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OLTL: Discussion for the week July 7-11

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Talia/Carlo should've been the last scene - shame on the breakdown writer for not doing that! :)

I can't wait to see their story.

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^^^^ That is what I like to call "soapy goodness".

So what's the Carlo/Tina history?

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Briefly -- Carlo Hesser was a villain who first appeared in Llanview in 1990, got killed in 1992, came back as a twin, the returned in 1996 when he was murdered again. He then appeared in Hell in 1998, but was alive again in prison with Cristian in 2003.

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When did Carlo have time to raise Talia? Not that it matters, it's one of the coolest twists on the show all year. I can't wait to see what kind of twisted things happen with this story. It's definitely my favorite story on the show right now.

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I could not agree with you more. I’d love to see Carlo back in Llanview and see him interact with Renee and the rest of the Buchanan’s especially now with Asa gone and Dorian owning BE.

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He's really the best villain, and he's in that category of being so evil that the ultimate end to all of his stories is that he gets killed off. He's awesome.

Carlo's ties to the current cast:

Viki - Probably Carlo's longest-standing vendetta, Viki shot and killed his son Johnny Dee in defense of sister Tina. Carlo has never gotten over it. I believe Carlo was behind the shooting that left Viki paralyzed when she was either Mayor of Llanview or running for Mayor. In 1996, Carlo hired a psychiatrist/hypnotist (Elliot Durbin, played by GH's Trevor Lansing -- Stephen Macht) to hypnotize Viki into shooting her first born, Kevin, but Viki's love for Kevin was stronger than the hypnosis and Carlo's plot was foiled.

Tina - Tina was involved with Carlo's firstborn son, Johnny Dee Hesser. I think Johnny was obsessed with her, and grew hostile when Tina wanted to leave him to return to Cord, and Viki (as Niki Smith) shot Johnny Dee, killing him, to protect Tina.

Renee - Carlo's former lover from before Renee came to Llanview, Carlo always had a soft spot for Renee, and often warred with Asa to win Renee's love. Renee was the spark of the Carlo/Asa rivalry.

Blair - Carlo was hired by Asa to kidnap and kill Blair. Obviously it didn't come to fruition.

Marty - Carlo was involved in the terrorist organization, the Men of 21, who were responsible for hunting Patrick Thornhart for most of Patrick and Marty's initial courtship. The Men of 21, from what I remember, were what drove Patrick and Marty out of town in the 90s.

Antonio - In Antonio's earliest days, he worked for Carlo Hesser's crime organization, I believe as a mole to bring it down.

Cristian - It was revealed that Carlo was behind the brainwashing/programming of Cristian to kill Tico Santi and involved in the time Cristian was away from Llanview and presumed dead.

Dorian - Gave her a guided tour of Hell when Dorian was shot in a robbery and hovered near death. For the most part I don't remember them crossing paths much in Llanview, but they may have been in cahoots once or twice and I think Dorian was involved in the hypnotism story with Elliot Durbin.

Natalie - Took her hostage in the prison riot (his last appearance on OLTL) and forced her to choose which would be shot: John or Cristian

John - Faced off with Carlo in the Statesville prison riot.

RJ - RJ worked for Carlo's organization in the 90s.

Todd - The Men of 21 shot Todd when he traveled to Ireland to bring Marty back to Llanview. Todd was presumed dead for many months and returned to find Patrick having sex with Blair.

Talia - Apparently her father!

Other significant ties:

Alex Olanov - Married several times, not sure any of them were legal, Alex was always putting one over on Carlo and bouncing between Carlo and Asa. Alex faked a pregnancy with a pillow, and I think Asa exposed it at her wedding to Carlo.

Max Holden - Max convinced Carlo that he was dying and Serenity Springs water might cure him. I think this scam led Carlo to kidnap Max's twins Frankie and Leslie. Max and Maggie Carpenter (Crystal Chappell) were working against Carlo at this time.

Storyline potential:

I would love for him to also be Blair AND Rex's father! Imagine Blair, Rex, and Talia as siblings?! I'd just die.

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