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Coronation Street: Discussion Thread


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Question, is Kirk slow or is he supposed to be just a dopey character? Because after all these years of watching Corrie, this has been one thing that has boggled my mind. Seriously.


Glad that Jenny has once again been cleared and I wish that they would've allowed her to gloat. Especially, towards Beth, who took on Sally's role of tormentor despite Jenny not having done anything to her. I guess Beth did get some comeuppance in the form of having an allergic reaction. Just wish that she would've dropped dead b/c she's one of the many characters I wish was written off. 


Psycho Simon strikes again and I am glad that Leanne and Zeedan sees that he needs help. However, we have dumb Ken trying to delay Simon getting snitched on. So weird seeing as when nutty ass Tracey does something, he always scolds her and wants her to come clean. If you are gonna cut for one family psycho then cut for the other one. 


I am not here for Jenny being chemistry tested with that dud, Johnny. Ugh. 


Poor Anna cannot catch a break. It's like everyone has turned on her when it comes to Phelan. I also found it odd how everyone quickly dismissed Anna's claims (and she was correct) that Phelan sabotaged the electric in the garage. Everyone can see how distressed she is over this man. It isn't stemming from nowhere. 

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OK. Makes sense. Sometimes I wonder if Kirk is slow ... like real slow. I think he could be endearing if they matured him. I think the dolt role is not cute for a grown person in their late 30s/early 40s. 


I guess that makes sense with Anna too, but it is obvious that this woman is distressed to the max when it comes to Phelan. For once, she is on point when it comes to him. 

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They actually have matured him somewhat, in that he's married and a good stepfather to Craig, but yeah, it gets a little silly. They're lucky that Andy Whyment looks about the same age now as he did when he started, so people haven't seen a noticeably aging man still treated like an idiot, which isn't as "cute."


Anyway, I'm glad you're sharing your thoughts. It makes me want to watch a bit more often.


The Michelle stuff annoys me already, as her first love was named Dean, a man who died before she arrived on the show. He was Ryan's father (or the other one's father, as it turned out). They met when they were like 14 or 15. I wonder if this is just a further way to erase Ryan from the show's history.

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Why would they want to erase Ryan from the show's history? Is it b/c of the two dud recasts? 


Yes, you should watch it a bit more as it is getting a bit better. I am enjoying Jenny assimilating back onto the Street along with Mary's comedic story of getting over her affair. Eva and Aidan's romance is a bit cute even though I don't care for this human trafficking story about to come into play. And Anna's story is good. I don't mind Leanne's arc with Simon now that she's about to do something. 


I just need them clip about about 10-12 characters (Fiz/Beth/Ches/Sinead/Michelle/Sean/Jimmy/Sophie/Izzy/Kate/Caz) from the show. 

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Under no circumstances should Beth be going anywhere. She has been one of the main highlights the last few years. And her and Kirk are the best couple on the show, next to Tim and Sally, of course. Her friendship with Tracy is a particular highlight. However, I don't know how long you've been watching (or returned) to come to such an irredeemable opinion, but it I can only imagine it's because she hasn't been any prominence for awhile.


I don't agree necessarily agree with getting rid of Sophie, either. She's been a strong supporting character the last couple of years, except for this unsympathetic turn they've taken her down in regards to Jenny. 


I'm guessing by Jimmy, you mean Johnny? I agree with the rest of your list and would add Norris, Liz, Steve, and Anna. The McDonalds are the epitome of played out, Norris adds nothing to the show, and Anna has always been an insufferable shrew. The Nazir grandparents could leave and not miss a beat, leaving Zeedan, Luke, and Gary to all live together in a lads pad. It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever that the show has Luke living with Tyrone and Fiz. What 20 something would do that themselves? In fact, I wish they'd make Tracy get her own place, too. It's embarrassing now.


As for Ryan, I liked Sol Heras. He was hot as hell, and it reminded viewers Sophie was more than just the resident lesbian. His affair with Katy was also the only time anyone in the Armstrong family was ever interesting.

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I've never liked Beth. She's just never meshed well with me. It get my comedic coupling from Tim and Sally. That's enough. I'd rather see Kirk with someone else. 


I don't care for Sophie either despite her being supporting. She just sucks up air, IMO. Rosie was always the more interesting Webster sister. Sophie whines too much for me and has nothing going for her. Now it seems like I to watch her pine after Kate ... Nope! Not here for it.


Yes, I meant Johnny or whatever his name is. He can go. I don't care for anyone in Carla's new insta-family except for Aidan at this point. 


Norris doesn't bother me. He annoys me b/c he's a judgmental nag but he's needed. Plus, Rita puts his a** in line enough for my entertainment. I am enjoying Anna despite her shrillness. I just hope they don't make me revert back to hating like I did when she was with Owen. If so, she can go too. 


I've been over the McDonald clan since Steve married Becky, and they were pushed to be Corrie's next great couple. Karen, Fiona, and Tracey were the only women I've enjoyed Steve with. His pairing with Michelle makes it worse. He really can go at this point. 


I'd be all for Zeedan/Gary/Luke living in a bachelor's pad together and enjoying the young women on the Street. It's a shame these hot ass men are being wasted (sexually that is). They should always have a bed scene. 


You're not alone as I liked Sol Heras too even though he wasn't the strongest actor. His body was to die for, so I overlooked his shortcomings in the acting department.

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Paula is a good actress but I felt like the character was one-note - similar to how they ended up doing Becky. I appreciate her quitting rather than continuing to hurt other actors with the frequent maternity leaves. 


As for Norris - he's just too nasty and sour now. They used to have Rita there to keep him in check but she's not able to do that anymore.

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Those scenes of Leanne turning in Simon were hard to watch but it had to be done. He's too far out of control where someone else has to step in and help him b/c Leanne clearly can do it no more. 



Erica and Dev still grow on me. As I've said earlier, I haven't cared for Dev in a long time but Erica is making me care for him again. 


Sally and Anna's exchange was hilarious. Sally is way in over her head when it comes to politics and she's gonna flop hard come election time. 


Tracey's obsession with Rob is growing old. Like let it go. For once, I'd like to see Tracey in a pairing where the man equally wants her back. It's tiresome seeing her latched to these men that use her and then grow tired of her and toss her aside. It's nice to see Todd try and ground her even though it can be impossible at times. 

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Tracy is such an idiot. I swear she is own worst enemy. I don't see how she is gonna have the upper hand on Carla when Rob finds out all the heinous crap she's done. Much like Carla, she'll end up alone. 


Sally and Tim are a hoot. Sally pandering for votes while Tim slowly loses it over his wife's political ambitions. I am enjoying this cute little storyline. 


Glad that Simon is gone. I kept getting pissed in that scene b/c Ken, who is so damn worthless, didn't do crap. He just sat there and allowed Simon to treat Leanne like crap. Most men would've snatched Simon up and told him to get a grip. 

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Everyone knows how much I love Sally and Tim, but it made me uncomfortable when Sean was jokingly telling Tim to "punch Sally on the nose" like you would a shark, considering that she's a survivor of abuse. 


I also hate how focused on Carla Tracy has become. It's very close to being as annoying/pathetic as her obsession with Steve. This is a woman who murdered a man in cold blood for cheating on her. Technically, Robert didn't, but there should still be more anger towards him. She's shown plenty of times that she never wants to go back to prison, but that dark part of her should always exist. She should fear it taking control of her again, and maybe that's part of the reason she's zoned in on Carla. But no, they just brush that part of her character under the carper or make jokes about it. If this were EastEnders, they'd harp on it until the cows come home.

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