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Hollyoaks: Discussion Thread


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I hated her at first, the memories of her maybe one episode on EE scarred me so severely, plus she was too flakey and ungrateful, but this trans story has been helped and the truth is already out, so it thankfully didn't drag. I can't see her ever becoming some huge favourite of mine though. And I wonder if she'll be like Vincent and leave once the story is over, especially with Dennis leaving in the fall. Of course, Vincent was a horrible, horrible disaster. The worst HO actor of all time next to Liberty Savage.

Edited by Bright Eyes
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I would be surprised if she stayed, although a trans character staying on a show would be a breath of fresh air, as the only one who ever has is Hayley Cropper.

What are your favorite and least favorite stories right now?

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What I find most interesting about Blessing is that she still has male genitalia. I hope they go through the beats of playing that part of a trans' journey and don't rush through it. Was Haley a full trans when she premiered or did she still have yet to undergo surgery?

I am enjoying all the storylines for the most part. It's more two actors, Charlie Clapham, who acts like he's in a panto every episode and Tamara Wall, who is the most lifeless bitch character I ever had the displeasure of watching. Sinead was also a bitter pill to watch with her loud mouth agony every single episode. Pitting her against Finn was a smart move in making me want to watch her again.

And I also don't think Ziggy / Leela work because it's clear Kirkwood has big plans for her, but Ziggy should never be more than a supporting character. Hopefully this new Cameron character (the father of Peri) will make her more must see for me because I enjoyed her more on Emmerdale and that wasn't even much of a role. Danny is also a completely unsympathetic douchebag.

As for the best story, I think that's easily Patrick's abuse of Maxine. I don't know how she was on Corrie, but she basically has to cry as much as Sinead did and I never once get tired of her. Her portrayal is so heartbreaking every time that I always want more. The latest twist of her almost running away with Dodger only for her plans at happiness to be scuppered was just tragic. With the death of Katy, I rarely felt that. However, probably helped by my bias of Dodger with Texas, though I want Maxine to be happy, I haven't ever felt that they were some great love story.

Ste and JP have also had great build up so far. As soon as it was announced he was returning it was inevitable that something may happen with them eventually, but I'm happily surprised to see how well they really work together. Unfortunately, his involvement with Grace brings Ste down because she's such an awful harbinger of suckitude.

I also like Sonny, but him and Carmel are forced. Practically as soon as he arrived he was in love with her. No weirdness with him being Calvin's brother was ever played on and his bullying of JP was swept under the rug with one line by Mercedes advising JP to get over it. Terrible. I'm not excited by the prospect of more new McQueens being created either. Seems a cheap way to make an instant connection that will probably barely be built on. I hate that Kirkwood is so family happy and less friends are the family you choose. Everyone is so scattered around without any strong bonds like Jess/Zac/Zoe/Kris had. The house that Dennis owns should have that, but it doesn't work nearly as well as the halls apartment did.

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Whats happened to Ste lately? Why does he look so sad when he saw John Paul after JP got out of jail? Did he get attacked or something?

OH just watched an episode...so now he's on crack cocaine huh? Wow....

And is Maxine lying to Patrick about the baby having Downs? I don't understand why they keep dragging out this abuse storyline...its a little too much at this point.

Edited by ThePrinceOfSunspear
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The episodes that focus on more human emotional drama, and family conflict work better than random, OTT drama, and gangster stuff. Grace's presence brings down an entire episode, and even the mere mention of her name lowers the tone. They've tried making her sympathetic by explaining away her actions on a loveless father. Fine, we get it, she had a messed up childhood. Time to move on. Preferably never to be seen again. The obsession with gangster stories needs to end. The Loft needs to return to being a club, and not Criminal HQ.

Fraser's murder has been an epic fail from the beginning. It has no momentum at all. And who really cares who killed him? I certainly don't. Due to the poor pacing, I keep forgetting that there's a murder mystery still going on, as no-one on the show (bar Grace) cares at all. This story needs wrapped up pronto. Not every story needs dragging out for 6 months.

The Patrick/Maxine abuse story is the best story on the show, but that isn't without fault. They've not spent enough time showing us the reason why Maxine loves Patrick, as all we ever see is the abusive monster. It's so one-sided, and lacks nuance in a lot of ways. NS has been awesome, though; her acting style really suits the direction of HO. Dodger continues to be all kinds of awesome. And Leela has all the making of a decent character.

I thought Blessing was an OTT mess to begin with, lacking in likeability. But, this trans story has really injected a sense of vulnerability into her. I feel bad for her, especially after Finn's vile attack.

Which links nicely into Sinead's revengenda (she's HO's answer to Emily Thorne!). Sinead is a seriously unlikeable character, and I didn't care about her revenge on Lyndsey and Freddie, but moving her back into her family's orbit injects the much needed element of family conflict. I think it helps that Diane is an awful character, too, in many ways, and needs a good dose of Karma for how she's treated Sinead, Tony, Esther. What lets this story down is Sinead's reactions to learning that her brother is a monster. Her horror and disgust haven't been genuine, they've come across as fake, due to sinead constantly smirking and pulling a secret evil grin. This is where HO fails - they continue to ignore the importance of adding subtlety to the writing; characters lack complex, nuanced reactions sometimes. Also, we've seen Diane bury her head in the sand and cover for Sinead when she was bullying Esther, but for to them repeat the exact same thing with Finn, which has a much more sinister edge is ridiculous. I think it sends out the wrong message, and further cements what a horrible character Diane is.

I do hope Nancy and Robbie don't go down the student/teacher affair route. There's no way that Nancy would ever have an affair with a student, not after what happened to Becca.

Edited by Ben
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Great scenes with Dodger/Holly/Jason and Holly/Cindy. Even though I'm mad at Holly for her lies she was absolutely justified in going IN on Cindy. "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree". Girl dragged Cindy...and threw in her big crimes right back at her.

Linds lied to Joe about not sleeping with Freddie right? SIGH....why don't these people learn.

I could get behind Freddie and Mercedes. I actually like the little bit between Carmel and Joe too...

Edited by ThePrinceOfSunspear
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I saw some posts at DS from Brendan fans trashing JP's rape story as a ripoff of Brendan's. Of all the things to criticize that awful story for.

I guess they aren't interested enough in that gay zombie show Emmett Scanlan slurs his way through, that has about 3 viewers.

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I watch(ed) In the Flesh, and the majority of the characters are straight. (Obviously wasn't watching Hollyoaks when the character of Brendan was on the program, but I can see why someone who was a fan of that actor wouldn't care for the program as he is strictly supporting). He didn't really stand out on that program and due to the death of BBC3, there are great fears even with the BAFTA nods that it won't come back...

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