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ATWT: Who should be the new HW and new EP for the show??

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I'm not sure what you're getting at. For the record, my post directed to Khan wasn't sarcastic (as I'm sure many thought it was). I can't say the same for his, which was kind of condescending/patronizing. Maybe it wasn't, but I thought it was.

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I think things need to spiced up a bit. Perhaps brining in an EP who has no daytime experience, but comes with a lot of ideas to the show can help invigorate things. Perhaps an independent film producer/movie producer. As for HW, perhaps they can bring in a longtime industry veteran like Stephen Demorest or Richard Culliton and pair that person with Susan Dansby, I've always sensed that she loves ATWT and would do her best to prove so if she were given a higher position.

But really, P&G doesn't give two shits and Goutman and Passanante will be the ones taking this show to its grave. :rolleyes:

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That "absolute power" was in reference to Goutman, who used to be a real team player - and eventually became a madman ruled by his ego.

I don't blame Khan a bit for liking him years ago. Nor do I blame anyone for being encouraged at the idea of Ellen Wheeler back when she was first a producer (prominent in the heyday of soaps? directing experience? well-liked by fans? AND now producing experience? What can go wrong?!)

Well, a lot, apparently. In fact, everything can go wrong. And I really believe it can happen to anyone. You start to believe your own hype (and ignore the criticism), and even the most talented directors and producers begin to spiral into absurdity. ESPECIALLY when they don't really have anyone like Mickey Dwyer-Dobbin or Bill Graham looking over the shoulder. As irritating as I'm sure that was, it at least kept them in check. Now they do whatever the hell they want with no consequences. (If ANY other EP had given that SOD interview, they would have been fired, right or wrong)

So whoever ends up EP'ing ATWT (and it will continue to be Goutman until the day ATWT gets canceled) needs to be somebody with an open mind. Somebody who doesn't have a "my way or the highway" attitude, because that's exactly what's gotten Goutman in trouble to begin with. Somebody who won't try and make it "their show", like what Ellen is doing at GL, and remember this show exists ONLY for the fans. Not for your own ego.

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Bring back Frederick Johnson and have him head write. Passanante was much better when Johnson was an Associate Head Writer. As for EP, I want Jill Farren-Phelps. I've always thought she'd be perfect for ATWT. But I think she's on the P&G blacklist.

EDIT: I love Toups' suggestion of Wendy Riche. WHY is she not in daytime right now? She rocks.

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She's Co-EP-ing some sort of reality cop show, but she's LA based.

You can read more about it here and you can even e-mail her:


I think she's had at in daytime, especially how things ended with her when she left (or was she fired) from GH. I'd love her back at GH though or maybe even Y&R, too bad she appears to have left daytime for good.

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I had stayed out of it, because it seems like we do this topic once a month. I don't really have a lot of knowledge when it comes to EP's....I remembered Calhoun from the Marland era, and I know Conboy, but I'd have qualms after his GL stint.

I was going to mention Lorraine Broderick, because even though her stint on ATWT was considered "boring", she knew how to set up story. I'd love for Carolyn Culliton to return. I was hoping Trent Jones (with his Y&R pedigree) would stick around when he was some kind of "consultant". I think if ATWT wants to bring in someone without ties to the show, they need to have a strong co-writer who does. I think that may be the solution--someone who respects the genre, who doesn't want to conform to the cliches, but knows how to twist them and give the viewers a payoff.

Who "the next" Hogan is---I don't have a clue. But Pissante needs to leave---like yesterday. Yes, I blame Goutman for some of the mess we're in, but it's clear to me that the lack of long-term story is a bigger detriment to the show right now. Actually, whoever wrote the show during the strike wasn't too bad...and whoever that was might deserve a shot. It wasn't Goutman doing it all by himself, that's for sure.

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Very well said. This post needs to be sent to P&G and Goutman himself.

I loved Calhoun and Michael L. I still say they should bring back Laurence Caso and some retro ATWT writers.

I wonder if Toups knows who was writing during the strike? Toups..do you?? B)

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Well, you thought wrong. ;)

How is it "condescending" or "patronizing" that I once had faith in Christopher Goutman, and now I don't?

ETA: It's one thing to be unsure whether or not to take my choices for HW and EP seriously, which is why I offered that clarification upthread. But to presume automatically that I was being "condescending"....

I used to think Goutman understood how soaps work, but time, bad decisions on his end and growing audience dissatisfaction have proved me wrong.

I still think Michael Laibson is a more-than-capable producer (disastrous reign at GL notwithstanding), but the way things're going, give him a show to run, and I'll be proven wrong yet again.

Jaded and cynical, maybe, but certainly not condescending and patronizing.

Couldn't have said it better, brimike. Thank you.

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If that's true, then Hallelujah!. ATWT needed a change in the writing department in the biggest possible way.

Too bad, though, there aren't any rumors as to an EP change as well, lol.

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It's an interview/chat she supposedly had. She said to trust her about the classic ATWT part. :D As to the writers news....I dont know if that was from CZP or from someone else. Supposedly this was found out the other night at the Emmy technical awards.

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Uh-oh, I don't know if I could trust an actor.

(I'm kidding.)

But seriously, on the off-chance that Goutman and/or PGP actually went outside the current staff to replace Passanante (and Laiman), who might they get? Oooh! Maybe someone from the "glory days," like Juliet Law Packer?

Or maybe he lured over Ron Carlivati?


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