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Chemistry between Susan Lucci and Mario Van Peebles?

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I only want adam and erica if they actually fall for each other, I doubt that will happen since they were married twice and it didn't happen so why would it happen now. :lol: I think erica's best pairing was with dimitri though, they had the chemistry, great acting, great looking, and they could handle a storyline outside of each other.

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I don't see any chemistry and I was excited about this when the news first came out about MVP coming to AMC.

But whether they work or not AMC will probably go forward with the pairing. Since when do they care if there is chemistry or not? Plus they probably promised MVP that pairing.

As for Jack, isn't WW's contract up like right now?

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I'm not sure what I think of her chemistry with Adam. It's definitely better then her and Jack's chemistry IMO, and wipes the floor with her and Sam's chemistry, but I don't think they have couple chemistry. They're much better and frenimes, then together romantically.

I still think her best chemistry was with Vincent and that it won't be topped or recreated. But I'd like her to find someone she has better chemistry with then these two duds.

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I think that TPTB see Walt Willey as Lucci's long-term acting partner. They love working together. As someone above said, she and Canary are great as frienemies and confidantes, but that's about it. Plus, and I've said it before, they need to pair Canary with a demographically desirable romantic interest in order to keep Adam a viable character. That's why they went with Eakes over Barr. With MVP tanking, they'll probably put Erica back with Jack, and once again have their conflict arise out of their kids' stories. I know Lucci is an icon, but I don't think anyone at ABC will be quick to hire a 55/60-ish year old actor, even as her love interest. It will be interesting to see if Pratt comes up with something decent for her, besides the been-there-done-that.

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^ well Vincent is about 13 or 14 year younger then her and he was her love interest. Granted that was almost 10 years ago, and David wasn't that much younger then Erica. I just think they could cast a younger man for Erica and if the chemistry is right and the story was told in a decent way, I think it could work.

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I wouldn't necessarily blame B&E for that. There could be a hundred reasons independent of the writing why the character didn't work out. No chemistry with Lucci, stiff, uncomfortable actor, negative fan reaction. I'm not one to defend those two, but in this case, I don't think the writing was responsible for Woods' failure.

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He used to say they'd have to carry him off the show a pine box, but I could actually see him walking. And he's pretty much said as much over the past two years.

I still remember a very candid radio interview he did in 2006 where he was cursing about Frons and what was happening to AMC (and Frons is/was a friend of his!).

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I hope you're right but it seems like his story is just really getting started now. He's on almost every second day, they brought his dad on for a cameo, and medianet pictures indicate they're going to do more with the Sam/Dre relationship.

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Would I write off MVP/Samuel? At this point, no. But I would consider moving him around the canvas a bit, and see if he can't be utilized elsewhere.

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