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OLTL: Discussion for the week June 23-27

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I don't know about anyone else, but I do like the way they are writing this Starr/Cole pregnancy story. They aren't glorifying it making it like they will just play house and everything will be easy. They are showing that this is a hard situation as well as a hard decision. So many times I see daytime tv where we have these teenage girls on Maury Povich at 15 saying they are sleeping around with a bunch of guys to get pregnant. Right now the story could go in several directions with consequences that are long lasting.

I too think that Todd's motive is to hurt John. Todd definitely has tunnel vision and at the moment his target is on John instead of taking responsibility for his own messes. It will always be someone else's fault.

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Did anyone else get a huge :lol: moment at the way Blair divulged Todd's whereabouts to John?

I was in the kitchen, but it was something SO over-the-top like "And now he's trying to rub it in with this new address, 445 blah-blah lane." Because I thought it was frickin' HILARIOUS and don't know how Kassie got it out with a straight face.

Now, this is really revolting me to even write the words, BUT ... having Blair and John become involved might be the ONLY way I could come to stand the character.

I know, it's disgusting, but Kassie has chemistry with everyone and their mother, and I can already see her making me like John a bit.

I also loved her dress today.

God, I am sorry to be such a pathetic fanboy over KDP.

I really really loved Nora-Linday and Nigel today!

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I don't mind going down the predictable route and hooking up Blair and John. I like them. Then put Marty into the mix and its a soap opera alright.

I can't wait for Nash's funeral its going to be good.

I want to pull Starr by her hair when she comes on. I don't know why either, okay I do know why, tee hee.

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Sign me up for some John and Blair. It'll drive Todd nuts and start the Marty/Blair rivalry rolling all over again. I only wish they had started John/Blair up sooner. I'd like John to actually feel conflicted, but if he sees Marty in a few weeks, I doubt that will happen.

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Just finished watching my recording! I've been on the road all day returning 5 (count them FIVE) teenaged boys home from football camp (Some will sympathize with me -- others will envy me). Gawd help me! I am liking the teen pregnancy story.

Shane, if you're disgusting, so am I. My love for KDP has grown steadily since she portrayed Chelsea Reardon on GL. She truly makes anything WORK! That is the mark of true talent. She manages to take Blair, regardless of the material, regardless of her acting partner's ennui (I love that word) IMO, and make every scene true to the character and keeps it real. Blair fascinates me.

I loved Nora today (I generally hate Nora). Her scenes with Cole were amazing. Not as thrilled with Nora/Lindsay today. I don't care how fabulous RC is, that story has been so done.

BTW -- I don't know if it's been addressed, because I am just catching up, but did anyone already report that the "new mother" who interacted with Marcie today as they were looking at the newborns was portrayed by Alison "Brotherton", John Brotherton's recently wedded wife. I thought she was really good.

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Nora, who has always been one of my favorite characters, is ANNOYING AS HELL when it comes to Lindsay. The feud needs to die once and for all. Lindsay hasn't done anything to Nora this time, and Nora is coming off as a shrew. That being said, her scenes with Cole were beautiful.

Marcie is becoming one of my favorite characters. It's so sad to see someone who was once so idealistic and happy now so resigned and depressed. I hope she finds her happiness eventually.

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Main Entry: en·nui

Pronunciation: \ˌän-ˈwē\

Function: noun

Etymology: French, from Old French enui annoyance, from enuier to vex, from Late Latin inodiare to make loathsome — more at annoy

Date: 1732

: a feeling of weariness and dissatisfaction : boredom

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