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Hollyoaks: Discussion Thread


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Hollyoaks Does Come Dine With Me aired last week in the UK (was it a repeat?) and it turned out to be very entertaining. The "dinner hosts" were the guy who plays Jimmy, the gals who play Tegan and Leela, the gal who plays Simone, Jessica Fox and Kieron Richardson. Richardson was as obnoxious and ignorant as it gets but he seems to be liked by his fellow cast members and in fact shared first place with Jessica Fox, who really did deserve the win. Richardson pronounced "souffle" as "soofel," which made me snicker no end. The gal who plays Leela (Kirsty something) was very cute and seems like she'd be a hoot to be around. The old guy playing Jimmy came off as an absolute idiot and his offerings were disgusting (frozen cottage cheese, anyone?)

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I'll have to watch that.


Apparently Stephanie Davis is making herself look foolish on CBB (shocker) and James Sutton was again making bitchy remarks about her on Twitter. It always makes me laugh that while he is straight, he's a whole lot queenier than JP has ever been.

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Caught up on December and January ... some random thoughts


I don't really get Ste's appeal. Yuck. Harry and John Paul falling all over themselves for him ... no thanks. And of course they had to have Ste be "bad" again for all of five minutes ... Zzzz


LOL at Nico being the one to off Patrick. And double LOL at her beating up Sienna. What a family of loons and I love it. Even though I'm glad Patrick's FINALLY dead and I find Nico insufferable.


LOL at Cameron suddenly being a loon and holding his brother captive.


LOL at crazy Lindsay wanting Joe back and who didn't see her getting pregnant after that one night they had?


Ugh at Freddie being alive, even though I knew he was.


Holly ho-ing herself out to Robbie while Jason develops rage issues ... I'm ready for this to wrap. It's getting more and more convoluted every second.


Ugh at Cindy being treated like [!@#$%^&*] by Dirk and Holly but I love her wanting a piece of everything Mac has.


Love Alfie and LOL at the misunderstanding about Tony being his father. I also like Nathan, Rachel and Ellie. Good additions.


I don't care much for Tegan or Leela but damn at Ziggy dying like that. I did not see it coming but when they did that wistful shot of him looking around at everyone so happy, I knew doom was coming.


So after all that time, Teresa was just using Zack, who finally knows Lisa isn't his sister. And what was the point of making Simone pregnant? To guilt Zack and Lisa into not saying anything? And who's this crazy bitch Joanne that's stalking and kissing Louis?


Sort of liked the Pete reveal and then Reenie hitting him. I'm guessing Porsche will be back? I like Myra and Diego. I don't see a need for Celine, who I like, or Cleo, who I don't.


I like Nancy and Darren together and missed seeing Darren with Maxine but man Maxine was so annoying covering up Patrick's death with him. I'm sort of in need of a break from Maxine, even though I like her.


I guess it's interesting that Esther and Grace are hooking up. At least Esther has something to do.


I can't say they haven't dumped some dead weight even if it isn't permanent. The show serves a LOT of characters.


I just LOL that characters and couples never catch a break. The second one silly drama/misunderstanding is out of the way another one drops. The show is entertaining at the moment. I'm enjoying it and the characters. Is it great soap? No. Is it way over the top campy? Yes but it's good to just ignore reality and accept it for what it is.

Edited by KMan101
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I don't think his ouster is anything nefarious beyond plot. A plot I hate because I really enjoyed Cameron, too, and now they've stupidly made him irredeemable. Plus, once the affairs with John Paul and Mercedes were over, so was any story Lockie had. They should have given him and John Paul a fair shot, brought Spike back to liven things up. Maybe a threesome like they should have done with Ravi/Nancy/Kris. Him and Nancy weren't doing anything for awhile, so maybe they could have been thrown together for the interim period. Really, they could have thrown him in to play with anyone and it probably would have worked. I also really liked the few glimpses we saw of his friendship with Lisa. They should have played that up more, but one of Kirkwood's hugest failings has always been genuine friendships, unfortunately.


Still, at least he was a likable bisexual character. Never meant to be a psycho or confused about his sexual orientiation. Plus, he downright rejected Ste out of disgust when he first came on. Small mercies.

Edited by Bright Eyes
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LOL. I wasn't watching when Lockie was introduced. I had no idea he was bi, but now I'm remembering reading the JP thing at the time. I really liked what little I've seen of him. So of course he goes. Guess I didn't make the connection. But like Carl says, awful Ste and dead-eyed Harry stick around and around and around ...


And I dislike that they made Cameron a loony psycho. It's a typical cop-out.


And Ste and John-Paul are an awful couple. I stopped watching right after JP's rape and refused to return to watch that relationship. I came back in this year and I've been liking it. It's not awful or great but it's watchable I guess. Mindless fun for 20ish minutes.


I need to catch up on the last two weeks.

Edited by KMan101
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