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CBS: Whole Network is in trouble.

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I think Frons might love daytime, but he is poison to it, everything he does is killing the ABC soaps

Not convinced he loves AMC though, given the FU it got considering they did a OLTL/GH promo but AMC was nowhere to be found

Sad that right now it seems like ABC Daytime is in better shape than CBS Daytime and that's not saying much given the shape ABC is in

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AMC doesnt have a couple that fits that promo yet, IMHO.

and hates amc? that sure explanes the MAJOR pimpage of it at the emmys.

OMG, did you hear Beth E left GL and is going to AMC?

Beth E has left GL for AMC

Ricky Paull Golden will be reunited with Beth E on AMC!

Beth E is comming to AMC!

Guess what? Beth E is coming to AMC!!

Beth, why are you sitting at the AMC table? Oh, your going to AMC?!

Ricky, why is your former GL costar with you at the AMC table? Oh wow, shes coming to AMC!

Gues what yall? Beth E is coming to AMC!

yeah Brian we got the message.

Jason Cook coming to GH got one little plug, and it was perfect. AMC got tons.

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I liked his rant about Ellen Wheeler the best. :D She's a hackjob who has completely destroyed GL. She is a cancer to the Industry.

She has no business being a producer at all. She was a director for three years before she got promoted to being a producer at GL, where she lasted for six months before she decided to go back to ATWT (and I'm going to say this: She was a shitty director too, but most people gave her a pass because "Look! It's Marley/Cindy!") So basically: 4 years total directing experience, 6 months producing experience, and she gets promoted to EP! WTF?! She wasn't qualified from the start, and I knew she would be an epic failure from the start. I just never realized how big of a disaster she would actually be.

So let's review: GL has been gutted, ATWT isn't fairing much better with a team that should've been replaced eons ago, Y&R has strayed from the "Bell Way" of doing things (Hogan Sheffer as co-HW?! WTF?) Yeah, Barbara Bloom has been quite the disaster.

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I hate making this comparison, but it makes sense if you think about it. GL's Ellen Wheeler being titled as the shows Executive Producer back in 2004 was like The Falcons naming Jim Mora (ex-Head Coach) as their new Head Coach for the football team. At first, they both had so much energy to improve whatever it is that they had to do, but after awhile, they both lost that passion and energy. The only thing is ... Jim Mora was fired (and rather rudely I may add ... he found out on the front cover of the Atlanta Journal and Constitution newspaper I believe) and The Falcons suck. Well ... Guiding Light hasn't fired Wheeler yet and the show is still the pits and it's probably because I don't think there's anyone who would want to work for PGP anymore. They've burned so many bridges in my opinion.

Sorry if that was a bad comparison. I was just thinking about that because I use to go and see the Falcons all the time, but what's the point in going to another football game if there's a head coach that doesn't know what he's doing? My apologies. Football and soaps. That's kind of out there, but my mind wanders every once in awhile.

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My goodness what an angry response, but yes, a well-written response. I repeat my original statement. I think soaps need to try something different. A lot of people on this board really enjoy OLTL and many are outspoken -- some take contrary opinions better than others. If what Ron is doing brings large numbers of fans back to OLTL, then he has found the key. If not, I don't see the great sin in a soap that is not doing well trying something different. GL won best drama emmys previously and it doesn't seem to have done them any good. I hope this doesn't generate a string of anonymous posts on DD, but we shall see. Anyway, what GL is doing may not work. If so, then perhaps other soaps won't try it and perhaps what OLTL is doing will turn around daytime, in which case other soaps will follow in its path. I see nothing wrong with soaps trying and I certainly nothing wrong with discussing it in a general interest thread.

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I think that a lot of people do still get a lot out of soaps. Others may have become addicted to more fast-paced dramas that they find on other channels. If Ron's approach works, that is where it will work, with people who have grown up watching soaps and who enjoyed the type storytelling that was common in what people refer to as the traditional approach. But I don't think it will be a quick fix. He seems to be trying to appeal to what he said is a "core" of soap viewers who have watched for a considerable amount of time by reminding them of why they watched soaps 10, 20 years ago. Perhaps in doing so, those people will watch with their children like many of us did -- no I'm not saying all of us. I don't want to get anyone upset. :lol: :lol: That would prompt somewhat of a generational change. I don't mean to offend, but it seems a lot of soaps are trying different things and maybe something will catch on. I think it's obvious no one approach is going to catch on for everyone. B)

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