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OLTL: Discussion for the week July 7-11

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Im sorry, but IMHO right now Tina = Rebecca. They are so close to being identical. Honestly, take away the history and look at what AE is playing RIGHT NOW and i feel like part of a passions storyline crossedover and got some backstory. lol.

BB is hot. Id hit it. I think the look he has right now firs Coole with the bags under his eyes and the looking like hell. because trust me, if it was him in real life hair and makeup could cure that and you would never know.

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Just because Tina isnt talking about taking a diff cock everynhight doesnt eman she isnt just like Rebecca. That is the one diff.

I guess i just dont buy the 'genunine concern' she has for Sarah. Where was it.. ya know, all of Sarah's life? Is she worried about her daughters life now that her daughter has been taken hostage because of HER, sure.

Tina is just over the top and campy i cant root for her. everything about her down to the little dog.

I am not saying she wasnt at once time a great char, and that she cant be again.. but what she is right now? I hate. Maybe once she is toned down a bit, gets back to lanview, and invovles with some other people maybe.. but... just not right now. And no doubt her story being with Antonio & Chris doesnt help.

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Once again a fascinating episode.

I really hate Nora. Too bad Bo didn't marry Lindsay after all. The scene with Lindsay on the floor broke my heart, but I couldn't be happier that nobody was on Nora's side. What a witch!

Chris Cousins looks great, I remember when I first saw him on OLTL in the mid-nineties I thought that he would make a great Clarke on B&B. Anyway Cain and Tina were a lot of fun.

Todd and Cole were very hot together. TSJ has sexual chemistry with everybody! And please don't get me started on Starr. She is treating her unborn baby like a puppy she found on the street and now she is doing her best to find him a new home. And she is practically blackmailing the McBains to take her baby! You HAVE TO! What?? Why??? Leave them alone Starr, they have been through so much. The last thing they need is a stupid girl using them to get back at her father!

The scenes where the Vega boys could not leave their room reminded me of Moldavia on Dynasty.

The Carlo scenes were very good as well. This was the first time I ever saw this character. I was familiar with his history, but I had never seen him in a scene before. He really reminded me of Stefano Dimera. :)

Can't wait for the next episode! This week my second spoiler-free week!!

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^So true about TSJ.... the thing he has has the MOST sexual chem with the most iinapropriate people. Like Mike Easton, Brandon Buddy and Bree Williamson. its funny.

As for Starr - my issue with her isnt her not wanting her baby. I understand, i have had friends in that place - my thing is that the FATHER of said baby she doesnt want DOES want the child, does want to take that on, and is begging for it. She wont allow him to have the baby because then she will be faced with it everyday or she will lose her boyfriend. Thats my issue. I am so team Cole.

Nora, i hope that selfish bitch dies alone.

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My problem with Starr isn't that either. Since the father wants his child, the only reason she doesn't want him to have their baby is what you said. Poor Cole. This new storyline with him wanting to raise his child has made him like him.. lol. He and Starr are a horrible couple, but Cole as an individual character works for me these days. BTW, did you notice how he left Todd's house? I had to watch that again... He just run out.. lool.

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Gee, once again I'm in the minority. I'm totally on Nora's side - the amount of crap Lindsay's pulled on her - AND the Bukes - over the years is disgusting, and they all - especially Bo - needed to know that Lindsay had put one over on them AGAIN.

Sure, Spencer was vile. But Lindsay used Bo to get out of the consequences of her actions, and his support of her was THE main thing that cost Bo a job he loved. So, go Nora. And the Bukes need to rethink their insane self-righteousness. Because, really, why are Lindsay's lies fine and OK, but, say, Natalie's, not?

I do have to say OLTL is by far the most watchable of the three shows I still follow. Every day something happens, and it's usually something fascinating.

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I don't understand what Cole needs Todd for anyway. Starr simply cannot give the baby to the Mcbain's without Cole's consent, so why drag Tood into it. Todd will do his best to keep Starr and Starrlet from Cole. Any fool can see that.

I'm so shocked that so many people find Cole attractive. He does nothing for me at all and I've been hoping that they would recast with some cute who looks more like Marty. Glad he's doing it for so many people though and his acting is getting better. A year ago I found him unbearable.

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Go Matthew! The reason Nora and Lindsey hate each other so much is because they are almost exactly alike. They are both borderline psychos obsessed with Bo. Only Lindsey owns up to her craziness and scheming; Nora hides behind a cloak of propriety: "I'm doing this for Bo's own good... it's against the law... I'm doing it for Matthew." Matthew called his mom out and he was so right. Nora did this to get to Bo.

I still think Lindsey & Clint and Lindsey & RJ are a lot hotter than Lindsey & Bo, though. :lol:

I know TSJ is not popular with everybody here but IMO his inappropriate sexual chemistry with everybody from the local McCop to his neice to his own daughter's babydaddy adds something really interesting to the Todd dynamic. Sex is akin to aggression, violence and hatred for him, and maybe that's why he plays it up in scenes with people he despises.

I personally think it's a great twist to have Cole and Starr now at odds and Cole turning to Todd as an ally. I am also interested to see Todd interact with Tina. And Tess! (LOL, GH loves characters beginning with "L"; OLTL loves those beginning with "T"!)

Carlo and Talia = great scenes. This is a really satisfying show to watch because it delivers on so many SLs. And I'm not even a long-time viewer of OLTL.

BTW, apparently SOD has a joint interview with Bree Williamson and BethAnn Bonner. Anybody read it? I wondered what it was about.

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