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AMC: Pratt's bible

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I've read that it's very Kane/Chandler/Hubbard centric. And that there is some HUGE Taylor McBride secret that effects the Martins (IIRC), and it's not a long lost daughter/child thing.

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I did read something about it from someone who claims to know about it on another board, but I find that highly suspicious (plus they also got Courtney Bugler's final script airdate wrong) and what they said doesn't mesh with Pratt's writing style at all.

Are we sure he even wrote a bible? Do new headwriters really write bibles anymore?

Kay Alden said she wrote one for AMC (maybe she just did it of her own choice), but I sort of doubt B&E did because they really only had one story. Unless their bible outlined "Crash" and then they tacked on "and everyone else who isn't a Lavery or Slater has meaningless scenes at the Comeback".

Frons knows Pratt thinks like he does so maybe he just gave him the job without a second thought.

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A secret? Just what I expected from Pratt. I'm interested to see if he brings his typical fare of intrigue, affairs, schemes and machinations, all sorts of secrets, blackmail, illicit dealings... :lol:

I have no idea, but rain1 and soaplvr02 might tell us that.

Kay Alden's bible was baaad.

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When I read that Taylor might be connected to the Martin's, my first thought went to the idea that she could be the product of Joe Martin's affair with Leora Sanders back in the late 70s. Leora left town quickly after the affair ended. God knows, the show's first family could use a demographically desirable female to tap for story, and this would give Goldin and Ehlers the chance to interact a lot without resorting to some gimmicky Gus/Harley romantic revisit. But I seriously doubt that Pratt will be tapping the show's history. There was a rumor back in the late 90s that the Allie Doyle character was going to be the product of that affair and that she would have some kind of incest story with Jake, but that obviously never materialized.

I think that all writers have to write a bible outlining how they intend to take the show from A to B over 6 months or a year. I'm sure that B&E presented a bible that probably included "Crash" as a breakoff story (which I'm sure made Frons orgasmic), the toxic Greenlee/Aidan/Zach/Kendall mess, Erica in prison, and Tad being reunited with Kate. Sure, lots of this stuff was probably tweaked due to focus group research, audience response/ratings, corporate directives, casting changes, budgets, etc, but their bible probably contained the nuts and bolts. Yeah, I'm sure Pratt was hired without a "screen test," but I'm sure he presented something to Frons. And seriously, what was so horrible about Alden's bible? How bad could it have been? I know she's not exactly lighting B&B on fire, but I still think she would've been a good fit for AMC.

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Pratt might have written a good bible, I'm sure he had to present SOMETHING to Frons and the rest of the ABC execs, make no mistake, Frons has eyes looking over his shoulder...

I too would like to hear about Alden's bible...I'd be very interested to see where she intented to take AMC!

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