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Hollyoaks: Discussion Thread


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Gemma Bissix is love! :wub:

She's really good at being a bitchy villainess. I simply love the way she recites her dialogue. I can't wait to see her back!

2:27 in to see the whole scene.

My favourite part of the scene starts 3:42 in though.

Clare (to OB): I remember you making threats before, YOU AND THE UGLY SISTER, didn't quite go to plan now, did it!?

OB: I wouldn't go there if I were you.

Clare: Well, that's where your real love for me comes from, isn't it!? I mean, if it wasn't for moi, poor ol' Mel wouldn't have burned in that fire, and you'd still be holding hands at her AA meeting. ::evil laugh:: TRAGIC THAT THE OTHER ONE HAD TO DIE TOO! TWO FOR THE PRICE OF ONE!

OB: You sick bitch! Phone social services!

Clare: You know it never fails to amuse me, your drunkin' mess of a girlfriend told SO MANY LIES, and when she actually told the truth, NO ONE BELIEVED HER. There's a moral in that somewhere, oh yeah, LIAR LIAR THE LUSH IS ON FIRE!. ::evil laugh::

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Edited by Y&RWorldTurner
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Let me join you in the excitement: OMG!!!!! OMG!!! WOOHOO!!!!! :lol:

You're probably right, but I don't care. It's just going to be great to see her again.

She sure is. :wub:

I loved her exit, especially when she looked into the camera, plus she looks so hot here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fe8DVs_tRAM

More Clare vids :)

Clare's story montage: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDUnRvuvfRI

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Looks like Gemma will be returning exactly around the two year anniversary of the "Who Pushed Clare?" mystery.

God, 2007 was such a fantastic year for Hollyoaks. A true golden era. Clare's reign of terror and the John Paul/Craig stuff was the best stuff I watched that year, and I've never gotten over how great it all was.

I can't believe it's almost a year since Max died. I really miss him and OB. They were such a huge part of the show, and obviously Clare's storyline. The only thing that won't be the same this time around is Max and OB's absence when Clare comes back. I wonder if Clare will interact with Tom, I mean, she did try to poison him once. :lol:

Edited by Y&RWorldTurner
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Tom: You’re horrible.

Fernando: Are you talking to me?

Tom: And you dance like girls.

Fernando: Shouldn’t you be with your mother?

Tom: My mom’s dead.

Fernando: Oh.....I thought Steph —

Tom: No.......Steph was married to Max.

Fernando: Who’s Max? Your father?

Tom: My father is dead.

Fernando: Oh......

Tom: Max is my brother.

Fernando: Well....where’s Max?

Tom: Dead. Now Steph looks after me cause she’s nice.....not like you.

Fernando: What have I done wrong?

Tom: You said no when she asked you to join her school. And it’s not fair cause now you’re gonna steal all her customers.

Fernando: Well, that’s not my intention.

Tom: So many bad things have happened to her and she doesn’t deserve it. And she’s like my mom and she’s amazing. And for once, I want her to be happy.

Fernando: But –

Tom: Well, yeah, you can get lost cause she’s a better dance than you are anway, so there.

:lol: I love the little head nod when he said, "so there." Ellis Hollins rules! LOL

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I started a year too late. :( Everything I've seen from 2006 and 2007 has been awesome.

I want to see Clare interact with Tom too. I love the scene where Clare tells Tom everyone around him dies because of him. And then Tom runs away from Max. LOL

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