking for myself, I'd frequent there. :P


Moving on, glad to see Sean wallow over losing Billy; however, Billy needs to be excited about upgrading from Sean to Todd. Who would he rather rollover and look at in the morning? Brooding, sexy Todd or withered faced Sean? I'd pick Todd. 





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I don't think David and Gemma will ever have a romantic relationship. She's probably being put into his orbit because she's yet to find out about Kylie killing Callum and David's cover-up of it. I think she'll set her cap on Daniel Osbourne.

I'm not sure the show can resist putting Adam Baldwin with Eva-thus we'll have a couple in the Street named Adam and Eva.



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Does anyone think that Norris might've been the one to call the partitioner on Billy/Todd? For some reason, I think he did it for Sean. It's up his ally to do some mess like that. 


That aside, I didn't care for Sean's b-day at all. If anything, tonight highlighted how Sean needs to go! 


Steph, Luke, and Andy were the highlights for me. I just enjoy that trio and wish they had more to do. I wanna see Luke be a playboy with his sexy ass! I want to see Steph and Andy's relationship more. I just enjoy them. 


I didn't mind Craig that much when he was opposite Tim/Sally. Anyone alongside Tim/Sally is a plus for me b/c they are one of the few characters I enjoy. 


*sighs* Yet another story with Maria poaching someone else's man. Can they give Maria's whore ass something else to do other than sleeping around? This story with Caz is boring too. 

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I'm glad that Oates has gone through with bringing them back, especially while Ken is still with the show. I would have recast Adam, as Sam Roberston mostly just had awful hair and made weird faces, but I've heard he's improved. We'll see. Rob Mallard was wonderful on Emmerdale last year as the twink (Connor) Robert had a history with and used to entrap Lawrence. A number of fans (me included) wanted him back. I'm glad he's going to get a chance on Corrie. I do wonder if he will be gay. If so then I have a feeling Oates may have split Todd/Billy up so fast so she can do Todd/Daniel. 


The show has a lot of young men in that age range so I wonder if this means goodbye to characters like Luke and gorgeous, invisible Andy. 

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Todd seems to be Kate Oates' new Robert Sugden - a plot device she knows can get away with doing a lot of stupid things. Corrie isn't Emmerdale, which has been chock full of amorality since the wonderful Chris and Kim Tate era, so she won't have him killing people, but it's the same short-term, meandering focus. 


This story (anything with Phelan, really), the Leanne/Steve mess, and the awful lesbian panic mess with Maria have made me not want to watch any of Corrie anytime soon. It's a shame. 

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