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Ryan's Hope Discussion Thread

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Yes, she deserved one.












And how she wasn't even nominated for a 1980 emmy for the drug addiction storyline (although some articles mistakenly claim her 1979 nomination was for that --but it wouldn't have fit the time line to qualify for that in 1979 because Jill didn't even take her first pill until March 6)


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This week I watched eps 1160-1165 on my first time ever viewing of RH.  I'm thrilled that Delia's financial problems have been taken care of - loved watching Dan Fox squirm like crazy in that scene with Tiso!  I'm also glad the storyline is in the past - it was making me a little crazy (in a good way)   


I'm not enjoying dealing with death around Christmas - whose bright idea was that?!  And I can't stand watching Jack revert to his old self - I hope he gets over that quickly.  The week ended with Frank and Jillian getting him out of the slammer for punching someone at a bar. I can't stand it when Jack acts like this.  Sometimes I wish Maeve would just smack him.


I'm also really enjoying Kimberly and her production of Lysistrata.  When I was a young, non-union actor, I was always the one who would demand payment when it wasn't being delivered and generally running around making sure producers knew that they couldn't treat the actors the way they were.  So I love watching her kick ass (even though a showcase production would never deliver the money to the cast until the final performance).  I'm really not into the Kim/Senaca attraction though.  That kiss was weird and totally wrong!

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Harve Presnell (Matthew Crane on RH) and Debbie Reynold's in the 1964 film The Unsinkable Molly Brown


Harve played Delia's (Robin Mattson) 4th husband in 1984


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Today's week of RH was Eps 1166-1170.  I've now seen the first episode with the gorilla in it!  I've heard rumblings of the gorilla story from various message boards over the years but don't really know what happens in the storyline. I just know that there's something with Delia and a gorilla and it is quite controversial.  I can't WAIT to experience it.  


I love that Maeve is finally being more firm with Jack and verbally slapping him in the face.  Ryan's fever seemed to help break him out of his spell, and I'm glad, cuz as I've mentioned, I can't stand when Jack pulls away.  I love watching Jack and Johnny face off.  Johnny can be a real pain in the ass sometimes and needs to be taken down a notch. Jack is just the man to do it.


I know my opinion won't be popular, but (so far) I'm growing to enjoy Kimberly.  RH needs a character like her on the show now that Delia isn't the scheming manipulator that she once was.  I HATE Kimberly and want to punch her sometimes and I LOVE IT!!  This week she tried to manipulate Adam Cohen into bed just because Senaca is trying to pull away from her.  Adam spoke to Senaca who spoke to Rae who prepared to send Kim packing back to Omaha.  


All in all, it was an enjoyable week on RH - the first of 1980! (Or 2017)  I'm enjoying where the storylines are going.  I'm glad that the mourning of Mary didn't last too long.  I'm interested to see how Delia does running a restaurant for Tiso.  I can't wait to see what crazy things Kim will do this coming week.  Bring it on!

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Whoa Whoa Whoa!!!  This week I watched eps 1171-1175 and Ryan's Hope went all Dynasty Moldavian Massacre!!


That Friday ending cliffhanger was crazy.  Can't wait to see where it's going to go from here.  


I wish Delia and Roger would just get back together.  The drunken Rae/Roger reading his love letter to Delia and Delia overhears and thinks they're in love made me crazy.  Roger and Dee belong together and splitting them up is going to (keep me watching) be incredibly frustrating.


Kimberly is now living with Senaca because she and her mother are fighting.  The fact that Senaca is in love with a 17 yr old is incredibly creepy.  I suppose this is going to end up being cause for Jillian to get a divorce from him further on down the storytelling line.  Still...it weakens Senaca's character for me.  Although, I get the feeling we were always supposed to look down upon Senaca.  For awhile there, when Frank was played by (Andrew Robinson?) I was much more into a Jill/Senaca pairing than Jill/Frank.  Of course, now that Frank is DHK, I want him paired with everybody, myself included.  


Another sighting of Prince Albert this week!  


Can't wait for Monday and the resolution to the Ryan's Bar Massacre!!


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I am. Just do a search for "rh 762" and you'll get episode 762! I believe episodes 1-1240(ish) are up in full. I only started around 700 or so. I started watching it on Soapnet's final airing and then a year later found that it was on YouTube and started up again. I've found another account that has more episodes starting in the 1300s. I'm hoping by the time I get to 1240, someone will have the missing episodes posted. Happy viewing!

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Thank you! I started watching whenever Randall Edwards was Delia until the end of the Soapnet airings and have seen very little after that. I've seen stuff here and there prior to that time but not the full thing. I'm definitely going to check it out. Thank you!

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I did an RH rewatch last summer and it was amazing to see how well the early stories hold up.


Ilene Kristen as Delia is nothing short of awe-inspiring. The whole Jill/Frank/Delia storyline is fascinating to watch because it has very little to do with Delia's love for Frank, she'd have married a bar stool if it would make her a Ryan. Seneca was a great character in that he was written, from day one, as an overbearing ego-driven man without being written as a villain. The writing showed his POV every time. Jill was and still is a unique character - a woman whose life wasn't defined by love, who wasn't turning herself inside out to get married. Frank didn't become a 3-dimensional character for me until Andrew Robinson took over the role, then he became a believable family golden-boy with real flaws. I never wanted Jill with Seneca but I loved watching their story play out. (I didn't want her to follow Frank around forever either.)


Delia/Patrick/Faith was one of the very best stories for me. So much depth to the characters, so many great scenes. The only downside was Tom Desmond. I liked the actor and the character started out OK but the stories written for him were such dreck. Theresa, Terry the tumor, etc. 


Roger Coleridge is one of my all time favorite soap characters. Ron Hale was brilliant. Loved Bob Ryan and it's such a shame the show never really wrote for him. I hated Kim. Even as a middle school kid watching the first run I couldn't believe the show was trying to sell a lousy actress as the show's answer to Laura Webber and, worse insult, a talented actress. Pairing her with Seneca was Squick City but it made a twisted sort of sense based on the characters. 


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