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OLTL: Discussion for the week July 7-11

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Wow, what a good show today.

I so wanted Bo to marry Lindsay anyway. I guess this is the way it had to be. All the more reason to root for them to reconcile. And Lindsay in a heap on the floor at the end? Poor Lindsay! It was a little like Carrie at the prom, you know? But Nora was a tough character to play in this episode. Honestly Lindsay and Nora both lost it all today. And I like that that's the way it was. Nora and Matthew have always been so close so I was glad that Matthew saw a side of his mother he didn't like for the first time. Matthew's always been sheltered from that, and with his Rappaport history he's dodged a lot of that Lindsay/Nora tension in the past. Clint was great, of course.

But LOL, Lindsay's slept with the groom, his brother, AND his best man!

I'm not clear how Cain and Tina are impersonating royalty! Where are the real prince and princess? I hope this story leads Tina to appreciating the life she was born into, the life she walked away from, and realizing that material things aren't everything...... but... probably not. But I hope it lands her in Llanview permanently. Andrea Evans and Christopher Cousins have a great chemistry, though!

"Welcome to Mendorra!" I thought Carlo was going to continue... "It's going to be a bumpy ride!" Thom Christopher is AMAZING, as always. This gives BethAnn Bonner some rich as hell material to play. Sucks to be the baby girl in that family. Johnny Dee drowned her cat? Charlotte locked her in the trunk of their car for 8 hours? "But it made you the strong woman you are today!" Carlo says, never overlooking the bright side. Soooo many good lines from him today! "And your mother stole you away from me... just as you were beginning to get interesting..."

Can you all tell I love Carlo?

Cole actually got interesting today too! Sinister little bastard playing Todd... "You don't want your grandchild being raised by John's brother... and the woman that stole your son, do you?" Wow, did the writers make a strong choice with Cole on this story! I'm surprised and impressed that they kept the focus on the Starr's baby story, instead of throwing in a tease of "is Cole going to stumble upon his very-much-alive mother today?!" That would have been too much and too awkward for a VERY crisp episode. Starr and Michael's scenes were great too!

Where's my Keyshawn?! Can he get a job as Carlo's enforcer next?

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Charlotte. Carlo mentioned his daughter today. I don't know if she was blond. Stephanie Hobart was blond, but dated Kevin Buchanan.

Damn. Carlo could have really gotten around if he fathered Blair and Rex. Sleeping with Addie Cramer?! And Roxy?! LOL, I don't know if I could picture it. But the potential fallout would so be worth it.

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Pure fanboy wishing and hoping on my part, there is no notions so far that he actually fathered them. You quoted my post where I threw it out there, so you got me thinking about the possibilities again.

Blair recently asked Addie about her father and Addie kind of dodged the question, and Roxy's so frazzled about Rex wanting to know who his real father is, so both of those options are floating out there. I would like to see Blair's other side of the family, the non-Cramer side. It would add so many new layers to Blair. Where is Shane when we need him?! Isn't Kassie DePaiva his girl?!

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I HATE Nora. Stupid bitch. I cant beleive she had the nerve to say sorry after Lindsay read that letter as if she didnt get what she wanted. I normally dont like Matthew but loved him ripping Nora apart for what she did. That last shot with Lindsay on teh floor crying was hearbreaking. I hope Nora feels good about herself bc no one was happy with what she did.

LOVED the no to history with Carlo and Talia talkign about Charlotte adn Johnny D. I really didnt think they'd get a mention. Those scenes were great and Im glad it gave some insight to Talia

"I should have went back to Cord" YES Tina, you should have and its not too late. Cain is still the same and so greedy and insensitive. After all these years he cant even get Tina's daughter's name right? He doesnt love her and never did. Its all about the fun and the thrill and Tina has always been his meal ticket. I hope she wisens up and dumps his worthless ass

Go Cole! I like him teaming up with Todd. Starr is wrong to just dismiss his rights as a father

BTW: Heres a link to a pic and article about Charlotte Hessar. She was a redhead: http://landers.msshost.com/Articles/SOU/index.html

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Of course, I'm not big on storylines that involve jewels, fictional countries, and hidden cages, but I thought today's show was good. I didn't think it was amazing, but it was okay.

The only thing I was *truly* interested in was Cole and Todd. I LOVE Cole as the conniving, vindictive little bitch! It works for him!

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