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OLTL: Discussion for the week June 2-6

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If she wants a job, she'll make the move, because though Andrea is great, the travesty that is/soon to be WAS "Passions" hardly looks like anything on a resumé and it's been almost 20 years since she was Tina so... if she wants a career, she'll do it. The role is legendary, she has a writer who can handle it and make it wonderful... she'll be back.

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"You....you dirty little tramp. Now your sister has lost her home."


OH MY GOD. Those were some awesome words.

And then my hot ass, beautiful hunk was thrown out the window :(

OLTL this week: beyond words.

I so want a Jessica-Natalie SMACKDOWN.

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Another amazing episode. Robin Strasser continues to yank the scene out of EVERYBODY's hands. Just smirking and sipping champagne in the background, my eyes were drawn to Dorian more than anybody else in the room!

I'm so sick of Jared's spiel about idolizing Asa and what-not. It's almost as if he came up with that a long time ago as an excuse to do all this [!@#$%^&*], and he decided it sounds really good, so he's making sure he gets all the use he can out of it. I still like him though.

Charlie looked BAD outside Rodi's. Just BAD. He really looked like he had hit rock bottom, and Viki's concern for him really showed me why she's such a revered person. She had every reason to not care about him once she saw that he was a drunken mess on the ground, but nope, she tended to him. David and Roxy...awesomeness, of course, but what else would they be together? If I can't have David and Jared in hot man heat sex, I'd LOVE LOVE LOVE if David and Roxy got together. They'd be TOO fun.

Eh, I didn't really like the last scene much at all. Forbes was really pouring it on thick when he decided to go off on Jared and Natalie, and the fall...eh, the special effects wouldn't have been needed if they were just standing closer to the skylight.

But whatever, one shitty scene can't outweigh weeks worth of awesome greatness! Long live the fuckin queen!

PS: I'm positive that I would have pissed on myself if Dorian had taken down Asa's picture in order to put one of her up there. That would have been IT. Just IT. I would have died on the spot.

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How can a soap be this good? I need a stiff drink after watching Dorian gleefully decimate the Buchanans! Sheer brilliance! I can't ask for more right now of my all time fave soap!!

I wonder what's next for Dorian. I imagine that Adrianna is going to find out about Dorian's schemes and blow her off. But afterthat, I wonder if Dorian will pay for her lies and schemes?

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WOW.. Today's eppi was so frickin' unbelievable. Matter of fact, every episode for a while now has been off the charts.

RS is kicking butt and taking names. I think she's the one that put that note in Rex's folder.

My jaw was on the floor the whole time Dorian dropped bomb after bomb. Awesome. WOW

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I basically watched the whole show with my mouth wide open because of all the stuff going on. Dorian is the QUEEN! She destroyed people like it was nothing and was such a bitch but I loved every second of it. But I did cheer when Clint started to choke her ass. :lol:

I loved Nash punching Jared and then telling Natalie off because they both deserved it. As soon as Nash fell, I felt so bad for Jessica. :(

And Viki and Charlie were so heartbreaking. Him in a his drunken and drugged state (thanks to the Queen) telling Viki that he didn't drink and her not believing him was so sad. And then with Viki pleading with him to wake up and then her starting CPR. I know when Viki finds out that Dorian is behind this it's gonna be the bitchfest of all bitchfest.

And poor Sexy Rexy. Not only did he put the pieces together that his wife is a lying bitch but he found out that his father really isn't his father...for the SECOND time in as many months. And what sucks the most is that there is one more whopper of a lie for him to find out about.

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