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OLTL: Discussion for the week June 23-27

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I'll have to watch my recording again because the phone rang at an inopportune time, but what did Roxy say to Charlie about AA and The 39 Steps? I have a feeling I missed another classic Roxyism.

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Yeah, I get what you're saying, D.E.S. And I don't disagree. I think because it seems like everyone David bilks out of money always has A LOT more where it came from, it never seems like he does any real damage.

Now if he actually DROVE Dorian to bankruptcy, and the Cramers were out on the street leading David to move on to his next victim, then I would be worried for the Bukes. But these characters are always running around talking about fifty million dollars-this and hundred million dollars-that, that I don't see David being a real threat to anyone.

Of course, NONE of this is the fault of the current team. It's ten years of writers making everyone richer than God, where no matter what happens to them, their families, and their companies, they're STILL richer than God. So it all starts to lose it's value. (No pun intended)

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I don't think David marrying Addie has anything at all to do with money. There are many other ways he could have gotten his hands on money. To me, he's married Addie just to boil Dorian's blood and drive her up the wall after the way she cut him out of her scheming. Of course, it's David, so he knows and appreciates the fact that there's money to be had in the situation. I feel that he realized that he had the opportunity of a lifetime in front of him: piss off Dorian and get cash at the same time. And obviously, it's working for him.

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I finally got to watch clips. Grrrrrrr! Cable company. Charlie said he had to do something (I can't remember what) and Roxy asked "Is that one of the 39 steps" and Charlie told her there were only 12. Roxy replied "That's all? Huh. Who knew?" or something pretty close to that.

I am ready for all the blubbering to end from everybody. Shock of all shocks, I am not the most patient person you'll ever know and I've just had enough. Tears just don't move me all that much generally speaking, and it seems like we've had at least two full weeks of everybody bawling almost all the time. Everybody crying at the hospital when Nash died. Jessica's been weeping nonstop since then. Viki and Charlie had what seems like two full days of crying to various flashbacks. We had the tearful reunion with Tina and Sarah. Starr and Cole. And now today Natalie chimed in. Now I love Natalie and this is the first time we've really seen her cry over losing her family (and hopefully the last) so of course she gets a pass from me. But just for one day. :P And for some reason I appreciated that she stayed strong in front of Jared but broke down with Roxy. That was kind of sweet. But not enough to last another day. Am I clear?

I am getting annoyed with all the stupidity on the part of the characters just to create plot points. Jessica's line about "I hope Natalie has to wake up alone so she'll know what it feels like?" Uh Messica, Natalie's been through this three times (if you include the time that Cris was discovered to be faux Cris/John Doe, only not). Lindsay leaving RJ's letter lying around? Ugh! Natalie blithely thinking, "Oh Yeah! I really need to be at the funeral although nobody bothered to tell me what the arrangements were." I know she can be thoughtless and impulsive, but I don't usually think she's brain damaged.

There's more, but that's enough ranting for now. I have to . . . Breath In . . . Breath Out . . . Breath In . . . Breath Out . . .

Best part of the day for me were the Charlie/Roxy conversations and the Dorian/David/Addie scenes.

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Great show today.

Really enjoyed the Viki/Jess scenes, but then I wanted to scream when Clint showed up and was basically fueling Jess's anger. I was glad to see Viki tell him that this wasn't the time nor place for it, not today. It was nice to see that Viki was/is trying to stay neutral where Jess and Natalie are concerned. She needs to help Jess but I don't want her to forget about Natalie either.

Loved. Loved. Loved, David/Addie and Dorian. God their stuff was priceless.

Don't know why but I truly enjoy Bo and Lindsay together, with just a touch of Nora on the side.

I'm not a big fan of Roxy's so I don't want Charlie to even THINK about having any kind of romance with Roxy while he waits on Viki, and I'm sure that they are going to get back together or that was the foreshadowing for me today. I can only take Roxy is small doses.

I need to see some Viki/Natalie scenes and especially Viki/Jared, because I want to see how she reacts around him and what she says to him.

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I am also glad that Viki is trying to stay neutral in this and am very curious as to how she would act around Jared. The look on her face when she found out about Natalie blackmailing Clint makes me think that she is beginning to become more infuriated with Natalie and I would really love a scene between them.

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I want some scenes between Viki/Natalie and Viki/Jared, just to see how she reacts to Jared, what she says to him and all that. I know she's upset with Natalie but I don't want to see her turn her back on her, Natalie needs her right now as does Jessica.

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The thing that's bothering me about Natalie is how she keeps going on about how she's sad that her family is mad at her but when was the last time she said she was sorry that her sister is a widow? I just don't feel she's showing enough concern for her grieving sister. For the record I don't even like Jess I am just aggravated by the way Natlie's been acting since Nash has died.

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I enjoyed the show today and I think my favorite scenes were the Roxy/Charlie and the Addie/David/Dorian scenes. I love the friendship between Roxy and Charlie and I really like how Roxy is encouraging him to keep after Viki. I friggin LOVED how they did the Charlie seeing Viki and Viki seeing Charlie. It was nice that neither can forget about the other. I like that and want more. I liked the Viki/Jess/Clint stuff and think Clint could show some tact because he's just fueling the fire. I think V/C need to really sit down and dicuss Jess and her anger at Nat. Clint needs to know how severe it is. And, I want to see Viki having it out with Nat so they can deal with it and move on. I miss those two together...

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Hey everyone!!!!!!! I hope some of you remember me, I haven't posted over here in quite awhile, but I've been watching OLTL and...whoa has it been ON FIRE!!!!!

From Dorian's wonderful take over of BE, to Princess Tina's return with little dog David Vickers, and now everything surrounding Nash's death...I am on the edge of my seat wondering whats going to happen next! Ron is a genius, I don't care what anyone says, I fully believe that he is. He and his team have been so wonderful, and the directing has been decent too, as has the production team! Its all just so wow, this really is the best soap on the air!

I loved David & Addie today, torturing Dorian. :lol:

And then the serious parts of the show, with Jessica, Clint, Viki, Charlie, Jared, Natalie, Roxy...oh my goodness, it was all great!!!! Bree is playing all of this so well, and while I love Charlie/Viki, I liked that brief little Clint/Viki moment at the end.

Oh, and last but not least, RJ's letter was pretty good too...I guess that sort of put the RJ/Lindsay/Bo triangle to rest.

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