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OLTL: Discussion for the week June 23-27

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WHAT DID JONAS DO TO TALIA?! I love Kevin Spirtas. He plays evil so well. I can't wait to see what happens to Talia, and judging from the spoilers, there's a big surprise coming.

Jessica's speaking now. Can't wait for her to see Jared and Natalie...

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That was funny "but maybe in the afterlife?" And even Viki and Jess had to smile through their tears.

I just missed Claudia Reston. She could have come in and said what a great guy Nash was and how he helped her hide her father's body. LOL.

I thought it was kind of sad/twisted that Antonio was one of the pall bearers.

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I really liked the scenes between Viki and Jess, but I honestly wish I could muster up some sympathy for Jessica. I can't. And I'm really not looking forward to Tess, because it will make everyone look like idiots because they can't tell she's out. I detest when they do that, but I guess if everyone knew there would be no story.

I felt bad for Rex when he was with Gigi, Shane and Brody. Gigi just needs to come clean and tell Rex that he's Shane's father.

I'm slowly getting into this Marty/Todd/John stuff.

And I LOVE Tina, and just want more of her.

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I'm so happy about the way Nat's presence at the funeral was revealed. Thank God she and Jared didn't show their faces to Jessica on purpose. Usually, I don't watch soap funerals because I watch soaps for drama and excitement, not to be depressed, but this one was done very well.

I love David Vickers. He is the cutest little guy. I hope he stays around as long as Tina.

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I have no problem with Cole wanting to have rights to his child because he is the child's father I just don't like the way he is going about it. I really don't feel that he is in the right state of mind and that was shown yesterday when he said that he was caught off guard by Starr because she said she wanted to raise the baby. I've only missed one show over the past 5 months and I don't ever recall Starr saying that she wanted the baby or wanted to keep it to Cole. I do however remember Cole saying when they were on the road that he would stand by Starr no matter what decision she made and even going as far as to say he would drive her to get an abortion. I think Cole in his head is trying to envision this perfect little family he can make where Starr is happy with it all and this baby can somehow make losing his parents not as bad. The truth is the exact opposite because at least for me Starr has seemed miserable this past few weeks and has been trying to tell him that she doesn't want to be a mother but he refuses to listen. Every time she voiced concern he'd cut her off and tell her about how happy they are going to be when the truth is even if he does get custody of this child it's not going to bring his parents back. It's harsh but it's the truth, and I was glad that Blair spoke up yesterday and said it's not fair for him to put that kind of pressure on Starr and this baby. Starr tried buying into his fantasy but is now facing reality and if he would do the same I would sympathize more with him but he's not. He's living in a dream world and he doesn't care who he hurts in the process he just wants to get what he wants. He admitted yesterday that he wants this baby to take away his pain and I don't think that's right.

I can understand why Starr would want to give the baby to the McBains. When Sam was going to be put in foster care she was livid and I think she doesn't like the idea of her child growing up with someone she doesn't know and trust and she trusts Marcie. However, I hate how she keeps going after Marcie it's like dangling a piece of steak in front of a starving 3 legged dog: it's cruel. She seriously needs to take it down a couple of notches.

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Really good episode today! And we finally got a cliffhanger again! Can't wait for tomorrow to see what Jessica does to Natalie/Jared.

I'm really enjoying Jonas - he's a pretty interesting villain so far. I wonder who he works for

. What did Jonas do to Talia? Did he knock her out, did he kidnpap her? I'm glad they're including more people in this storyline. It's getting good.

John snooping around Todd's place and going upstairs...I doubt he's going to find Marty this quickly. I'm sure something/somebody's gonna stop him.

I miss live posting with you guys but my schedule doesn't let me this week. Hopefully next week, I'll be able to live post! :)

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I thought more people would have commented about this episode.

There were so many cast members on today and so much great material!

Sarah's song was lovely. Tina was GREAT. I have thought Andrea Evans looked sensational since Tina's return, but today, I was like HOT DAMN. She looks superb: that skin! Almost like she hasn't aged a bit. And I was very happy to see Tina show some real emotions and to exhibit her love for Sarah on the phone to "whomever."

I liked when she said "Alright, I'm a horrible mother." She at least gets that she is a [!@#$%^&*] up in some ways. Love her.

Viki, Clint, and Jessica were wonderful. I don't understand how some have trouble feeling sympathy for Jessica when she has just lost the love of her life. By and large, I think she's a good person.

Roxy was hilarious.

Jared is sexy.

Bree Williamson is rocking this material out of the park. I actually have been happy with the way they have had Jessica moping around crying for a couple of weeks, because it's totally realistic.

LOVED the look on Natalie's face when she got caught today and saw Jessica's fury. Melissa Archer was awesome with that expression!

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