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CBS: Whole Network is in trouble.

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OK, I'm going to be the skunk at the garden party. First I listened to the tape and agree that Nelson was entertaining, but he was also totally Nelson.

Now on to what he was talking about, I think. In my opinion soaps are in a world of hurt and someone needs to figure out how to fix them or kiss them good-bye. Right now, I guess OLTL is adopting the 80s model. If suddenly there is a big turnaround and people flock back to OLTL, then it looks like it is working. What has GL got to lose by trying to abandon the traditional soap model and try something different? It's been sucking hind tit for a decade. It's not like it is taking risks with its place in the daytime hierarchy. James E. Reilly certainly took a few chances. The "island" story was nothing if not bold.

Maybe daytime is going to be more like nighttime in the future in the sense that the era of shows celebrating their 40 year anniversaries will be over.

I personally think daytime needs to start thinking out of the box. However, maybe all of you folks who gush over Ron will prove me wrong and he will be the salvation for daytime. At this point, I don't see where GL is hurting itself by trying something different. I also think turnover in writers isn't a bad thing. I can't imagine writing that many episodes over and over and over again.

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I hated Jonathan and Tammy together. The show was gone way before they showed up in Springfield. Umm...the show lost all possibility of survival when it went to the new format. The production values now match the lousy, awful, horrible, hideous writing.

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Jess the problem is I think that most of the attempts dayti9me ahs had to think out of the box sorta negate the whole attraction daytime has on audiences. They don't look at what the few daytime audiences still holding on love msot about their shows and try to work with that--instead they see "reality tv is hot! Let's make a AMC Most Hunkiest Male reality contest! Then the Bachelor audience will tune in too!" or "The Hills is kinda like a soap and it's hot, let's film this show like it's The Hills!" and instead of that audience coming in--they manage to further erode the audience they have.

I agree big changes need to be made and thinking outside of the box isn't necesarily a bad thing--but Daytime needs to come up with ideas that work for daytime, not bastardizations of primetime ideas that are shoehorned into the existing soaps

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Who's to say which approach will work? I'm enjoying OLTL and find GL unwatchable. Maybe it's my age, maybe it's because I've always watched any soap for more than one character/actor. Neither is a ratings powerhouse, but one gets a lot more buzz and critical acclaim than the other. At any rate, I think you are right for plucking these two out of the basket for comparison.

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Wow, Nelson. Don't mince words, tell us how you really feel.

Oh, wait, you already did.

My prediction: If EW/DK are axed or Bloom is fired, there will be pressure on GL to go back to the old format, or a hybrid like ATWT (with a few location scenes here and there but a lot of in-studio action).

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My thoughts and respect about Nelson Branco has dramatically changed. :angry: Nelson has proven to me that he's not a soap journalist after hearing that podcast and he is downright a bitter drama queen. I couldn't even tell whether if he's telling the truth or not, his rambling was endless and pointless. The whole podcast was pure garbage yet laughable and I find it uncalled for and unprofessional of him to slam GL, ATWT and P&G. As a longtime fan of GL, I give him my "bird" salute to him the distinct feeling that he needs to f*ck off for once. I truly think he's the actual cancer not chemotherapy as he claims because of all his spewings and negativities through DC, his columns, and elsewhere are quite counterproductive these days.

I would not be surprised he will be blacklisted to the Emmys next year when it airs on CBS and that his time at TV Guide Canada will be up very soon. He's burning bridges left from right and say goodbye Nelson, good riddance.

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Exactly. I have tried to get into the new GL model--GL's never been one of *my* shows the way AMC and OLTL (and Loving...) were, but I've alwasy had a lot of affection for it--in the mid 90s when I was a soap bssessed teen trying to get as much history as I could I even found and listened to a string of 90 episodes of the radio version from 1950 (Meta Bauer's muder trial). I wanna see the show last.

And while I lvoe the traditional, soap "look" partly as I'm such a theatre fag, and love that in many ways soaps emulate theatre (having to use only a few locations--mainly interiors, longer scenes as opposed to primetime, etc) I'm all for change. I *loved* the City and felt they used new filming techniques, shorter scenes and more location shoots VERY VERY well. It's odd that GL looks worse 10 years later... Maybe GL shoulda done what the City did--taking some of Loving with it for a new show...


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