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Y&R: Week of June 23, 2008

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:o I cannot fathom how some people think CK is a bad actress. I think she is the best in the younger set. I even think she's better than some of the more experienced actors on the show; she's definitely better than Morrow and Case IMO. I can see her being the new Christine in a few years - in a good way though.

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OMG, did I actually see a glimpse of the old Phyllis today? See how much interesting she is when she's painted as the outsider? I loved Nick, Sharon, and Jack siding against her and her bitchy reaction. I still hate this Restless Style crap though, and it looks like they did major foreshadowing today with Jack at Jabot, where he should be.

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The mystery of the century in my opinion

All this hating on ONE actress is beyond ridiculous. She's no better and no worse than any of the other guys and galls on Y&R these days. They all do the same stuff and none of them stand out as better than the other.

And even when Davetta (sorry if I misspelled her name) was on the show I saw nothing spectacular about her either. So I really don't see why there were countless thread wars devoted to which Lily is the real Lily. They were different but both acted fine to me.

As for Y&R this summer...I'll believe it when I see it.

However I think the writers are definitely priming the audience for a Paul/Nikki relationship. And I do think I'd find that interesting...MTS looks lovely as ever.

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I really enjoyed seeing a 30 second glimpse of Phyllis without her Stepford persona. I really hope MAB can ramp up her insecurity and recklessness. Phyllis is the kind of character who isn't ever supposed to be perfectly happy. Bliss is not in her horizon.

Jess Walton, in my view, is carrying the show. She's the most interesting thing on right now. Every scene she gets she plays like it's her last shot at an Emmy (even though she's already got two!)...I REALLY hope Jess Walton continues to get this amount of screen time. She's the only cast member who can hold my interest at the moment. I really hope there is something good coming up with Jeanne Cooper. Katherine is backburned to hell.

Melody Thomas Scott has been in top form. It's time to end her storyline with David, Vincent Irrizarry has done his job, it's over, time to move on. The Sabrina/Victor saga is sickening and needs to end NOW. I want the all powerful Victor Newman to literally destroy Sabrina. Like blow her up, incinerate her. Just get her the hell off my screen.

The foreshadow with Jack sitting at his Jabot desk is promising. Peter Bergman would rock that sort of storyline...Sharon Case is about as exciting as pond water, she needs some energizing. She needs to get angry! Jack and Sharon need a divorce! Ditto Phyllis and Nick!

The Baldwin Fisher clan is horrible. I wouldn't mind it if Gloria died, Kevin left town and Michael followed suit after Lauren dumps him. Christian LeBlanc could return at a later point...but as of now...he's horrible. Tracey Bregman can't be happy with the happy homemaker/frazzled boss sh*t she has to play. She's like Suzanne Rogers/Maggie Horton on DAYS, she's around, she's talented like all get out and she does NOTHING.

Lily, Devon, Chloe, Cane: ALL DUDS!

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WOW! I hope you are joking here. Better than Case? New Christine? Yes, deariepie, we need a new nepotistic bug invasion. ROTFLMFAO! JMHO :P

I hope this board will allow me to be as much of a comedian.

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CK isn't a bad actress, but I pereferred Davetta as Lily.

As for Lily being the NuChristine, I hope not. Christine is the second most boring character to ever grace Genoa City. Paul being the first, so you know how I felt about that couple. I will admit Paul has been much more interesting supporting Nikki and Davids's story.

I think Christine was ruined when she "transformed" from Crickett.

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Christine is dul as dishwater, and Lily aint got much more going for her. Add in the underperformance of the actress' and... well...

I wish they would involve Lauren more with Jabot somehow. Not a storyline or anything, but a supporting player. Does she really need to support and prop Gloria all the time? Tracey E Bregman is so underused. I am glad that MTS & JW are being used, now i want TEB used as well.

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Sharon looked like she was dipped in a tub of oompa-loompas. Somebody messed up at the Mystic Tan booth!

Amber = cartoon spokeswhore? I know Restless Style is trying to cut costs and I'm no magazine titan but even I know that any glossy, fashion-based women's mag worth its salt brings in the big stars to front the magazine. And I mean the Angelina Jolies and Gwyneth Paltrows, not Katie "one hit wonder" Perry.

Jack & Jill bitch-biting each other sounded so good. And Jack daydreaming at Jabot was even better. OMG, Jill as his subservient receptionist?! However, I have a teensy complaint. The dimmer switch at Jabot is down WAY too low. How can anybody work in a place that has the lighting concept of a night-time bedroom?

As for the Lily v. Bug debate, I can't believe that people are defending the Bug. Countless hours spent with the camera lingering on LLB's bug-eyed reaction shot as she moralized from on high. God, those scenes draaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagged. Bug and NuBug are both as bad as each other, IMO.

However. Since B&B has done such a great job of rehabilitating Ashley (I remember she used to be called SpermPig by some boards) and Christine (who actually looked alive during a guest spot)... perhaps Christel would find a similar rennaissance over at Forrester Creations? :lol:

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