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Coronation Street: Discussion Thread


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I actually like Kylie and Freddie's growing friendship. If is one of the few highlights of the show. It's adorable to see a young character latch onto an older character and watch them establish a friendship. It's that generational storytelling I miss on US soaps. I was NOT here for Aiden, Eva, and the immigrant story. That story was stupid from the start. 

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I'm really enjoying Freddie Griffiths as well. Hopefully, they'll find a way to keep him around once Kylie exits. He's the type of man who Gail should be with. Not Eeyore. The conversation on WalfordWeb about how low she's been brought down over the years was educational for me and then infuriating. I watched a clip of her rowing with Ivy Tilsley, and it was electric. I haven't seen Gail like that in I don't know how long.


I'm so glad you critiqued ugly Anna. I hate her so immensely and the actress is completely unsympathetic. On the same token, I never understood why you disliked Eileen before. She was never a favourite per say, but she never bothered me. I get it, she's a complete moron. A woman whose misery is based on her own stupidity. Instead of killing off a character with potential (Tony), a useless death if ever there was one. Jason's exit should involve Eileen's death at the hands of Phelan, somehow. Jason's ignorance finally catching up to him in a way that would shame him into leaving the street. Sean would go the way of the dodo bird, leaving Todd to need some new flatmates in Zeedan, Gary, and Luke. Then once Todd finally gets a new love interest, maybe the show could explore a story about his father.


I also wish Corrie would stop being so safe and, like the other soaps have done, end up having Nick forgive Carla for her transgression and leave town with her in a surprise exit. If only so the show can't go down the predictable and overdone route of Leanne reuniting with him. 


As for this horrible slavery plot. It's classic Stuart Blackburn. A story that starts, stops, never to be mentioned again. In other words, not much of a story at all.

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I want Nick to forgive Carla too and Tracey end up with the short end of the stick. However, we know that won't happen. Carla will be tarred and feathered alongside Tracey, but Carla will escape Weatherfield while Tracey rightfully consumes all the heat. 


I don't mind Anna but I find her to be shrewish. Her constant makeups and breakups with Kevin are annoying. Either slap them together or tear them apart for good. It's annoying. 


I am hoping that they don't tear apart Sally/Tim with this council story. Yeah, I expect division to occur between the because of Sally's new job, but I hope it doesn't lead to Tim finding solace elsewhere. I can't take another affair story. I'd actually like to see them talk it out and for Sally to be conflicted. Does she want her new job or save her marriage? And for Tim--is he willing to accept Sally's new job and all that it comes with or will he put his foot down and demand Sally to choose? 

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I'm surprised people are more upset about that than they are about his ghoulish description of her medical condition that her family had kept private. 


Bill Roache is a weird man, as is his son, the very handsome Linus Roache.

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Can they wrap this blackmail story between Carla/Tracey now? So boring. 


Also, Gail came off as pathetic last night. I never got why she pined after Michael seeing how he did her. I always thought he was beneath her. Even though the actor is returning in a few months, I honestly wouldn't mind if he changed his mind and opted not to return. 


Erica/Dev and Tim (his presence alone) were the highlights of the night for me. 

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Yes! Izzy is one of the many characters that need to be killed off this show. I don't mind Anna, when she's not a shrill banshee, but Izzy can go! She should've left with her dad, Owen, back a year or two ago. 


Someone pitched on here awhile back that they should have Gary, Zeedan, and Luke as three bachelors in a flat. That would've been an interesting dynamic to see. 

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I pitched that! Stuart Blackburn inundated the show with younger characters, but has done absolutely nothing with them. It still leaves me dumbfounded that anyone thought it was a good idea to move Luke in with Tyrone and Fiz. How does that make any sense whatsoever? And of those three young studs, why can't Todd seduce one of them? That little moment between him and Zeedan on New Years was everything. They could have still brought on the gorgeous Rana, and just had her add another level to the story. And if the rumours about her being a bunny boiler are true, even better. The show desperately needs to stop shoving Tracey into everything to be a one note bitch, which Kate Ford cannot play, and have another vixen come aboard and ruffle some feathers.

Edited by Bright Eyes
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I'd prefer they bring someone on for Todd. Personally, I am over characters being made insta-gay on soaps. Robert on Emmerdale was the last one I was willing to accept. For now on, give me characters that are sure about their sexuality, but I did love your idea of three single chaps living and bonding together in a flat. I feel it has tons of story potential. 


This is the first time I've heard of the rumors about Rana. Are they about to make her a new 'Mad Maya' type character? 


With Tracey, I've been over her. I was excited when she returned a few years back but now I want her gone again. There's no character growth and all her stories are running together b/c they are the same. Now that this whore is pregnant makes things even worse. 

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