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Y&R: Week of June 23, 2008

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They seriously need to get Daniel Goddard out of the kiddie storylines and move him up into the adult storylines on the show. He looked so out of place at Lily's house! Unless he was there as a chaperon.

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MTS ROCKED today! I'm so happy that MAB has decided to continue writing for her.

Goddard looks extremely strange with those brats. And that girl singing happy birthday was just awkward. Talk about a KIDDY 21 year old bday! I would'e preferred Lily went to Cancun or Vegas offscreen.

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I've been out of town for awhile and I taped the episodes, but it seems like I'll enjoy to see things cooking up... The David/Nikki and Zara/Adam stuff seems interesting, even though I never thought I'd use "interesting" and "David" in the same sentence. He still needs to exit, pronto.

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The character of Nikki as written feels like Nikki for the first time in a while. MTS does such a great job at marrying the snooty society matron (and wannabe exec) with this touch of neediness and loneliness. Nikki has always been a lonely figure, especially when we see her interacting with her horse(s) or playing the piano. Two rather solitary pursuits. Victor is a loner, too -- key, perhaps, as to what drew them together for so long.

And if Amelia Heinle has done well the past couple of episodes, I believe a lot of it is due to her scenes with MTS. Like MTS may have taken her under her wing. All of which underscores the maternal vibe in their scenes together.

The other thing about MTS is that I literally get a thrill when she has scenes with Jeanne Cooper and Jess Walton. It is so obvious that Nikki is the daughter Kay wishes she had. Jill knows it, too. That dynamic has been almost 30 years in the making.

The actress who played Zara was good (and enjoyable to watch) but she was too Californian for the role. The mother of Sabrina would have been total Euro-trash. British, or maybe half-French. Or even French-Canadian. Finola would have played up that link between Sabrina's innate French/Euro-ness and her own.

OK, am I supposed to cheer on Lily and her dull little buddies and boo-hiss everytime Chloe comes on screen? Because when AusColleen snarled "It's invitation only" to Chloe who came into the party with Lily, I just wanted to Chloe to smack the taste out of her mouth. And the whole Lily-fan thing with that little girl "Your sooooooooo boo-tee-ful" was way overkill. We get it! Lily the ingénue!

I still say Cane/Chloe have potential. When she asked him what was going on at Crimson Lights a couple of episodes ago and he kept repeating "I don't know," he looked he was undressing her with his eyes.

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Amber might have been hard to handle last year, but I don't mind seeing her. The last couple of months she's been tolerable. But if they decided to get rid of her, I wouldn't mind.

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I also miss Daniel: He's the ONLY - repeat ONLY - interesting teen/twen these days. I don't count Kevin/Jana (LOVE HER! The actress plays hilarity so wonderfully understated) to this generation anymore because they are way too gothic. ;)

Chloe (That sunglasses/look on Tuesday were SO Victoria Beckham) is getting way too much. Especially when she is only used as a Lily prop and fawing over Lily's perfect gentleman. Lily = Cricket 2.0. Too bad that NuCricket's best friend is played by a total snooze very much unlike such a talent like Tricia Cast. Adding the likes of Cowbell and Cane isn't helping. Everything with Lily is sooooooo boring - she could at least b!tch at Amber to cause some drama.

Gloria and her "prosperity cat", denouncing Jill of having a botox makeover = :lol:

As Nikki's tragic wedded un-bliss: I'm not a a Nikki-fan and this sentiment that had been covered for quite some time is re-emerging. Hence, I will not comment on her story because I'm totally biased or rather don't EVER WANT to sympathize with that patethic stripperella. :P

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LOL :lol:

A person who gives such an actress so much material isn't of sound mind. I've lost my voice talking about how Lily needs to either go or be drastically backburned. But the way I see it, the more we complain, the more airtime she gets.

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