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OLTL: Discussion for the week May 19-23

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Natalie and Seth came to town together with a scheme to get the Lord/Buchanan fortune. Natalie knew she was Viki's daughter and she had Seth win Jessica's heart to get inside the family. Of course, he ended up falling in love with her.

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Seth was with Jessica but Natalie was really his gf. They were scamming her together, but he eventually grew to have real feelings for Jess and left Natalie for her

As for the Jen/Cris situation. She didnt quite steal him there either. They grew close when he was helping her prove her innocence and they fell for each other. All they shared was a kiss and both decided to try and stay away fom each other. Jen found out about the kiss and assumed there was an affair and then plotted to get revenge on both of them. She kept throwing Cris and Nat together as some sadistic way to torture Natalie and rub her relationship in her face. Jen and her schemes ultimately ended that relationship, not Natalie. In many ways, Gigi is in the same position Nat was in back then and for Nat to say anything on that is hyocritical bc Gigi is innocent as was Natalie back then

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I see so many similarities between the Jen/Cris/Natalie story and the Adrianna/Rex/Gigi story. And I have/had sympathy for all the characters. Both Jen and Adrianna had/have been in love with their respective grooms for a long time and they've developed their relationships and overcome many obstacles to be together. And just when they are about to embark on the life they've dreamed of, some interloper comes in and screws things up for them. But in each case, the story was Cris was truly in love with Natalie, and Rex is truly in love with Gigi (or at least conflicted), they aren't in possession of all the facts (Jen wasn't pregnant with Cris's child, and Rex doesn't know he's Shane's father), and Natalie and Gigi tried to do what they believed was right because of a child. And both Jen and Adrianna resort to scheming and conniving in the worst sorts of ways, making horrible mistakes, to preserve their futures. Obviously irl, any sane woman would walk away from a man who wasn't fully committed to her and would certainly not proceed with a wedding if she weren't certain. But it's a great soapy story that's been told time and again.

Since Natalie and Gigi have both been in the same place it could have been written where Natalie had more sympathy for Gigi. But she doesn't really know that Rex has lingering feelings for Gigi, only that he had some doubts about Adrianna. And it's totally in character for Natalie to be fiercely loyal to those she loves whether they're right or wrong. It's one of the things I enjoy about the character and leads to her having so many great stories. But the actual remark she made to Viki about Gigi watching her back? Might have just been forewarning about Adrianna's response to having her wedding day ruined. And Layla looked as if she would have happily punched Gigi out on Adrianna's behalf if she didn't already have her hands full with the bouquet Adrianna handed off to her before she cruised down the aisle to deliver the blow herself. Layla played the interloper herself a time or two, but that doesn't matter when someone's messing with your family or friends.

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Didn't like today too much. The beginning with Brody was great. The rest I could do without.

Absolutey hate the Manning story. And I love me some Mannings. I think it is terrible that ABC is touting this as a story that is teaching something. What is that? It's good to have sex without protection because then you too can be a teen parent? I think the whole story is such crap. Just another stupid excuse to break up Todd and Blair again. I thought finally we had a writer that was going to do something different.

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I stopped watching a couple of years ago. After 36 yrs. of watching occasionally I need a soap vacation, when I can't stand the show I shut it off until it gets better. I tuned in recently to check out RC's writing. Happy to see that OL is getting back to a show I recognize. Characters that I couldn't stand 2 years ago I quickly found myself enjoying.

The wedding was great. I loved every minute of it. Everyone looked lovely. This is classic soap stuff. Dorian was entertaining and yes faces do tell the story. Loved Gigi's son Shane telling his mother not to be afraid and tell Rex she still loved him...so soapy. Everyone there was fun to watch along with the festivites.

Watching Blair get a brain and protect Starr and her baby from mental midget Todd was so enjoyable. So pleased she had that chickensh*t arrested. I couldn't stand the way he was treating the teens especially Langston. He has no right to touch her nevermind gliding a knife down the front of her blouse. I couldn't believe that he wasn't removed from Dorian's earlier. Well I guess that's changing pretty quick.

Natalie walking in on Jared and Nigel with David floored was good. Can't wait until Nora finds out what been happening with Cole and Starr...this ought to be good. Even John is tolerable...that's a first. It's all good!

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That was ... what every soap should be. Wasn't it GREAT? This was the way soaps used to be.

And I loved Gigi's "different" reaction to BRODY. Farah Fath threw in a physical reaction that was right out of SUNSET BOULEVARD.

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Great episode my only serious problem (besides still hating the corny titles) was Shane's reaction felt so weird and wrong to me. He accepts his father is alive JUST liek that? Is kidna excited but can easily be told to go to bed, after obsessing over his dad for years? hrm

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