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B&B: Week of March 10, 2008

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I'm tempted to side with Bridget, as far as calling Brooke on her eternal fickleness. I was with Bridget up to the part where she kissed Nick and announced she was ready to be flucked upstairs once Mommy left the building. GAG me...

However, Prick standing there like a dumbass just made me want to gag!!!! Where does he get off judging Brooke for anything? NOT only did he cheat on Brooke with her daughter, and leave his own daughter's funeral to plead with Brooke for another chance, he's married TWO women while he supposedly wasn't over Brooke himself!!!

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Just watched Wednesday's episode and I loved it. Nick and Katie are very funny together. It was awesome that Pam convinced Eric to let Stephanie back into the company. Bridget's reaction to what Brooke was saying was awesome. I can't wait to see Thursday's ep.

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What's funny is Nick still doesn't seem interested in Bridget...he's going up to her cause he can't have Brooke. Bridget may not like it but Brooke needs to drag her out of there for her own good. Before he went upstairs he all but said he would rather he be going up with her instead of Bridget. Let me tell you why I think Brooke is a bad mother...not because she intefered in Bridget and Nick's business..but because she didn't take Bridget out of that house and leave Nick all alone.

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Yeah Nick has had his moments where he couldn't decide who he wanted to be with as well as Ridge, Bridget and many others. I mean the one of the main staples in soaps are triangles which usually involve someone not knowing who they want to be with. But in this case I really think Brooke is going stay with Ridge unforunately (I hate them together).

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Bridget doesn't deserve better if she already admitted she knows he will always be in love with Brooke.That was the basis of their split and that's why their marriage ended in the first place. Bridget has no self respect. She willingly gave him up so he can be "happy" with her mother knowing they were cheating, took the chance to sleep with him again on his yacht knowing Nick was pining after Brooke, and then willingly go back into the same cycle of dysfunction always wondering if he will always be in love with Brooke? She's is just as messed up as Brooke is!! The fact that Nick knows he's still in love with Brooke and just days ago was playing tonsil hockey with her begging her to come back to him proves Bridget deserves all the heartache coming her way. How long before she catches them in bed together?

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Bridget only made sense in that Brooke is fickel and selfish, BUT the issue here is not Brooke. It doesnt matter if Brooke wants Nick or not bc Nick wants her. WHY the hell would Bridget get involved a man knowing she'd be second best to her mother? She's been down that road before TWICE.

And she needs to get her facts straight. She said she gave up her marriage so that Brooke could have Nick and she messed that up. Um no, Nick is the one that ruined that marriage when he slept with Bridget. Bridget is the one that helped end her mother's marriage, not Brooke. Too bad she doesnt remember that. She's turning into quite the delusional obsessive skank like her mother. She just has a bit more class

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That teabag almost killed me! Go Pam! She is the fiercest bitch to hit soaps in YEARS. Love the way they dress her too. Martha Stewart on crack. Love, love, loved Thursdays Brooke/Bridget confrontation. I want Ridge to get back with Ashley, keep Nick and Bridget together and let that whore be alone for a while. Then they can revisit Thorne/Brooke and reveal that Hope is Thorne's baby. Then you have story for years!

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